N Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with N. Find thousands of N word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

N Words Definitions
Letter N Index - Real Dictionary
  • N-001 nabe ... naething
  • N-002 naeve ... Nahal
  • N-003 NAHB ... nailbiter
  • N-004 nailbrush ... naked street
  • N-005 naker ... name tag
  • N-006 name tape ... nancified
  • N-007 nancy ... nanocomposite
  • N-008 nanocrystal ... Naomi
  • N-009 naos ... Napoli
  • N-010 napoo ... narcotics charge
  • N-011 Narcotics Squad ... narrative frame
  • N-012 narrative framework ... narrow doorway
  • N-013 narrow down ... narrow the difference
  • N-014 narrow the field ... nasal gleet
  • N-015 nasal index ... nasolacrimal duct
  • N-016 nasolacrymal ... Nat
  • N-017 natak ... national anthem
  • N-018 national archives ... National Endowment for the Arts
  • N-019 National Endowment for the Humanities ... national level
  • N-020 National Liberation Front ... national standard
  • N-021 national status ... nationwide network
  • N-022 nationwide phenomenon ... natter
  • N-023 natterjack ... natural dye
  • N-024 natural element ... natural light
  • N-025 naturalism ... NAU
  • N-026 natural lighting ... naturalise
  • N-027 nauch ... Nav. E.
  • N-028 Navaho ... navarchy
  • N-029 navarho ... navigation controls
  • N-030 navigation device ... Naxuana
  • N-031 nay ... nd
  • N-032 NDA ... near disaster
  • N-033 near distance ... Nearctic
  • N-034 nearer ... neatherd
  • N-035 neatly folded ... necessary change
  • N-036 necessary clearances ... necessitous
  • N-037 necessitousness ... necrobacillosis
  • N-038 necrobiosis ... nectarize
  • N-039 nectarous ... need manpower
  • N-040 needlewomen ... negative capability
  • N-041 need monitoring ... needlewoman
  • N-042 negative cash flow ... negative portrayal
  • N-043 negative predictive value ... negligeable
  • N-044 negligee ... negotiated peace
  • N-045 negotiated settlement ... neighbor states
  • N-046 neighborhood ... nem. con.
  • N-047 nem. diss. ... nenuphar
  • N-048 neocortex ... neonatal care
  • N-049 neonatal mortality ... Neotropical
  • N-050 neo- ... neoconservative
  • N-051 neotropics ... nephrism
  • N-054 nerve trunk ... Nessie
  • N-055 Nessler's reagent ... net gain
  • N-058 network ... neumatic
  • N-065 neutrophilic ... new addition
  • N-067 newborn twins ... newly affluent
  • N-069 New Forest ... New Jersey tea
  • N-071 newly available ... news correspondent
  • N-073 newscast ... newspaper readers
  • N-074 news coverage ... newsbreak
  • N-076 newwaver ... Ngerulmud
  • N-077 New York minute ... newborn screening
  • N-078 NGF ... NIC
  • N-079 Nica ... niche
  • N-080 niche audience ... nickel-plated
  • N-081 nickel-plating ... nicotine fix
  • N-082 nicotine patch ... Niederösterreich
  • N-083 Niedersachsen ... niggerism
  • N-084 niggerling ... night safe
  • N-085 nighties ... nigricant
  • N-086 night school ... nightie
  • N-087 nigrify ... nilgai
  • N-088 Nilgiri Hills ... nine ball
  • N-089 nine o'clock ... ninety-six
  • N-090 ninety-sixth ... nip in the bud
  • N-091 nip something in the bud ... nit-pick
  • N-092 nit-picking ... nitrite
  • N-093 nitro ... nitrophenol
  • N-094 nitrophilous ... nixie mail
  • N-095 Nixie tube ... no chicken
  • N-096 n ... nabbing
  • N-097 noble gas ... noctilucae
  • N-098 no cigar ... no matter
  • N-099 noctilucent ... nodding dog
  • N-100 nodding donkey ... nointer
  • N-101 noir ... nolition
  • N-102 noll ... nominal scale
  • N-103 no matter what ... no way
  • N-104 nominal sentence ... non compos mentis
  • N-105 nonadmirer ... nonascetic
  • N-106 nonaspirin ... nonbroadcast
  • N-107 nonbuilding ... noncitizen
  • N-108 nonclandestine ... noncomplex
  • N-109 noncompliance ... noncontact
  • N-110 noncontagious ... noncyclic
  • N-111 noncyclical ... nondiplomatic
  • N-112 nondirected ... noneffective
  • N-113 nonego ... nonexecutive director
  • N-114 non est ... non-Euclidean geometry
  • N-115 non-event ... non-secure
  • N-116 nonexempt ... nonflammability
  • N-117 nonflammable ... nonhaemolytic
  • N-118 nonhalogenated ... noninductive
  • N-119 nonindustrial ... nonirritating
  • N-120 nonissue ... nonmanual
  • N-121 nonmarital ... nonmotorized
  • N-122 nonmoving ... nonoperating
  • N-123 nonoperational ... nonphonemic
  • N-124 nonphonetic ... nonprogram
  • N-125 nonprogrammer ... nonrelativistic
  • N-126 nonrelativistic quantum mechanics ... nonschool
  • N-127 nonscience ... nonsocial
  • N-128 non-sked ... nonadjacent
  • N-129 nonsocialist ... Nonsuch Palace
  • N-130 nonsugar ... nontransitive
  • N-131 nontreatment ... nonviolent
  • N-132 nonviolent protest ... nookie
  • N-133 nooklike ... Nordic skiing
  • N-134 Nordkyn ... normal fault
  • N-135 normal flow ... Norman Conquest
  • N-136 Norman dynasty ... North Africa
  • N-137 North African ... North Pacific Current
  • N-138 northcountrywoman ... Northern Ireland Assembly
  • N-139 Northern Irish ... Northmen
  • N-140 northmost ... Nos.
  • N-141 North Platte ... northcountrymen
  • N-142 nosce te ipsum ... nosing
  • N-143 no-side ... noble fir
  • N-144 noso- ... not a happy bunny
  • N-145 Notables ... note value
  • N-146 not a hope ... not darken someone's door
  • N-147 not do things by halves ... not know from Adam
  • N-148 note verbale ... notice a difference
  • N-149 notice a discrepancy ... notion of perfection
  • N-150 notion of self ... notoungulate
  • N-151 not know someone from Adam ... not right in the head
  • N-152 notour ... nousle
  • N-153 not rocket science ... not very
  • N-154 not with a bang but a whimper ... notable victory
  • N-155 nouveau ... novel revolves around
  • N-156 novel scheme ... novice
  • N-157 novice driver ... nowl
  • N-158 nown ... NRPB
  • N-159 no wonder ... no-show
  • N-160 NRSV ... nubble
  • N-161 nubbly ... nuclear cross section
  • N-162 nuclear destruction ... nuclear pore
  • N-163 nuclear power ... nucleocapsid
  • N-164 nucleocytoplasmic ... nude
  • N-165 Nude Descending a Staircase ... NUJ
  • N-166 nuke ... number five iron
  • N-167 number four iron ... numeracy skills
  • N-168 numeraire ... numerous publications
  • N-169 numerous references ... nuncupative
  • N-170 nuncupative will ... nurse crop
  • N-171 nurse practitioner ... nurture a community
  • N-172 nurture a relationship ... nutmeg melon
  • N-173 Nutmeg State ... nutritionally balanced
  • N-174 nutritionist ... nyaff
  • N-175 nyala ... nymph
  • N-176 nympha ... NZSO

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