T Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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T Words Definitions
Letter T Index - Real Dictionary
  • T-001 Tabernacles ... tableau
  • T-002 tableau curtain ... taboparesis
  • T-003 tabor ... tachyarrhythmia
  • T-004 tachycardia ... tacking
  • T-005 tacking stitch ... tactical advantage
  • T-006 tactical advice ... tae
  • T-007 Tae Bo ... tagboard
  • T-008 tagetes ... tail assembly
  • T-009 tail away ... tailor
  • T-010 tailor a course ... taintlessly
  • T-011 tainture ... take a dislike
  • T-012 take a dive ... take a seat
  • T-013 take a shine to ... take arms
  • T-014 take aspirin ... take in good part
  • T-015 take in hand ... take one's (own) life
  • T-016 take one's breath away ... take sides/sb's side
  • T-017 take silk ... take stock in
  • T-018 take strike ... take the role
  • T-019 take the rough with the smooth ... take vows
  • T-020 take water ... Taki-Taki
  • T-021 takin ... talent agency
  • T-022 talent agent ... taleteller
  • T-023 taletelling ... talk out of both sides of your mouth
  • T-024 talk over ... talks collapse
  • T-025 talktime ... tallent
  • T-026 tallest peak ... tam
  • T-027 Tamil ... tan someone's hide
  • T-028 tam-o'-shanter ... Tamiflu
  • T-029 tan-1 ... tangential motion
  • T-030 tangential point ... tanh
  • T-031 Tanis ... tanling
  • T-032 tanna ... Tantra
  • T-033 Tantric ... tape editing
  • T-034 tape grass ... tapioca snow
  • T-035 tapioca starch ... taraire
  • T-036 tarakihi ... target advertising
  • T-037 target an enemy ... tariff heading
  • T-038 tariff line ... tarragon
  • T-039 tarragon vinegar ... tartaric acid
  • T-040 tartarize ... Tasman Sea
  • T-041 Tasmania ... tasty morsel
  • T-042 tasty recipe ... tatties
  • T-043 tattiest ... taurocholic acid
  • T-044 tauromachy ... tawdry
  • T-045 tawdry affair ... tax evader
  • T-046 tax evasion ... tax simplification
  • T-047 taxi dancer ... taxwise
  • T-048 tax stamp ... taxi
  • T-049 -taxy ... tchoukball
  • T-050 tchr. ... tea lady
  • T-051 t.d.s. ... tabernacle mirror
  • T-052 teach economics ... teaching assignment
  • T-053 teaching assistant ... tealight
  • T-054 tea latte ... teach beginners
  • T-055 tealike ... tear bomb
  • T-056 tear cartilage ... tears stream
  • T-057 tears well ... tech investor
  • T-058 technical error ... technical specialist
  • T-059 technical specification ... technikon
  • T-060 technique ... technological solution
  • T-061 technological sophistication ... technology start-up
  • T-062 technology supplier ... tedium
  • T-063 tech savvy ... technical equipment
  • T-064 teepee ... tehsildar
  • T-065 tee ... teenybopper
  • T-066 Tehuantepec ... telechiric
  • T-067 telecine ... telegraph line
  • T-068 telegraph plant ... telepheme
  • T-069 telepherique ... telephonic
  • T-070 telephonist ... telesm
  • T-071 telesmatic ... television broadcast
  • T-072 television broadcaster ... televisor
  • T-073 televisual ... tell-tale sign
  • T-074 tellable ... telpher line
  • T-075 telpherage ... temperature anomaly
  • T-076 temperature change ... temple orange
  • T-077 temple ruins ... temporary custody
  • T-078 temporary detention ... temporary shelter
  • T-079 temporary shortage ... temulent
  • T-080 temulently ... tenantship
  • T-081 tenascin ... tendron
  • T-082 tendu ... tennis centre
  • T-083 tennis champion ... tense
  • T-084 tense a muscle ... tent meeting
  • T-085 tent peg ... tenuous connection
