C Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with C. Find thousands of C word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

C Words Definitions
Letter C Index - Real Dictionary
  • C-001 caballero ... cabin attendant
  • C-002 cabin boy ... cable company
  • C-003 cable connection ... caboc
  • C-004 caboceer ... cachexia
  • C-005 cachexic ... cacotrophy
  • C-006 cacqueteuse ... Caddoan
  • C-007 caddy ... cadreman
  • C-008 caduac ... caesura
  • C-009 caesurae ... cafone
  • C-010 caftan ... cailleach
  • C-011 caimacam ... cake pan
  • C-012 cake shop ... calando
  • C-013 calandria ... calcifier
  • C-014 calcifies ... calcium release
  • C-015 calcium silicate ... calculating machine
  • C-016 calculation ... calendar date
  • C-017 calendar day ... calibrate
  • C-018 calibrate a system ... Californian
  • C-019 Californian spangled cat ... call back
  • C-020 call box ... call the tune
  • C-021 calligraph ... calm fears
  • C-022 call the turn ... calligramme
  • C-023 calm manner ... calories
  • C-024 calories consumed ... calvary
  • C-025 Calvary cross ... camaieu
  • C-026 camail ... camel cricket
  • C-027 camel grass ... camera phone
  • C-028 camera position ... camise
  • C-029 camisia ... camp pie
  • C-030 campaign trail ... camphor laurel
  • C-031 camphor oil ... campshed
  • C-032 camp robber ... campaign tirelessly
  • C-033 campshirt ... can't hold a candle to
  • C-034 Canadian soldier ... cancel
  • C-035 cancel a booking ... cancellation rate
  • C-036 cancelled ... cancerophobia
  • C-037 cancerous ... candidateship
  • C-038 candidature ... candy
  • C-039 candy apple ... canful
  • C-040 cangle ... cannabis joint
  • C-041 cannabis resin ... cannoneer
  • C-042 cannonries ... canonistic
  • C-043 canonize ... cantate
  • C-044 cantatrice ... canto fermo
  • C-045 canton ... canyon wind
  • C-046 can't see the wood for the trees not be able to see the wood for the trees ... Canadian Shield
  • C-047 canyoneer ... capacity audience
  • C-048 capacity booking ... Cape May warbler
  • C-049 Cape Nordkyn ... capers
  • C-050 capeskin ... capital fund
  • C-051 capital funding ... capitalist economy
  • C-052 capitalist enterprise ... capnomancy
  • C-053 capo ... Capricornean
  • C-054 Capricorni ... capsule range
  • C-055 capsule review ... capture a moment
  • C-056 capture a prisoner ... car boot sale
  • C-057 caramba ... carbamic acid
  • C-058 carbamide ... carbolic soap
  • C-059 carbolize ... carbon paper
  • C-060 carbonless paper ... carburetting
  • C-061 carbon particles ... carbonless
  • C-062 car brakes ... car rolls
  • C-063 carburettor ... card issuer
  • C-064 cardiac cells ... cardinal elector
  • C-065 cardinal error ... cardiology
  • C-066 cardiomegaly ... cardophagus
  • C-067 card number ... cardiac care
  • C-068 Cardoso ... career change
  • C-069 career choice ... carefree lifestyle
  • C-070 careful ... careless of
  • C-071 careless use ... cargo space
  • C-072 cargo terminal ... caring parent
  • C-073 caring person ... Carlyle
  • C-074 carmagnole ... carnified
  • C-075 carnifies ... Carolina allspice
  • C-076 Carolina bay ... carpenter
  • C-077 carpenter ant ... carpology
  • C-078 carpometacarpal ... Carrier
  • C-079 carrier bag ... carry a debt
  • C-080 car rug ... carageen
  • C-081 carry a flag ... carry passengers
  • C-082 carry permit ... cartel
  • C-083 cartel member ... cartoon illustration
  • C-084 cartoon image ... carve meat
  • C-085 carve out ... Cascade Range
  • C-086 cascading effect ... caseation
  • C-087 casebearer ... cash bond
  • C-088 cash bonus ... cash option
  • C-089 cashew family ... Casparian strip
  • C-090 cash out ... cashew
  • C-091 caspase ... cassis
  • C-092 Cassite ... cast member
  • C-093 caster angle ... castory
  • C-094 cast of characters ... caster action
  • C-095 castral ... casual restaurant
  • C-096 casual shirt ... CAT scan
  • C-097 cataclysmic ... Cataluña
  • C-098 Catalunya ... catapult
  • C-099 catapult launching ... catastrophism
  • C-100 catastrophize ... catch dog
  • C-101 catch-22 ... catchy song
  • C-102 catch fire ... catch up with
  • C-103 catchy title ... catenae
  • C-104 catenane ... catfooted
  • C-105 catgut ... Cathie
  • C-106 cathiodermie ... catnaper
  • C-107 catnapped ... cattle guard
  • C-108 CAT scanner ... cataclysm
  • C-109 cattle herders ... catworm
  • C-110 Cauca ... cauldrife
  • C-111 cauldron ... causation
  • C-112 causationism ... cause an illness
  • C-113 cause an increase ... cause of liberty
  • C-114 cause of poverty ... cautious
  • C-115 cautious approach ... Cavan
  • C-116 cavass ... cavetto
  • C-117 cavewoman ... cayuse
  • C-118 caz ... CD writer
  • C-119 c ... c.i.f.
