F Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with F. Find thousands of F word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

F Words Definitions
Letter F Index - Real Dictionary
  • F-001 Fabius Maximus ... fabulous wealth
  • F-002 fabulously rich ... face an onslaught
  • F-003 face an opponent ... face glows
  • F-004 face guard ... face the wrath of
  • F-005 face time ... facetiae
  • F-006 FaceTime ... -facient
  • F-007 facies ... facing page
  • F-008 facing tool ... factor family
  • F-009 factor group ... facts and figures
  • F-010 facts of life ... faddier
  • F-011 faddiest ... Faerie Queene, The
  • F-012 faeries ... fail an inspection
  • F-013 fail badly ... failure of governance
  • F-014 failure of imagination ... fair amount
  • F-015 fair and square ... fair territory
  • F-016 fairly limited ... fairy penguin
  • F-017 fair to middling ... fairly lengthy
  • F-018 fairy primrose ... faithful servant
  • F-019 faithful supporters ... fakery
  • F-020 fakey ... fall (all) over oneself
  • F-021 fall about ... fall off a cliff
  • F-022 fallen fruit ... false allegation
  • F-023 fall off the perch ... fallen comrade
  • F-024 false aloe ... false eyelashes
  • F-025 false face ... false relation
  • F-026 false report ... faltering economy
  • F-027 Falun ... familiar sound
  • F-028 familiar source ... family favourite
  • F-029 family feud ... family togetherness
  • F-030 family tradition ... famous phrase
  • F-031 famous poem ... fan-tan
  • F-032 fana ... fancy ingredient
  • F-033 fancy label ... fanned
  • F-034 fannel ... fantastic result
  • F-035 fantastic ride ... faqir
  • F-036 fare better ... Farm Bureau
  • F-037 far ... far-off place
  • F-038 farm cheese ... farmers cooperative
  • F-039 Farmers' Alliance ... Farquhar Islands
  • F-040 far-out ... fare badly
  • F-041 farraginous ... fasciculus
  • F-042 fasciitis ... fash pack
  • F-043 fashery ... fashion-conscious
  • F-044 fashion-forward ... fast ice
  • F-045 fast internet ... fast-tracking
  • F-046 fast-twitch ... fat lamb
  • F-047 fatalities ... fatherly
  • F-048 fatherly advice ... fatter
  • F-049 fat lip ... fatalistic view
  • F-050 fattest ... faultier
  • F-051 faultiest ... fauxbourdon
  • F-052 fauxmance ... favourable response
  • F-053 favourable result ... favourite retailer
  • F-054 favourite saying ... FBA
  • F-055 FBC ... fear not never fear
  • F-056 fear of abandonment ... fease
  • F-057 feasibility study ... feather pillow
  • F-058 feather shot ... feature a variety of
  • F-059 feature a version ... febrifuge
  • F-060 febrile ... federal building
  • F-061 Federal Bureau of Investigation ... federal mediator
  • F-062 federal money ... Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
  • F-063 Federation of South Arabia ... feed directly
  • F-064 feed efficiency ... feeding stuff
  • F-065 feeding stuffs ... feel discomfort
  • F-066 feel disgust ... feel the weight of
  • F-067 feeling of pride ... fehm
  • F-068 feel up ... feeling of powerlessness
  • F-069 fehmic ... feliform
  • F-070 feline ... fellow officers
  • F-071 fellow passenger ... felt
  • F-072 felt hat ... feminality
  • F-073 feminazi ... fencer
  • F-074 fencerow ... fenretinide
  • F-075 Fenrir ... feriae
  • F-076 ferial ... fernbrake
  • F-077 ferneries ... ferried
  • F-078 Ferrier ... ferrous oxide
  • F-079 ferrous sulfate ... fertile terrain
  • F-080 fertile territory ... fesse
  • F-081 fesse point ... festive table
  • F-082 festivities ... fetlock
  • F-083 fetlock joint ... Feulgen reaction
  • F-084 feutre ... fgn.