  • T-086 tenuous link ... terai
  • T-087 terai hat ... terek
  • T-088 Terence ... terminal phase
  • T-089 terminal platform ... ternary form
  • T-090 ternary operation ... terrararia
  • T-091 terrarariums ... terrible fear
  • T-092 terrible feeling ... terribly excited
  • T-093 terribly exciting ... Territoire de Belfort
  • T-094 territorial ... terrorist plot
  • T-095 terrorist suspect ... tesselate
  • T-096 tessella ... test indicates
  • T-097 testament ... testing phase
  • T-098 testing procedure ... tetrabranchiate
  • T-099 test marketing ... testae
  • T-100 tetrabromofluorescein ... tetrahydric
  • T-101 tetrahydrocannabidinol ... tetrasporangium
  • T-102 tetraspore ... Tewa
  • T-103 tewel ... textile fabric
  • T-104 textile factory ... TGV
  • T-105 TGWU ... thalliform
  • T-106 thalline ... thank-you letter
  • T-107 thank-you note ... that's
  • T-108 that's all ... thawing
  • T-109 thawy ... the Anglo-Irish
  • T-110 the animal ... the bad
  • T-111 theater ... theatrical film
  • T-112 theatrical flourish ... theic
  • T-113 the bag of tricks ... the best thing since sliced bread
  • T-114 the better ... the blood
  • T-115 the Bloodless Revolution ... the Buckeye State
  • T-116 the Buddha ... the Channel Country
  • T-117 the Charioteer ... the Confederation
  • T-118 the Conquest ... the cut and thrust
  • T-119 the cutes ... the deuce
  • T-120 the devil take the hindmost ... the Early Church
  • T-121 the early hours the small hours the wee hours ... the exact circumstances
  • T-122 the exception proves the rule ... the Festival of Lanterns
  • T-123 the few ... the Forest of Fontainebleau
  • T-124 the former ... the Gents
  • T-125 the genuine article ... the great
  • T-126 the Great Awakening ... the heat of the day
  • T-127 the heathen ... the home front
  • T-128 the home nations ... the intelligentsia
  • T-129 Theiler ... thence
  • T-130 the interim ... the Kiwi Ferns
  • T-131 the Kiwis ... the Levellers
  • T-132 the Liberal Democrat Party ... the Lords Temporal
  • T-133 the lost tribes ... the matter
  • T-134 the Maupertuis principle ... the mopes
  • T-135 the moral high ground ... the New Jerusalem
  • T-136 thenceforth ... theological significance
  • T-137 the New Look ... the odds are in sb's favour
  • T-138 the odds are stacked against sb/things are stacked against sb ... the Oslo Fjord
  • T-139 theological speculation ... theoretical arithmetic
  • T-140 theoretical calculations ... theosophise
  • T-141 the Oslofjord ... the pecking order
  • T-142 theosophistical ... there are no flies on someone
  • T-143 the Pelican State ... the poor
  • T-144 the popular press ... the Quaternary
  • T-145 the Queen of Sheba ... the Revelation of Saint John the Divine
  • T-146 there are plenty more fish in the sea ... therein lies
  • T-147 thereinafter ... thermal efficiency
  • T-148 the reverse applies ... the Sahel
  • T-149 thermal energy ... thermion
  • T-150 thermionic ... thermoform
  • T-151 thermoformable ... thermosensitive
  • T-152 thermoset ... Thess.
  • T-153 the Saint Leger ... the self
  • T-154 the Senedd ... the small ads
  • T-155 the small hours ... the Stars and Stripes
  • T-156 Thessalía ... thick batter
  • T-157 the state of play ... the tail is wagging the dog
  • T-158 the tail wags the dog ... the Tote
  • T-159 the tragic ... the upper ranks
  • T-160 the upper regions ... the Weather Bureau
  • T-161 the web ... the Women's Land Army
  • T-162 the wool trade ... theat.