  • C-120 CD-I ... Cecil
  • C-121 Cecile ... cefaclor
  • C-122 cefazolin ... celebrate a birthday
  • C-123 celebrate a centenary ... celebratory meal
  • C-124 celebratory mood ... Celestial Empire
  • C-125 celestial equator ... cell culture
  • C-126 cell culture media ... cell mass
  • C-127 cell maturation ... cell suspension
  • C-128 cellphone rings ... cellular phone
  • C-129 cell system ... cellphone number
  • C-130 cellular process ... Celtic
  • C-131 Celtic cross ... CENELEC
  • C-132 cenesthesia ... centavo
  • C-133 centenarian ... centi-
  • C-134 centiare ... Central Bedfordshire
  • C-135 central casting ... central projection
  • C-136 central province ... centre of attention
  • C-137 centre of commerce ... centripetal force
  • C-138 centripetalism ... cèpe
  • C-139 cephal- ... ceramic artist
  • C-140 ceramic bowl ... cereal bowl
  • C-141 cereal crop ... cerecloth
  • C-142 Ceredigion ... Cernuda
  • C-143 cernuous ... certain way
  • C-144 certainly ... cerulean warbler
  • C-145 cerulein ... cespitose
  • C-146 cess ... cetyl alcohol
  • C-147 cetylic acid ... ch
  • C-148 chafeweed ... chain plate
  • C-149 chain printer ... chair leg
  • C-150 chair lift ... chalcocite
  • C-151 chalcogen ... challenge a claim
  • C-152 challenge a convention ... challenging task
  • C-153 challenging terrain ... chamber wall
  • C-154 chambered ... champers
  • C-155 champerties ... championships
  • C-156 Champlain ... chancre
  • C-157 chancroid ... change constantly
  • C-158 change continually ... change profoundly
  • C-159 changeover ... channeler
  • C-160 change purse ... changement de pied
  • C-161 channeling ... chaology
  • C-162 chaordic ... chapelry
  • C-163 chaperon ... chaptrel
  • C-164 Chapultepec ... characteristic
  • C-165 characteristic colour ... charcoal stove
  • C-166 charcoaly ... chargeback
  • C-167 charged ... charitable deduction
  • C-168 charitable donation ... charivari
  • C-169 chark ... Charlottetown
  • C-170 Charlton ... chars
  • C-171 chart ... chartered aircraft
  • C-172 chartered bank ... chase movie
  • C-173 chase plane ... chat merrily
  • C-174 chat message ... chattering
  • C-175 chattering class ... chazan
  • C-176 chazanim ... cheapy
  • C-177 cheat ... check on
  • C-178 checked shirt ... cheddar pink
  • C-179 check out ... checked luggage
  • C-180 cheddary ... cheero
  • C-181 cheers ... chef
  • C-182 chef cooks ... Chelsea Pensioner
  • C-183 Chelsea tractor ... chemical leak
  • C-184 Chemical Mace ... chemiluminescence detection
  • C-185 chemiluminiscence ... chemopallidectomy
  • C-186 chemoprevention ... chenar
  • C-187 Ch'en ... chafer
  • C-188 Chenchiang ... chère
  • C-189 cherem ... cherry-bob
  • C-190 cherry-pick ... chess set
  • C-191 chess team ... chestiest
  • C-192 chestily ... chew
  • C-193 chew gum ... Chianina
  • C-194 Chianti ... chiccories
  • C-195 chiccory ... chicken mushroom
  • C-196 chicken nuggets ... chief administrator
  • C-197 chief adviser ... chief steward
  • C-198 chief strategist ... Chilcat
  • C-199 childbirth ... childlike quality
  • C-200 child ... childbed fever
  • C-201 childlike sense of ... Chilkoot Pass
  • C-202 chill ... chilly morning
  • C-203 chilly water ... chimney swift
  • C-204 chimney wheel ... China wood oil
  • C-205 chinaberries ... Chinese eddo
  • C-206 Chinese Empire ... Chinese-lantern plant
  • C-207 chinfest ... chip design
  • C-208 chip designer ... chirk
  • C-209 chirl ... chiselled jaw
  • C-210 chiseller ... chiz
  • C-211 Chkalov ... chlorimeter
  • C-212 chlorimetric ... chlorometric
  • C-213 chlorometry ... choc
  • C-214 choc-ice ... chog
  • C-215 Chogyal ... chokedamp
  • C-216 chokehold ... cholera infantum