  • F-085 f ... Fabius
  • F-086 FGP ... fiberization
  • F-087 fiberize ... fibrinoid
  • F-088 fibrinolysin ... -fication
  • F-089 fice ... fictioneer
  • F-090 fictionisation ... fideicommissa
  • F-091 fideicommissaries ... field cornet
  • F-092 field cricket ... field of genetics
  • F-093 Fielding ... fierce fight
  • F-094 field of honor ... fieldgate
  • F-095 fierce fighting ... fiesta taurina
  • F-096 Fiesta ware ... fifty-seventh
  • F-097 fifty-six ... fight courageously
  • F-098 fight crime ... fightback
  • F-099 fighter ... figure depicts
  • F-100 figure drawing ... filacer
  • F-101 filaggrin ... file card
  • F-102 file charges ... filing deadline
  • F-103 filing system ... fill the air
  • F-104 fill the airwaves ... film actor
  • F-105 film adaptation ... film rating
  • F-106 film recorder ... filmy fern
  • F-107 filo ... filtrability
  • F-108 filtrable ... final climb
  • F-109 final completion ... final moment
  • F-110 finalizer ... Financial Accounting Standards Board
  • F-111 final month ... finalize
  • F-112 financial acumen ... financial data
  • F-113 financial dependence ... financial planner
  • F-114 financial planning ... financial wrongdoing
  • F-115 financial year ... financing option
  • F-116 financing package ... find inspiration
  • F-117 find joy ... fine craftsmanship
  • F-118 fine crop ... fine-drawn
  • F-119 fine-drew ... finger on the pulse
  • F-120 finger paint ... fingertip
  • F-121 fingertip control ... finished painting
  • F-122 finished picture ... finmark
  • F-123 Finn ... Firbolg
  • F-124 Firdausi ... fire hazard
  • F-125 firefighting ... firewall
  • F-126 fire hose ... fire trail
  • F-127 fire truck ... firefighter
  • F-128 firewall protection ... firm decision
  • F-129 firm dough ... first
  • F-130 first aid ... first intention
  • F-131 first-hand report ... fiscal austerity
  • F-132 First International ... first team squad
  • F-133 first thing ... first-hand observation
  • F-134 fiscal burden ... fish and chip shop
  • F-135 fish and chips ... fish protein concentrate
  • F-136 fisheye lens ... fishing season
  • F-137 fishing shack ... fissional
  • F-138 fish quota ... fisheye
  • F-139 fissioned ... fit beautifully
  • F-140 fit closely ... fitness camp
  • F-141 fitness center ... fitting epitaph
  • F-142 fitting finale ... five-legged
  • F-143 five-o'clock shadow ... fixed amount
  • F-144 fixed asset ... fixer
  • F-145 fixer-upper ... flacourtia
  • F-146 flaff ... flaggingly
  • F-147 flaggy ... flakiest
  • F-148 flaky ... flamenco music
  • F-149 flamenco show ... flank
  • F-150 flank a fireplace ... flare out
  • F-151 flare path ... flash point
  • F-152 flash powder ... flat as a pancake as flat as a pancake
  • F-153 flat back ... flat silver
  • F-154 flatfoot ... flatware
  • F-155 flat sole ... flatfish
  • F-156 flatwash ... flavour balance
  • F-157 flavour combination ... flea beetle
  • F-158 flea bite ... flee a city
  • F-159 flee a village ... fleet of trucks
  • F-160 fleet of vessels ... flesh-colored
  • F-161 flesh-coloured ... flexagon
  • F-162 flexdollars ... flexuous
  • F-163 flexure ... flight instructor
  • F-164 flight instrument ... flimflammery
  • F-165 flimflamming ... flipboard
  • F-166 flipbook ... float bridge
  • F-167 float chamber ... floating partition
  • F-168 floating platform ... flocky
  • F-169 Flodden ... floodgates
  • F-170 flooding ... floor strewn with
  • F-171 floor the accelerator ... floptical
  • F-172 Floptical disk ... floriation
  • F-173 floribunda ... flota
  • F-174 flotage ... flow breccia
  • F-175 flow capacity ... flower blooms
  • F-176 flower blossom ... flowering crab
  • F-177 flowering currant ... flowmetry
  • F-178 flown ... flue stop
  • F-179 flue-cure ... fluid lubrication
  • F-180 fluid mechanics ... fluor
  • F-181 fluoranthene ... fluoro-
  • F-182 fluoroacetate ... flushed face
  • F-183 flushed with something ... fluxive
  • F-184 fluxmeter ... fly off the handle
  • F-185 flyer ... flying time
  • F-186 flying trapeze ... FNMA
  • F-187 fly on the wall ... flycatcher
  • F-188 focal length ... focusing cloth
  • F-189 focusing screen ... foggage
  • F-190 fo ... focal infection
  • F-191 fogged ... foison
  • F-192 foisonless ... folding wing
  • F-193 foldon ... folk mass
  • F-194 folk medicine ... follicle
  • F-195 follicle mite ... follow closely
  • F-196 follow guidelines ... following
  • F-197 following day ... fontal
  • F-198 Fontana ... food crop
  • F-199 food cupboard ... food pyramid
  • F-200 food ration ... foodstuff
  • F-201 foodways ... foot drop
  • F-202 football camp ... footdragger
  • F-203 footdragging ... footprinting