  • T-163 thick beard ... thick steak
  • T-164 thick stew ... thig
  • T-165 thigger ... thin matchstick
  • T-166 think (all) the world of ... thinkingness
  • T-167 thinkpiece ... thiolase
  • T-168 thin moustache ... think
  • T-169 thiolic ... third floor
  • T-170 third force ... third-person perspective
  • T-171 third-rate ... thirty-sixth
  • T-172 thirty-third ... Thomas à Kempis
  • T-173 Thomas Aquinas ... thorn
  • T-174 thorn apple ... thorough investigation
  • T-175 thorough knowledge ... thought pattern
  • T-176 thought police ... thraldom
  • T-177 Thrale ... threat of expulsion
  • T-178 threat of extinction ... three sheets in the wind
  • T-179 three-phase ... threescore and ten
  • T-180 three sheets to the wind ... three-peat
  • T-181 threesome ... thrilled by the idea
  • T-182 thrilled by the prospect of ... throat sweetbread
  • T-183 -throated ... throng
  • T-184 throng the streets ... throw a bouquet
  • T-185 throw a brick ... throw in the towel
  • T-186 throw in your hand ... throw to the wolves
  • T-187 throw together ... thruster
  • T-188 thrustful ... thumbs down
  • T-189 thumbs up ... thunderstorm
  • T-190 thunderstorm cloud ... thwart progress
  • T-191 thwarted ambition ... thyroid hormone
  • T-192 thyroid-stimulating hormone ... Tibetan spaniel
  • T-193 Tibetan terrier ... ticket availability
  • T-194 ticket barrier ... tickling
  • T-195 ticklish ... tide
  • T-196 tide gage ... tie bar
  • T-197 tie beam ... Tientsin
  • T-198 tiepin ... tiger team
  • T-199 tiger's-eye ... tight smile
  • T-200 tight space ... Tiglath-pileser I
  • T-201 Tiglath-pileser III ... tiler
  • T-202 tilery ... timarau
  • T-203 timariot ... timbromaniac
  • T-204 timbrophilist ... time note
  • T-205 time-lapse photography ... timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
  • T-206 time of day ... time-lapse
  • T-207 timeous ... Timothy
  • T-208 timothy grass ... tinaja
  • T-209 tinamou ... tinkly
  • T-210 tinman ... Tintoretto
  • T-211 tinty ... tiny quantity
  • T-212 tiny room ... Tipperary
  • T-213 tippet ... tireless work
  • T-214 tireless worker ... tissue engineering
  • T-215 tissue expression ... titanium white
  • T-216 Titanoboa ... Title IX
  • T-217 title lining ... titubate
  • T-218 titubation ... TML
  • T-219 TMO ... to bare one's soul
  • T-220 toadies ... tobacco tax
  • T-221 tobacco tin ... Todd
  • T-222 to batten down the hatches ... to be made public property
  • T-223 to beat someone's brains out bash someone's brains out ... to call a spade a spade
  • T-224 to be mentioned in dispatches ... to beat someone at their own game
  • T-225 to call in sick ... to clutch at straws
  • T-226 to cock a snook at someone ... to dip your toes
  • T-227 toddies ... toffishness
  • T-228 to dish the dirt ... to fall to bits/pieces
  • T-229 to fan the flames ... to get short shrift
  • T-230 toffs ... toilet powder
  • T-231 to get the better of sb ... to go blackberrying
  • T-232 to go broke ... to have it in mind to do
  • T-233 to have it in you ... to invade sb's personal space
  • T-234 toilet requisites ... toktokkie
  • T-235 to invade someone's privacy ... to know full well
  • T-236 to know no bounds ... to lift a finger to raise a finger
  • T-237 Tokugawa ... tollable
  • T-238 to light the touch paper ... to make short/heavy/easy/quick work of sth to make light work of
  • T-239 tollage ... tolzey
  • T-240 to make someone turn in their grave ... to open the floodgates
  • T-241 tombstone ad ... ton-up boys
  • T-242 tom ... tombstone
  • T-243 tonal ... tonette
  • T-244 toney ... tonishness
  • T-245 tonite ... too clever by half
  • T-246 too close etc for comfort ... toolset
  • T-247 toolshed ... toothwash
  • T-248 to open your eyes to open your eyes ... to play truant