  • C-217 cholera infection ... chommie
  • C-218 Chomolangma ... Chŏnju
  • C-219 chonk ... chop wood
  • C-220 chop-chop ... choral singing
  • C-221 choral society ... choreographed movement
  • C-222 choreographer ... choroid coat
  • C-223 choroid plexus ... Chosŏn
  • C-224 chota ... chrisom
  • C-225 chrisom child ... Christine
  • C-226 Christine de Pisan ... Christophe
  • C-227 christophene ... chrome alum
  • C-228 chrome dioxide ... chromogranin
  • C-229 chromolithograph ... chronic glaucoma
  • C-230 chronic hepatitis ... chronological account
  • C-231 chronological age ... chrysophenine
  • C-232 chrysophilite ... chuckle
  • C-233 chucklehead ... chummy
  • C-234 chump ... church auditorium
  • C-235 church authorities ... church school
  • C-236 church service ... churn
  • C-237 churn drill ... chytridiomycosis
  • C-238 ci ... -cidal
  • C-239 cidaris ... ciggy
  • C-240 c.i.f.c.i. ... caballer
  • C-241 ciglitazone ... cinchona
  • C-242 cinchona bark ... cinematic history
  • C-243 cinematic quality ... cinnamon powder
  • C-244 cinnamon sedge ... circensial
  • C-245 circensian ... circuitous route
  • C-246 circuitry ... circulate a myth
  • C-247 circulate a petition ... circumfluent
  • C-248 circumfluous ... circumstances warrant
  • C-249 circumstantial ... cirrostrati
  • C-250 cirrostratus ... citalopram
  • C-251 citation ... citizenship ceremony
  • C-252 citizenship class ... cittern
  • C-253 city ... city park
  • C-254 city plan ... civic hall
  • C-255 civic improvement ... civil liberties
  • C-256 civilian government ... civism
  • C-257 civil liberty ... civilian employment
  • C-258 Civitan ... cladophyll
  • C-259 cladoptosis ... claiming race
  • C-260 claims adjuster ... clamp down on
  • C-261 clampdown ... clapped
  • C-262 clapped out ... clarify the matter
  • C-263 clarify the meaning of ... clash of styles
  • C-264 clash of titans ... class schedule
  • C-265 classical music ... classified
  • C-266 classic pattern ... classical mechanics
  • C-267 classified ad ... classy look
  • C-268 class session ... classic novel
  • C-269 classy restaurant ... clavicembalo
  • C-270 clavichord ... clay pit
  • C-271 clay pot ... clean conscience
  • C-272 clean container ... cleaner
  • C-273 cleaner tooth ... cleanup cost
  • C-274 cleanup effort ... clear indication
  • C-275 clear-cut result ... clearway
  • C-276 clear instruction ... clear-cut issue
  • C-277 clearweed ... clementine
  • C-278 Clementines ... clerical support
  • C-279 clerical tasks ... clever plot
  • C-280 clever ploy ... clicking sound
  • C-281 clickjacking ... clift
  • C-282 Clifton ... climategate
  • C-283 climatic ... climb the wall
  • C-284 climb the walls ... clinging vine
  • C-285 Clingmans Dome ... clinical manifestation
  • C-286 clinical medicine ... clinicopathologic
  • C-287 clinicopathological ... clipper ship
  • C-288 clipper-built ... cloak
  • C-289 cloak of anonymity ... clod
  • C-290 clod poll ... cloky
  • C-291 clomazone ... close a curtain
  • C-292 close a deal ... close juncture
  • C-293 closed environment ... closefitting
  • C-294 closegrained ... clot formation
  • C-295 close link ... close up
  • C-296 close up/to ... closed ecosystem
  • C-297 clotbur ... clothing
  • C-298 clothing accessory ... cloud over
  • C-299 cloud physics ... clove
  • C-300 clove hitch ... club chair
  • C-301 club championship ... clubmanship
  • C-302 clubmaster ... clupeid
  • C-303 clupeoid ... Clydesdale
  • C-304 clype ... CNR
  • C-305 CNS ... co-payment
  • C-306 coaching house ... coagulant
  • C-307 coagulase ... coal supply
  • C-308 coalpit ... coast rhododendron
  • C-309 coal tar ... coalmine
