V Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with V. Find thousands of V word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

V Words Definitions
Letter V Index - Real Dictionary
  • V-001 vacant chair ... vaccine development
  • V-002 vaccine dose ... vacuum device
  • V-003 vacuum distillation ... vaginal condom
  • V-004 vaginal cream ... vague reference
  • V-005 vague sense ... Valais
  • V-006 valance ... valeric acid
  • V-007 Valerie ... validation cohort
  • V-008 validity ... valuable advice
  • V-009 valuable ally ... value a contribution
  • V-010 value a friendship ... valve trombone
  • V-011 valve-in-head engine ... Van Rompuy
  • V-012 vanilla-flavoured ... Vantablack
  • V-013 vantage ... vapourer moth
  • V-014 Van Vleck ... vanilla-flavored
  • V-015 vapouringly ... variable-geometry
  • V-016 variable-pitch ... varied menu
  • V-017 varied repertoire ... various degrees
  • V-018 various disciplines ... Varro
  • V-019 varroa ... vascular bundle
  • V-020 vascular cylinder ... vasoconstrictive
  • V-021 vasoconstrictor ... vast complex
  • V-023 vast sum ... vatted
  • V-024 vatter ... vb
  • V-025 vc ... vedette
  • V-026 vedette boat ... vegetable ivory
  • V-027 vegetable kingdom ... vegetative cells
  • V-028 vegetative coma ... Veii
  • V-029 veil ... velitation
  • V-030 velites ... velvet couch
  • V-031 velvet curtain ... vending machine
  • V-032 venditation ... Venetian sumac
  • V-033 Venetian window ... venomous bite
  • V-034 venomous snake ... ventricle
  • V-035 ventricose ... venturingly
  • V-036 venturous ... verbal attack
  • V-037 verbal auxiliary ... verbifies
  • V-038 verbify ... Verhaeren
  • V-039 veridian ... Vermeer
  • V-040 vermeil ... vernalize
  • V-041 vernant ... versatile forward
  • V-042 versatile instrument ... Vertebrata
  • V-043 vertebrate ... vertical transmission
  • V-044 vertical union ... very good
  • V-045 very heart ... vesiculate
  • V-046 vesiculose ... vestimentary
  • V-047 vesting ... veterinary care
  • V-048 veterinary clinic ... VGA card
  • V-049 vgc ... vibe
  • V-050 vibes ... vibratory mill
  • V-051 vibrio ... vice admiral
  • V-052 vice chancellor ... vicious circle
  • V-053 vicious cycle ... Victoriana
  • V-054 Victorianism ... video arcade
  • V-055 video art ... video podcast
  • V-056 video presentation ... vidette
  • V-057 Videvdat ... view positively
  • V-058 view prevails ... vigesimo-quarto
  • V-059 vigia ... vikingism
  • V-060 villanage ... vin rouge
  • V-061 vil ... villainy
  • V-062 vine-growing ... Vinson
  • V-063 vint ... viola da braccio
  • V-064 vin- ... vine snake
  • V-065 viola da gamba ... violent repression
  • V-066 violent response ... viperous
  • V-067 viretot ... Virgo
  • V-068 Virgo cluster ... virtual human
  • V-069 virtual image ... virtually instant
  • V-070 virtually instantaneous ... virulent strain
  • V-071 viruliferous ... visceral adipose tissue
  • V-072 VIR ... virescent
  • V-073 visceral arch ... Vishinsky
  • V-074 Vishnu ... vision mixer
  • V-075 vision mixing ... visitant
  • V-076 visitation ... vistal
  • V-077 Vistula ... visual information
  • V-078 visual input ... visually distinctive
  • V-079 visually dramatic ... vital resource
  • V-080 vital role ... vitamin injection
  • V-081 vitamin intake ... Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • V-082 vitrage ... Vittoria
  • V-083 Vittorio ... vivid green
  • V-084 vivid hue ... VJ
  • V-085 vl ... vocal chords
  • V-086 vocal coach ... vocalness
  • V-087 vocals ... voguing
  • V-088 voguish ... voice trembles
  • V-089 voice vote ... volatic
  • V-090 volatile ... volcanic sand
  • V-091 volcanic soil ... Volscian
  • V-092 Volstead Act ... volume velocity
  • V-093 volumed ... voluntary resignation
  • V-094 voluntary retailer ... voluted
  • V-095 volutin ... voracious
  • V-096 voracious appetite ... votary
  • V-097 voters oppose ... vow
  • V-098 vote ... voters elect
  • V-099 vow renewal ... VRAM
  • V-100 VRI ... vulgarity
  • V-101 vulgarization ... vv
  • V-102 v ... vacant building
  • V-103 vv.ll. ... Vyvyan

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