  • T-249 toothwort ... top donor
  • T-250 top drawer ... top rate
  • T-251 topical discussion ... topometry
  • T-252 to play with fire ... to put your cards on the table lay one's cards on the table
  • T-253 top-of-the-range ... topical application of
  • T-254 toponym ... Torbay
  • T-255 top rating ... top-of-the-line
  • T-256 to put your heads together ... to run the gauntlet
  • T-257 torbernite ... torn clothes
  • T-258 torn clothing ... torque converter
  • T-259 torque curve ... torsiograph
  • T-260 torsion ... tortuous
  • T-261 tortuous journey ... tostication
  • T-262 to run wild ... to shake someone's hand shake someone by the hand
  • T-263 to shake the foundations of something ... to stand up and be counted
  • T-264 to stand your ground to hold your ground ... to take the plunge
  • T-265 Tostig ... total domination
  • T-266 to take the wind out of someone's sails ... to the manner born
  • T-267 total donation ... total production
  • T-268 totalitarianism ... totally irrational
  • T-269 totally irrelevant ... totem pole
  • T-270 total productivity ... totalitarianise
  • T-271 totemism ... touch plate
  • T-272 to the marrow ... to twist someone's arm
  • T-273 to twist the knife twist the knife in sb's wound/turn the knife in sb's wound ... toadied
  • T-274 touch rugby ... touchpoint
  • T-275 touchscreen ... tough restrictions
  • T-276 tough sanctions ... tour en l'air
  • T-277 tour event ... tourism business
  • T-278 tourism destination ... tourist tax
  • T-279 tourist town ... tousled
  • T-280 Toussaint L'Ouverture ... towelled
  • T-281 towelling ... town centre
  • T-282 town clerk ... townwear
  • T-283 towny ... toxic smog
  • T-284 toxic smoke ... toy helicopter
  • T-285 toy industry ... tra-
  • T-286 trachelate ... track maintenance
  • T-287 track meet ... trackpad
  • T-288 tracks ... trade ban
  • T-289 trade barrier ... trade partnership
  • T-290 tradename ... trading relationship
  • T-291 trade plate ... trademark style
  • T-292 trading restriction ... traditional fare
  • T-293 traditional favourites ... traditional territory
  • T-294 traditional tune ... traffic hazard
  • T-295 traffic holdup ... tragedy strikes
  • T-296 tragedy unfolds ... Traherne
  • T-297 trahison ... trailing geranium
  • T-298 trailing myrtle ... train rattles
  • T-299 trained technician ... training provider
  • T-300 training qualification ... TRALI
  • T-301 train robber ... trained staff
  • T-302 tra-la ... tracheitis
  • T-303 Tralles ... trangle
  • T-304 trank ... transanimation
  • T-305 transannular ... transconjugant
  • T-306 transcontinental ... transduce
  • T-307 transduced cells ... transfer fee
  • T-308 transfer function ... transfix
  • T-309 transfixed ... transgenic plants
  • T-310 transgenics ... transit stop
  • T-311 transit system ... translate poetry
  • T-312 translate roughly ... transmission brake
  • T-313 transmission cable ... transmountain
  • T-314 transmove ... transplacental
  • T-315 transplanetary ... transport system
  • T-316 transport troops ... transudate
  • T-317 transudation ... trap moisture
  • T-318 trap play ... traps
  • T-319 trapse ... traumatic memory
  • T-320 traumatic situation ... travel frequently
  • T-321 travel guide ... travel-stained
  • T-322 travel-weary ... trawl
  • T-323 trawl line ... tread gently
  • T-324 tread lightly ... treat a condition
  • T-325 treat a disease ... treatable illness
  • T-326 treated aggressively ... treble clef
  • T-327 treble recorder ... Tree Planters State
  • T-328 tree planting ... trefoil arch
  • T-329 trefoil knot ... tremendous excitement
  • T-330 tremendous help ... trench
  • T-331 trench coat ... Trenton
  • T-332 trepan ... trf
  • T-333 TRH ... trial verdict
  • T-334 trial was adjourned ... trib.