  • C-310 coastal trail ... coat-tail
  • C-311 Coast Salish ... coastal town
  • C-312 coat-tails ... cobaltite
  • C-313 cobaltous ... cocaine bust
  • C-314 cocaine habit ... Cochise
  • C-315 cochlea ... cockerel
  • C-316 Cockerell ... cockpit voice recorder
  • C-317 cockpit window ... cocoa powder
  • C-318 cocoa producer ... cod
  • C-319 codefendant ... codon
  • C-320 cod end ... coded information
  • C-321 codon bias ... coeloscope
  • C-322 coelostat ... coetaneous
  • C-323 coeternal ... coffee house
  • C-324 coffee klatch ... cofunction
  • C-325 cog ... cognitive effects
  • C-326 cognitive empathy ... Cogswell chair
  • C-327 cogue ... cohesion
  • C-328 cohesionless ... coign of vantage
  • C-329 coigne ... coinfer
  • C-330 coinhere ... colacobiosis
  • C-331 colada ... cold floor
  • C-332 cold frame ... cold winter
  • C-333 cold work ... coleorhiza
  • C-334 coleorhizae ... collaboration tool
  • C-335 collaborationist ... collapsed roof
  • C-336 collapsed wall ... collect coins
  • C-337 collect data ... collection point
  • C-338 collection spans ... collective spirit
  • C-339 collective strength ... college graduate
  • C-340 college graduation ... colleterial gland
  • C-341 Collette ... collocational
  • C-342 collocutor ... collyria
  • C-343 collyrium ... colonial legacy
  • C-344 colonial mansion ... color blindness
  • C-345 color chart ... colorectal
  • C-346 colorectum ... colostrous
  • C-347 colostrum ... colour variation
  • C-348 colour-blind ... colourless
  • C-349 colourless gas ... columbous
  • C-350 Columbus ... comatic
  • C-351 comatose ... combat personnel
  • C-352 combat pilot ... combination of methods
  • C-353 combination of traits ... combined operations
  • C-354 combined output ... comdg
  • C-355 Comdr ... come forward
  • C-356 comedic timing ... comet assay
  • C-357 come from ... come over
  • C-358 come rain or shine ... come under
  • C-359 comet impact ... comfortable position
  • C-360 come under fire ... comedic talent
  • C-361 comfortable retirement ... comic interlude
  • C-362 comic masterpiece ... comique
  • C-363 comitadji ... command the attention
  • C-364 command-driven ... commemoratory
  • C-365 commence ... commercial aerospace
  • C-366 commercial agency ... commercial law
  • C-367 commercial lender ... commerge
  • C-368 commie ... commission research
  • C-369 commission revenue ... commitment ceremony
  • C-370 commitment fee ... commo
  • C-371 commode ... common cancer
  • C-372 common carotid artery ... common iguana
  • C-373 common iliac artery ... common school
  • C-374 common scold ... common-sense realism
  • C-375 common-situs picketing ... communal hall
  • C-376 communal harmony ... communicate regularly
  • C-377 communicate telepathically ... communion cloth
  • C-378 communion cup ... community correctional center
  • C-379 community council ... communize
  • C-380 commutable ... comp time
  • C-381 compañero ... company law
  • C-382 company liquidation ... comparative genomics
  • C-383 comparative government ... compared
  • C-384 compared with sth/compared to sth ... compathy
  • C-385 compatibility issues ... compendious
  • C-386 compendium ... compete directly with
  • C-387 compete effectively ... competition heats up
  • C-388 competition inquiry ... competitive position
  • C-389 competitive pressure ... compital
  • C-390 Comp. Gen. ... compañera
  • C-391 complacencies ... complementary colors
  • C-392 complementary colour ... complete a trial
  • C-393 complete abandonment ... complete halt
  • C-394 complete idiot ... complete stranger
  • C-395 completely innocent ... complex
  • C-396 complete suite of ... completely independent
