L Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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L Words Definitions
Letter L Index - Real Dictionary
  • L-001 lab book ... labiodental
  • L-002 labiogression ... laboratory testing
  • L-003 labored ... labour-saving device
  • L-004 laboured ... laccolith
  • L-005 La Bruyère ... lab bench
  • L-006 lace ... lachrymal
  • L-007 lachrymary ... lack of attention
  • L-008 lacklustre performance ... lactic acid bacteria
  • L-010 lack of recognition ... lacklustre campaign
  • L-011 lactiferous ... Ladakh
  • L-012 ladanum ... ladler
  • L-013 Ladoga ... ladybird (beetle)
  • L-014 ladybird beetle ... lag screw
  • L-015 lag the market ... Lahore
  • L-016 Lahore party ... laith
  • L-017 laity ... Lake Mead
  • L-018 Lake Michigan ... lake view
  • L-019 Lake Volta ... lallygagged
  • L-020 lallygagging ... Lambert's law
  • L-021 Lambeth ... lament a lack of
  • L-022 lament the absence of ... Lammas
  • L-023 Lammas Day ... lampshell
  • L-024 lampstand ... land a blow
  • L-025 land a gig ... land of milk and honey
  • L-026 landbird ... landing site
  • L-027 landing slot ... landowning
  • L-028 land of Nod ... landaulet
  • L-029 Landowska ... landsmanshaft
  • L-030 landsmen ... Langton
  • L-031 Langtry ... laniary
  • L-032 Lanier ... lanthionine
  • L-033 lanthorn ... lap up
  • L-034 LAP-BAND ... Laplace transform
  • L-035 Laplacian ... larchen
  • L-036 lard ... large congregation
  • L-037 large constituency ... large print
  • L-038 largely ceremonial ... largo
  • L-039 large proportion ... largely autonomous
  • L-040 lari ... larvicide
  • L-041 larviform ... laser disk
  • L-042 laser dot ... Lashkar
  • L-043 Lashkar Gah ... last known location
  • L-044 lasting appeal ... latch on
  • L-045 last licks ... lasting affection
  • L-046 latch onto ... late-blooming
  • L-047 late-night ... Later Han
  • L-048 later on ... latest chapter
  • L-049 latest controversy ... latifondo
  • L-050 latifundia ... latosol
  • L-051 latosolic ... Lauda
  • L-052 laudable ... laughing gear
  • L-053 laughing gull ... launch a petition
  • L-054 launch a probe ... Launderette
  • L-055 laundering ... lauric
  • L-056 lauric acid ... lavatory paper
  • L-057 lavatory seat ... law centre
  • L-058 law clerk ... Law of Moses
  • L-059 lawfare ... lawyer palm
  • L-060 law of motion ... Lawes
  • L-061 lawyer vine ... lay figure
  • L-062 layaway ... laystall
  • L-063 lay for ... Layard
  • L-064 laytime ... LCI
  • L-065 LCJ ... lead a choir
  • L-066 lead a coalition ... lead monoxide
  • L-067 leadership trait ... leadwort family
  • L-068 lead nowhere ... lead-in
  • L-069 lead-pipe cinch ... leadership training
  • L-070 leady ... leaf-nosed bat
  • L-071 leafage ... league table
  • L-072 league team ... lean chicken
  • L-073 lean close ... leapt
  • L-074 Lear ... learning process
  • L-075 learning programme ... least killifish
  • L-076 least likely to ... leather strap
  • L-077 leather trim ... leave be
  • L-078 leave behind ... leave yourself wide open
  • L-079 leave-in conditioner ... lecithinase
  • L-080 lecithotrophic ... ledger board
  • L-081 ledger line ... left cheek
  • L-082 left field ... leftie
  • L-083 lefties ... leg wound
  • L-084 legal currency ... legal marriage
  • L-085 legalities ... leger line
  • L-086 legal matter ... legalistic
  • L-087 legerdemain ... legislative achievement
  • L-088 legislative action ... legitimate contender
  • L-089 legitimate criticism ... legside
  • L-090 leg-o'-mutton sleeve ... legal counsel
  • L-091 leguaan ... Leiria
  • L-092 leish ... lekvar
  • L-093 lekythos ... lemon sole
  • L-094 lemon squash ... lend weight to
  • L-095 lend-lease ... lengthy
  • L-096 lengthy analysis ... Leninism
  • L-097 Leninist ... lentisk
  • L-098 lentissimo ... leopard lily
  • L-099 leopard lizard ... leprechaunish
  • L-100 leproma ... Lerwick
  • L-101 les ... lessen the severity of
  • L-102 lessen the shock ... lesser weever
  • L-103 lesser whitethroat ... let slip
  • L-104 Lethbridge ... letterboxed
  • L-105 let slip through one's fingers ... lethargy
  • L-106 letterboxing ... leucistic
  • L-107 leucite ... leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
  • L-108 leukemid ... levée en masse
  • L-109 level ... leveraged buyout
  • L-110 leveraged loan ... levy a rate
  • L-111 levy a surcharge ... Leydig cell
  • L-112 Leyland cypress ... liability insurance
  • L-113 liability insurer ... libel suit
  • L-114 libel trial ... liberal politics
  • L-115 liberal principles ... liberty hall
  • L-116 liberty horse ... library reading
  • L-117 library resources ... licenser
  • L-118 licensing ... lick into shape
  • L-119 Lick Observatory ... lie flat
  • L-120 Lie group ... lierne
  • L-121 lies squarely ... life isn't worth living/makes life worth living
  • L-122 life jacket ... life-saving surgery