  • T-335 tribade ... tribulate
  • T-336 tribulation ... trichinella
  • T-337 trichinellae ... trichopterous
  • T-338 trichord ... trickle-down theory
  • T-339 trickledown ... tricotyledonous
  • T-340 tricresol ... triethyl orthoformate
  • T-341 triethylamine ... trigger a breakdown
  • T-342 trigger a cascade ... trigger guard
  • T-343 trigger inflammation ... trihydric
  • T-344 trihydric alcohol ... trim rail
  • T-345 trimotor ... trinomialism
  • T-346 trim size ... trimorphism
  • T-347 trinomialist ... tripery
  • T-348 tripes ... triple superphosphate
  • T-349 triple the price ... trippiest
  • T-350 tripping ... trisoctahedra
  • T-351 trisoctahedron ... tritiated
  • T-352 tritical ... trivia quiz
  • T-353 trivial ... trochlear
  • T-354 trochlear nerve ... trolley pole
  • T-355 trolley wire ... troops advance
  • T-356 troops fight ... trophy cabinet
  • T-357 trophy hunter ... tropical reef
  • T-358 tropical region ... Trotskyism
  • T-359 Trotskyist ... troublesome
  • T-360 troubling ... trouvere
  • T-361 trouveur ... truck trailer
  • T-362 truck tyre ... true friendship
  • T-363 true frog ... Truffaut
  • T-364 truffe ... truly inclusive
  • T-365 truly incredible ... trumpet blast
  • T-366 trumpet call ... trunking
  • T-367 trunks ... trustier
  • T-368 trusties ... try plane
  • T-369 try something on for size ... tsaddik
  • T-370 tsade ... Tsiolkovski
  • T-371 Tsitsihar ... tuatara
  • T-372 t ... t.d.c.
  • T-373 tuath ... tubercula
  • T-374 tubercular ... tuboid
  • T-375 tuboplasty ... tucotuco
  • T-376 Tucson ... tuilyie
  • T-377 Tuinal ... tumble-dries
  • T-378 tumble-dry ... tumor necrosis
  • T-379 tumor necrosis factor ... tunable
  • T-380 tunableness ... Tungus
  • T-381 Tungusian ... Tupi
  • T-382 Tupi-Guarani ... turbo boost
  • T-383 turbo diesel ... Turcoman
  • T-384 Turcophile ... Turkestani
  • T-385 turkey ... turmaline
  • T-386 turmeric ... turn of speed
  • T-387 turning circle ... turret lathe
  • T-388 turn of the century ... turn the tide
  • T-389 turn the wheel ... turning chisel
  • T-390 turreted ... tussocky
  • T-391 tussor ... tutworkmen
  • T-392 Tuva ... twanger
  • T-393 twangingly ... tweetcation
  • T-394 tweetcited ... twenty-four-hour
  • T-395 twenty-four-hour service ... twiddle
  • T-396 twiddle one's thumbs ... twin sons
  • T-397 twin towers ... twist drill
  • T-398 twist grip ... 'twixt
  • T-399 twizzle ... two-lane road
  • T-400 two-legged ... two-toed sloth
  • T-401 two-tone ... tychism
  • T-402 Tycho ... Tyne and Wear
  • T-403 Tynemouth ... typewriter
  • T-404 typewriter key ... typically
  • T-405 typically experience ... tyre
  • T-406 tyre gauge ... tzadik
  • T-407 tzar ... Tzupo

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