  • C-397 complex algorithm ... complex negotiations
  • C-398 complexity ... complicated mixture
  • C-399 complex network ... complexities surrounding
  • C-400 complicated negotiations ... comply fully with
  • C-401 comply with regulations ... composite panel
  • C-402 composite photograph ... compound engine
  • C-403 compound eye ... comprehensive assessment
  • C-404 comprehensive audit ... compressed file
  • C-405 compressed gas ... compt
  • C-406 comptable ... compunctious
  • C-407 compurgation ... computer engineer
  • C-408 computer equipment ... computer technology
  • C-409 computer terminal ... computing power
  • C-410 computing science ... conacreism
  • C-411 CONAD ... conceive
  • C-412 conceive a plan ... concentration of wealth
  • C-413 concentration range ... conceptualizer
  • C-414 conceptus ... concerted
  • C-415 concerted action ... conchae
  • C-416 conchate ... conclude successfully
  • C-417 concluding ... concrete brick
  • C-418 concrete bridge ... concrew
  • C-419 concubinage ... condensation nucleus
  • C-420 condensation point ... conditional sentence
  • C-421 conditionalization ... conducive
  • C-422 conducive conditions ... conducted annually
  • C-423 conducted tour ... Conestoga wagon
  • C-424 coney ... conference attendees
  • C-425 conference call ... confetto
  • C-426 confidant ... confidential source
  • C-427 confidentiality agreement ... confirm the importance of
  • C-428 confirm the presence of ... conflict situation
  • C-429 conflict zone ... confocal
  • C-430 confocal images ... confront head-on
  • C-431 confront reality ... conga drum
  • C-432 conga line ... conglutinant
  • C-433 conglutinate ... congressional delegation
  • C-434 Congressional district ... conicoid
  • C-435 conics ... conjunctive eye movement
  • C-436 conjunctiveness ... connect properly
  • C-437 connect remotely ... connivent
  • C-438 connivery ... conscience-smitten
  • C-439 conscience-stricken ... consecratedness
  • C-440 Consecration ... consent order
  • C-441 consent process ... conservation laboratory
  • C-442 conservation land ... conservative coalition
  • C-443 conservative commentator ... conserve moisture
  • C-444 conserve nature ... considerable cost
  • C-446 considerable skill ... consist essentially of
  • C-447 consist exclusively of ... consistently successful
  • C-448 consistories ... consonancies
  • C-449 consonancy ... conspurcation
  • C-450 Constantinopolitan Creed ... constitution
  • C-451 constant need ... Constantinople
  • C-452 const. ... constant movement
  • C-453 constitution allows ... constitutional process
  • C-454 constitutional prohibition ... constrictor
  • C-455 constringe ... construction frenzy
  • C-456 construction industry ... constructure
  • C-457 construe ... consultant physician
  • C-458 consultant psychiatrist ... consumer backlash
  • C-459 consumer banking ... consumer survey
  • C-460 consumer taste ... contact high
  • C-461 contact hours ... contagious effect
  • C-462 contagious enthusiasm ... containerization
  • C-463 containerize ... contemperature
  • C-464 contemplable ... contemporary fiction
  • C-465 contemporary furniture ... contendent
  • C-466 contender ... contestant wins
  • C-467 contestants compete ... continental rise
  • C-468 continental seating ... continuance
  • C-469 continuant ... continued pressure
  • C-470 continued progress ... continuity equation
  • C-471 continuity girl ... continuous wave
  • C-472 continuous waves ... contracept
  • C-473 contraception ... contract worker
  • C-474 contractability ... contradictious
  • C-475 contradictive ... contrapose
  • C-476 contraposition ... contravention