  • L-123 lifelong fascination ... lifetime employment
  • L-124 life-saving transplant ... lifelong fan
  • L-125 lifetime friendship ... lift pump
  • L-126 lift restrictions ... light a cauldron
  • L-127 light a cigar ... light emanates
  • L-128 light-duty ... lighthouse keeper
  • L-129 light engine ... light pollution
  • L-130 lighthouse tube ... lights out
  • L-131 light pours ... light-coloured
  • L-132 lightship ... ligulifloral
  • L-133 ligure ... like crazy
  • L-134 like death warmed up ... likelihood ratio
  • L-135 likelihood ratio test ... lilting
  • L-136 liltingly ... Limburger (cheese)
  • L-137 limburgite ... limewood
  • L-138 limey ... limit the possibility of
  • L-139 limited largely to ... limiting factor
  • L-140 limitingly ... lin ft
  • L-141 limit the range of ... limited knowledge
  • L-142 lineage commitment ... linebred
  • L-143 linebreeding ... Lingayen Gulf
  • L-144 line ... line of communication
  • L-145 line of credit ... lineage cells
  • L-146 lingcod ... lingula
  • L-147 lingular ... linn
  • L-148 Linnaean ... lion's share
  • L-149 Lin Piao ... Lindy hop
  • L-150 lion-hearted ... lipid content
  • L-151 lipid droplet ... lipopeptide
  • L-152 lipoperoxidation ... lipstick lesbian
  • L-153 lipstick plant ... liquid nitrogen
  • L-154 liquid oxygen ... liriope
  • L-155 liripipe ... listen closely
  • L-156 listen hard ... lit match
  • L-157 literary allusions ... literary novel
  • L-158 literary novelist ... lithesome
  • L-159 lithesomeness ... lithophilous
  • L-160 lithophone ... litmus
  • L-161 litmus paper ... little bluestem
  • L-162 little boost ... Little Horse
  • L-163 little hours ... littleness
  • L-164 littler ... live birth
  • L-165 lit up ... literary agent
  • L-166 live broadcast ... live lavishly
  • L-167 live life to the full ... live up
  • L-168 lively pace ... livery
  • L-169 livery colors ... living history
  • L-170 live up to ... lively nightlife
  • L-171 living human ... lizard
  • L-172 lizard fish ... LMS
  • L-173 l ... La Bohème
  • L-174 LMT ... loading control
  • L-175 loading dock ... loan payment
  • L-176 loan portfolio ... lobby aggressively
  • L-177 lobby correspondent ... lobster net
  • L-178 lobster Newburg ... local bookstore
  • L-179 local branch ... local election
  • L-180 local enforcement ... local paper
  • L-181 local park ... Locarno
  • L-182 Locarno Pact ... lock on to
  • L-183 lockout box ... locum
  • L-184 lock out ... lockout
  • L-185 locum tenens ... loe
  • L-186 Loeb ... log jam
  • L-187 logical truth ... logo
  • L-188 logic cell ... logical thought
  • L-189 log line ... logic bomb
  • L-190 logo depicts ... loiter
  • L-191 loiteringly ... Lombardy poplar
  • L-192 Lombok ... loneliest
  • L-193 lonelily ... long division
  • L-194 long-distance trucker ... long-range plan
  • L-195 long downturn ... long jumper
  • L-196 longer ... longline fishing
  • L-197 long lease ... long tail
  • L-198 longliner ... loobily
  • L-199 long-range planning ... long-term consequence
  • L-200 long-term contract ... long-term prospect
  • L-201 long term ... long-distance trip
  • L-202 long-term prosperity ... longed-for
  • L-203 looby ... look for
  • L-204 look-alike ... loop
  • L-205 look forlornly ... look wistfully
  • L-206 loop aerial ... loose grip
  • L-207 loose hair ... loosie
  • L-208 loosies ... lord
  • L-209 Lord Advocate ... Lords
  • L-210 Lords Spiritual ... lory
  • L-211 lose one's heart (to) ... losing
  • L-212 losing battle ... lost fluids
  • L-213 los ... lose one's head
  • L-214 lost for words ... Lothians
  • L-215 lothly ... loud guffaw
  • L-216 loud knock ... Louis XII
  • L-217 Louis XIII ... louser
  • L-218 lousewort ... love rat
  • L-219 lovely daughter ... Low Archipelago
  • L-220 love rival ... lovely countryside
  • L-221 low attendance ... low hill
  • L-222 low-carbon steel ... low-level exposure
  • L-223 lowdown ... Lower Hutt
  • L-224 lower incidence ... lower your guard
  • L-225 lower-income ... loyal army
  • L-226 low hum ... low-carbohydrate diet
  • L-227 low-level language ... Lowchen
  • L-228 loyal audience ... LRCS
  • L-229 LRP ... lubber's knot
  • L-230 lubber's line ... lucid prose
  • L-231 lucida ... lucrative advertising
  • L-232 lucrative bonus ... ludo
  • L-233 ludship ... luggie
  • L-234 lugging ... lumber jacket
  • L-235 lumber mill ... luminol
  • L-236 luminometer ... Lumumba
  • L-237 Luna ... lunch hour
  • L-238 lunch meat ... lunge forward
  • L-239 lungee ... lupus vulgaris
  • L-240 lur ... Luso-
  • L-241 lust ... luteotrophic
  • L-242 luteotrophin ... luxuriant
  • L-243 luxuriate ... luxury spa
  • L-244 luxury tax ... lycine
  • L-245 Lycopene ... lymphadenopathy-associated virus
  • L-246 lymphangi- ... lymphoproliferative
  • L-247 lymphosarcoma ... lyosorption
  • L-248 lyotropic ... lysine
  • L-249 lysine residue ... LZ

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