  • F-204 foot fault ... football arena
  • F-205 footpump ... for a start
  • F-206 foraging ... force a compromise
  • F-207 for a start/to start with ... for good measure
  • F-208 force a delay ... forced removal
  • F-209 forced resettlement ... fore-topgallant mast
  • F-210 foreclosed home ... forehanded
  • F-211 forehead ... foreign firm
  • F-212 foreign fleet ... foreland
  • F-213 foreleg ... forensic scientist
  • F-214 forensic team ... foreseeingly
  • F-215 foreseen ... forest habitat
  • F-216 forest land ... foretaste
  • F-217 foreteach ... forficate
  • F-218 fore-topmast ... foreclose
  • F-219 forficulate ... forget-me-not blue
  • F-220 forgetful ... forked chain
  • F-221 for good or ill ... for someone's benefit
  • F-222 forked lightning ... form a framework
  • F-223 form a friendship ... form of exercise
  • F-224 formal charge ... formal reprimand
  • F-225 formal request ... formative influence
  • F-226 formative period ... formidable enemy
  • F-227 formidable foe ... formulism
  • F-228 form of expression ... formal channels
  • F-229 formulize ... forsworn
  • F-230 for starters ... forage plants
  • F-231 forswunk ... Fort Sheridan
  • F-232 fortnightlies ... fortyish
  • F-233 Fort Smith ... fortnight
  • F-234 fortypenny ... forward-looking
  • F-235 forward-looking indicators ... fossil remains
  • F-236 fossil site ... foster sister
  • F-237 foster son ... foul-mouthed
  • F-238 foul-smelling ... foundation of knowledge
  • F-239 foundation of trust ... four
  • F-240 four bits ... four-letter word
  • F-241 four-masted ... fourpenny
  • F-242 fourpenny one ... foveolae
  • F-243 foveolate ... foxshark
  • F-244 foxship ... fraction of the cost
  • F-245 fractional ... fractured wrist
  • F-246 fracturer ... fragmented society
  • F-247 fragmented system ... frame house
  • F-248 frame line ... franchiser
  • F-249 franchisor ... franked investment income
  • F-250 franked mail ... Frascati
  • F-251 Frasch process ... fraudfully
  • F-252 fraudsman ... frazzle
  • F-253 frazzled ... Frederick William III
  • F-254 Frederick William IV ... free companion
  • F-255 free company ... free parking
  • F-256 freedom struggle ... Freestone State
  • F-257 free pass ... free tuition
  • F-258 freestyle ... freeze-dries
  • F-259 free-swinging ... freedom rider
  • F-260 free university ... free-swimming
  • F-261 freeze-dry ... freight house
  • F-262 freight industry ... French cricket
  • F-263 French cruller ... French polish
  • F-264 French Polynesia ... frenetic life
  • F-265 frenetic pace ... frequent contact
  • F-266 frequent contributor ... fresh as a daisy
  • F-267 fresh basil ... fresh-cut flowers
  • F-268 fresh-faced ... fretboard
  • F-269 fretful ... friction
  • F-270 friction clutch ... friend of the court
  • F-271 friendship lasts ... frigid weather
  • F-272 friend zone ... friendship circle
  • F-273 frigid winter ... Frink
  • F-274 fripon ... Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • F-275 Friulian ... frogbit
  • F-276 frogeye ... from hunger
  • F-277 from life ... frondose
  • F-278 frons ... front porch
  • F-279 frontal cyclone ... frontmen
  • F-280 fronto- ... frostline
  • F-281 front projection ... frontal cortex
  • F-282 frostnip ... frozen custard
  • F-283 frozen daiquiri ... fructify
  • F-284 fructive ... fruit jar
  • F-285 fruit jelly ... fruitless pursuit
  • F-286 fruitless search ... fry bacon
  • F-287 fry cook ... fuci
  • F-288 fucivorous ... fuel cell
  • F-289 fuel combustion ... fuel tanker
  • F-290 fuel tax ... Fuji
  • F-291 Fuji-san ... fulfil the criteria
  • F-292 fulfill ... full bloom
  • F-293 full blossom ... full gainer
  • F-294 full gamut of ... full sun
  • F-295 full-length feature ... full-time pay
  • F-296 full support ... full-length debut
  • F-297 full-time position ... fully comprehensive
  • F-298 fully confident ... fulness
  • F-299 fulsome ... fun and games
  • F-300 fun atmosphere ... functional calculus
  • F-301 functional capacity ... functional sentence perspective
  • F-302 functional shift ... fund improvements
  • F-303 fundamental flaw ... fundamentals
  • F-304 funded by tax ... funemployment
  • F-305 fund infrastructure ... fundamental feature
  • F-306 Funen ... fungizone
  • F-307 fungo ... funniest
  • F-308 funnily ... furaldehyde
  • F-309 furan ... furmenty
  • F-310 furmint ... furphies
  • F-311 furphy ... further improvement
  • F-312 further information ... fuscous
  • F-313 fuse ... fusome
  • F-314 fuss ... futtock shroud
  • F-315 Futuna ... future negotiations
  • F-316 future of humanity ... Fuzhou
  • F-317 fuzz ... FZS

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