  • C-477 contrayerva ... contriturate
  • C-478 contrivance ... control individually
  • C-479 contrôlé ... controversial film
  • C-480 control inflation ... control wells
  • C-481 controversial idea ... convalescency
  • C-482 convalescent ... convent
  • C-483 convent girl ... conventional vehicle
  • C-484 conventional view ... conversational tone
  • C-485 conversational topic ... convertend
  • C-486 converter ... convey enthusiasm
  • C-487 convey excitement ... convincing argument
  • C-488 convincing case ... cooch
  • C-489 Cooch Behar ... cookery course
  • C-490 cookery school ... Cookson
  • C-491 cookstove ... cool-headed
  • C-492 coolabah ... coonskin
  • C-493 coontie ... coordinate paper
  • C-495 copartner ... coping saw
  • C-496 co-pilot ... coaching glass
  • C-497 coping skills ... copper producer
  • C-498 copper pyrites ... coproduce
  • C-499 coproducer ... copy desk
  • C-500 copy directly ... copyreader
  • C-501 copyright ... cor blimey
  • C-502 corazón ... cordial relations
  • C-503 cordial relationship ... core characteristics
  • C-504 core city ... core value
  • C-505 core vocabulary ... Corinthians
  • C-506 Coriolanus ... corn cake
  • C-507 corn chip ... corn whisky
  • C-508 corn-cracker ... corner house
  • C-509 corner kick ... cornicula
  • C-510 corniculate ... Cornwell
  • C-511 cornworm ... coronary thrombosis
  • C-512 coronary vein ... corporate backer
  • C-513 corporate banking ... corporate park
  • C-514 corporate partner ... corps de ballet
  • C-515 corps diplomatique ... correct assessment
  • C-516 cor pulmonale ... coranto
  • C-517 correct balance ... corrective action
  • C-518 corrective measure ... correspondent bank
  • C-519 correspondent reports ... corrodies
  • C-520 corrody ... corselette
  • C-521 corset ... cortisone
  • C-522 Cortland ... COSATU
  • C-523 coscenarist ... cosmetic product
  • C-524 cosmetic surgeon ... cosmogonies
  • C-525 cosmogony ... cost advantage
  • C-526 cost allocation ... cost rent
  • C-527 costally ... Costner
  • C-528 costo- ... cot case
  • C-529 cost roughly ... costalgia
  • C-530 cot death ... Cotswold
  • C-531 Cotswold Hills ... cotton dress
  • C-532 cotton fabric ... cottonseed oil
  • C-533 cottontail ... coughing
  • C-534 coughing fit ... council leader
  • C-535 council leadership ... counsellor
  • C-536 counselor ... countdown timer
  • C-537 countenance ... counterbid
  • C-538 counterbidder ... counterfort
  • C-539 counterglow ... counterplotting
  • C-540 counterploy ... counterstate
  • C-541 counterstatement ... counting number
  • C-542 counting of votes ... country music
  • C-543 country of origin ... county farm
  • C-544 county government ... couplet
  • C-545 coupling ... course
  • C-546 course book ... court concludes
  • C-547 court controversy ... Court of Session
  • C-548 courthouse steps ... couth
  • C-549 court of sessions ... courthouse
  • C-550 couthie ... cover a container
  • C-551 cover a deposit ... cover the surface
  • C-552 cover the waterfront ... covert surveillance
  • C-553 coverture ... cowan
  • C-554 coward ... cowish
  • C-555 cowitch ... coxcomical
  • C-556 coxib ... CPSU
  • C-557 CPT theorem ... crack a joke
  • C-558 crack a mystery ... cracked residue
  • C-559 cracked rib ... cradleboard
  • C-560 cradlesong ... crag
  • C-561 cragfast ... cramped interior
  • C-562 cramped kitchen ... craniocaudal
  • C-563 craniocaudally ... crannequin
  • C-564 crannied ... crash for cash
  • C-565 crash hard ... craton
  • C-566 cratur ... crayoner
  • C-567 craythur ... cream tea
  • C-568 cream-colored ... create a commission
  • C-569 create a composition ... creatine kinase
  • C-570 creatine phosphate ... creative pursuit
