W Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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W Words Definitions
Letter W Index - Real Dictionary
  • W-001 WADA ... waffle slab
  • W-002 waffle weave ... wage reduction
  • W-003 wage restraint ... wagon load
  • W-004 wagon master ... wainwright
  • W-005 wair ... wait-a-bit
  • W-006 wait-a-while ... Wakashan
  • W-007 Wakayama ... Waldstein
  • W-008 waldsterben ... walk on eggs
  • W-009 walkies ... wall calendar
  • W-010 walk on eggshells ... walkie-talkie
  • W-011 wall chart ... Wall Streeter
  • W-012 Wallonia ... waltz time
  • W-013 wall stud ... Wallis and Futuna Islands
  • W-014 waltz-length ... wanderlust
  • W-015 wanderoo ... want companionship
  • W-016 want desperately to ... war aims
  • W-017 War and Peace ... war paint
  • W-018 warded ... warfarer
  • W-019 warfarin ... warm glow
  • W-020 warm greeting ... warm-up act
  • W-021 warm-up drill ... warning beep
  • W-022 warning bell ... warranties
  • W-023 war party ... wardcorn
  • W-024 warrantise ... wartime shortages
  • W-025 wartless ... wash your hands of something or someone
  • W-026 wash-and-wear ... Washington clam
  • W-027 Washington lily ... waste a minute
  • W-028 waste a second ... wasteful use of
  • W-029 wastel ... Watch Committee
  • W-030 watch coverage ... watchdogging
  • W-031 watched silently ... water bug
  • W-032 water butt ... water gushes
  • W-033 waterdog ... waterlocust
  • W-034 water hammer ... water of hydration
  • W-035 waterlog ... waterweed
  • W-036 water off a duck's back ... water shortage
  • W-037 water shrew ... water vole
  • W-038 water wagon ... watercycle
  • W-039 waterwheel ... WAV
  • W-040 waveform ... wax paper
  • W-041 wave ... waved umber
  • W-042 wax plant ... wayfare
  • W-043 wayfarer ... we've
  • W-044 weaken a link ... wealth of opportunity
  • W-045 wealth of talent ... weaponeer
  • W-046 weaponeering ... wear a scarf
  • W-047 wear a smile ... wear spectacles
  • W-048 wear stripes ... weaseller
  • W-049 weaselly ... weather vane
  • W-050 weather warning ... weave cloth
  • W-051 weave cotton ... web-based
  • W-052 WEA ... weaken a bond
  • W-053 web-based application ... website features
  • W-054 website forum ... wedding gown
  • W-055 wedding guest ... wee-wee
  • W-056 weed ... weekend visit
  • W-057 weekend warrior ... weel
  • W-058 weeldlesse ... weid
  • W-059 Weierstrass approximation theorem ... weightage
  • W-060 weighted ... weird twist
  • W-061 weirdo ... welcome touch
  • W-062 Welcome Wagon ... welfaristic
  • W-063 welfarite ... well-balanced meal
  • W-064 well-behaved ... well-fed
  • W-065 well-financed ... well-liked
  • W-066 well-lined ... well-recommended
  • W-067 well-regarded ... well-wooded
  • W-068 well-worn ... Welsh Assembly
  • W-069 Welsh Black ... Wenonah
  • W-070 wensleydale ... West Atlantic
  • W-071 West Bank ... West Saxon
  • W-072 western hemlock ... westernmost
  • W-073 Westfalen ... wet floor
  • W-074 West Sussex ... western hemisphere
  • W-075 wet fly ... wether
  • W-076 wetland ... whakapapa
  • W-077 whale ... wharf
  • W-078 wharf rat ... what though
  • W-079 what with ... wheat berry
  • W-080 wheat bran ... wheel cover
  • W-081 wheel gauge ... wheep
  • W-082 wheesh ... where one is coming from
  • W-083 where one lives ... (whether you) like it or not
  • W-084 whether…or ... whiles
  • W-085 whilk ... whip up
  • W-086 whip-and-tongue graft ... whirl round
  • W-087 whirlabout ... whiskies
  • W-088 whiskified ... Whitaker
  • W-089 Whitbread ... white cockatoo
  • W-090 white coffee ... white horse
  • W-091 whiteface ... whitish