  • C-571 creative side ... credibility gap
  • C-572 credibility problem ... credit crunch
  • C-573 credit default swap ... creditor protection
  • C-574 credits ... creepmouse
  • C-575 creeps ... crenelate
  • C-576 crenelated ... crepitus
  • C-577 crepoline ... crested wheatgrass
  • C-578 crestfallen ... CRF
  • C-579 CRI ... cricopharyngeal
  • C-580 cried ... Crimean
  • C-581 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory ... criminal investigator
  • C-582 criminal jurisdiction ... criminy
  • C-583 crimmer ... crippled
  • C-584 crippledom ... crispature
  • C-585 crispbread ... critical assessment
  • C-586 critical attention ... critical reception
  • C-587 critical reflection ... critics contend
  • C-588 critics object ... crocodile bird
  • C-589 crocodile clip ... cronyism
  • C-590 croodle ... crop-dusting
  • C-591 crop-eared ... cross a track
  • C-592 cross an ocean ... cross the bar
  • C-593 crossbow archery ... crossover
  • C-594 cross-country ... cross-modality
  • C-595 cross-nodal ... crossbow
  • C-596 crossover appeal ... croton
  • C-597 cross the equator ... cross-correlation
  • C-598 Croton bug ... crowd numbers
  • C-599 crowd of demonstrators ... crowdie
  • C-600 crowds of tourists ... Crown Prosecution Service
  • C-601 Crown prosecutor ... crucial component
  • C-602 crucial contribution ... cruciate ligament
  • C-603 crucible ... crude tank yard
  • C-604 Cruden ... cruise vessel
  • C-605 cruiser ... crumpled
  • C-606 crumpled face ... crush dissent
  • C-607 crush garlic ... crux
  • C-608 crux ansata ... crymotherapy
  • C-609 cryo- ... cryotherapy
  • C-610 cryotolerance ... cryptomnesia
  • C-611 cryptomnesic ... crystal pick-up
  • C-612 crystal pickup ... CSEU
  • C-613 CSF ... cub
  • C-614 cubicly ... cucumber root
  • C-615 cub master ... cubicle wall
  • C-616 cucumber salad ... cuff button
  • C-617 cuff link ... culinary art
  • C-618 culinary creation ... culpable negligence
  • C-619 culpae ... cultivated plants
  • C-620 cultivated variety ... cultural constraints
  • C-621 cultural construct ... Cultural Revolution
  • C-622 cultural significance ... culture of secrecy
  • C-623 culture pattern ... Cumberland Plateau
  • C-624 Cumberland sauce ... cumulative value
  • C-625 cumulative voting ... Cup Final
  • C-626 cup fungus ... cuppa
  • C-627 cupped ... curate's-eggish
  • C-628 curate-in-charge ... curbside
  • C-629 curbstone ... curialism
  • C-630 curialist ... curlew
  • C-631 curlew sandpiper ... curranty
  • C-632 currawong ... current administration
  • C-633 current affairs ... current policy
  • C-634 current position ... curriculum reform
  • C-635 curriculum requirements ... curtail freedom
  • C-636 curtail production ... curule chair
  • C-637 curvaceous ... cushier
  • C-638 cushiest ... custard pie
  • C-639 custard powder ... customer complaint
  • C-640 customer credit ... customs duty
  • C-641 customs form ... cut aid
  • C-642 cut along ... cut of one's jib
  • C-643 cutdown ... cutout
  • C-644 cut of someone's jib ... cut the umbilical cord
  • C-645 cutover ... cutwork
  • C-646 cut through ... cutcherry
  • C-647 cutwork lace ... cyaniding
  • C-648 cyanine ... cyberbullying
  • C-649 cybercafe ... cycle hire
  • C-650 cycle lane ... cycling clothes
  • C-651 cycling club ... cyclone furnace
  • C-652 cyclonic ... Cyd
  • C-653 cyder ... cymatics
  • C-654 cymation ... Cynthia
  • C-655 CYO ... cysteine
  • C-656 cysteine desulfurase ... cytoadherence
  • C-657 cytoanalyzer ... cytonuclear
  • C-658 cytopathic ... cytotoxic T cell
  • C-659 cytotoxicity ... Częstochowa

More Definitions

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