  • W-092 white-flowered gourd ... whitedamp
  • W-093 White House ... white pepper
  • W-094 white perch ... white squall
  • W-095 white stallion ... white-faced hornet
  • W-096 whitishness ... who cares
  • W-097 who is sb kidding/who is sb trying to kid? ... whole genre
  • W-098 whole heap of ... whole-life insurance
  • W-099 whole-souled ... wholly different
  • W-100 wholly false ... whopper
  • W-101 whopping ... whydah (bird)
  • W-102 whydah bird ... wide appeal
  • W-103 wide application ... wide receiver
  • W-104 widely accessible ... widespread acceptance
  • W-105 wide recognition ... widely accepted
  • W-107 widespread lack of ... widow's walk
  • W-108 widow's weeds ... wig
  • W-109 wig out ... wild basil
  • W-110 wild bean ... wild herbs
  • W-111 wilderness hike ... wildly different
  • W-112 wild hog ... wild rice
  • W-113 wildly disparate ... Wilhelmine
  • W-114 wild ride ... wilderness experience
  • W-115 Wilhelmshaven ... Williamsburg
  • W-116 Williamson ... Wilmer
  • W-117 Wilmington ... win a duel
  • W-118 win a final ... win recognition
  • W-119 wind generator ... wind-screen
  • W-120 winding road ... window-shopped
  • W-121 windowglass shell ... Windward Islands
  • W-122 wind-shaken ... winding number
  • W-123 Windward Passage ... winegrowing
  • W-124 Winehouse ... wingback formation
  • W-125 wingbeat ... winnability
  • W-126 winnable ... winnings
  • W-127 Winnipeg ... winter heating
  • W-128 win round ... wind gauge
  • W-129 wintercress ... wiper blade
  • W-130 winter hedge ... winterbourne
  • W-131 WIPO ... wired equivalent privacy
  • W-132 wiredraw ... wireless telephony
  • W-133 wireless transmission ... Wisdom of Solomon
  • W-134 wisdom tooth ... Wislany Zalew
  • W-135 Wismar ... witching
  • W-136 witching hour ... with flying colours
  • W-137 wither ... without (a) doubt
  • W-138 with good cheer ... with your eyes glued to something
  • W-139 without a hitch ... withywind
  • W-140 with your eyes open ... withe rod
  • W-141 witigo ... Wittgensteinian
  • W-142 witticism ... woadwax
  • W-143 woadwaxen ... wok
  • W-144 wokas ... wolframic
  • W-145 wolframite ... womanizer
  • W-146 womanizing ... wonder of nature
  • W-147 wonder-stricken ... wondrous sight
  • W-148 wondrous thing ... wood filler
  • W-149 wooded park ... wooden gate
  • W-150 wooden handle ... wooden tower
  • W-151 wooden toy ... woodnote
  • W-152 wood finish ... wood stain
  • W-153 woodpecker ... woofer
  • W-154 wood stork ... wooded landscape
  • W-155 wooftah ... woollen mill
  • W-156 woollen scarf ... woozier
  • W-157 wooziest ... word-type
  • W-158 wordage ... work habits
  • W-159 workerist ... working method
  • W-160 work hand in hand ... work your socks off
  • W-161 working mine ... workout schedule
  • W-162 workout session ... world beat
  • W-163 work yourself up into a lather/get in a lather ... worker-priest
  • W-164 World Boxing Association ... World War II
  • W-165 worldscale ... worm lizard
  • W-166 World War III ... worlds collide
  • W-167 worm moon ... worryguts
  • W-168 worrying ... wort
  • W-169 worth ... wosbird
  • W-170 wost ... wouldn't be seen/caught dead to be seen dead
  • W-171 wouldn't harm a fly ... WR
  • W-172 wrasse ... wrest plank
  • W-173 WRA ... wrapt
  • W-174 wrestle ... wristdrop
  • W-175 wristlet ... write a prescription
  • W-176 write a review ... writer's block
  • W-177 writer's cramp ... written form
  • W-178 written guarantee ... wrong move
  • W-179 wrong number ... wry wit
  • W-180 wry-necked ... wuss
  • W-181 wussier ... WYSIWYM
  • W-182 w ... Wad Medani
  • W-183 wyte ... wyvern

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