R Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with R. Find thousands of R word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

R Words Definitions
Letter R Index - Real Dictionary
  • R-001 Rabaul ... rabboni
  • R-002 Rabelais ... racecard
  • R-003 racecourse ... racial unconscious
  • R-004 racial unrest ... rack up
  • R-005 rack your brains ... radar device
  • R-006 radar equipment ... radian
  • R-007 radiance ... radiative
  • R-008 radiative capture ... radical vision
  • R-009 radical wing ... radio cab
  • R-010 radioautograph ... radiometrically
  • R-011 radio car ... radio set
  • R-012 radiomicrometer ... radium
  • R-013 radio shack ... radioactivity
  • R-014 radium A ... rafraîchissoir
  • R-015 Rafsanjani ... raglan sleeve
  • R-016 ragman ... rail car
  • R-017 rail connections ... railroad
  • R-018 railroad bridge ... railwaymen
  • R-019 railwoman ... rainbow quartz
  • R-020 rainbow roof ... rainy morning
  • R-021 rainy night ... raise family
  • R-023 raising ... raking course
  • R-024 raking piece ... ramada
  • R-025 Ramadan ... ramified
  • R-027 ramps ... Rancho Cucamonga
  • R-028 rancid ... random selection
  • R-029 random sequence ... ranged
  • R-030 rangefinder ... rankings
  • R-031 rankings reflect ... rap scene
  • R-032 rapid deployment force ... rapid turnover
  • R-033 rapid urbanization ... raptured
  • R-034 rap session ... rapid depletion of
  • R-035 raptureless ... rare gem
  • R-036 rare gift ... rarity value
  • R-037 rark up ... rasping
  • R-038 rasping voice ... ratafia
  • R-040 rateable ... ratings
  • R-049 reach a conclusion ... reach the final
  • R-051 reaction mix ... read a file
  • R-055 readout ... real ale
  • R-058 realpolitik ... reappraiser
  • R-063 reasonable doubt ... reasonably fit
  • R-064 reasonably foreseeable ... reassure the public
  • R-065 reassure voters ... rebatement
  • R-066 rebato ... reborrow
  • R-067 reboso ... rebut an argument
  • R-068 rebutment ... recap
  • R-069 recapitalise ... receive a briefing
  • R-072 receive guidance ... recent crackdown
  • R-074 recent scandal ... receptor cell
  • R-075 receptor complex ... rechristen
  • R-076 recidivate ... recite a poem
  • R-077 recite a prayer ... reclining chair
  • R-078 reclosable ... recognized nationally
  • R-079 recognizee ... recommend an improvement
  • R-080 recommend approval ... reconciliation efforts
  • R-081 reconciliation process ... reconstruction effort
  • R-082 reconstruction process ... record an observation
  • R-083 record automatically ... record-changer
  • R-084 record-keeping ... records indicate
  • R-085 recork ... recoverableness
  • R-086 recovered ... recreational purposes
  • R-088 recreational pursuits ... recruitment policy
  • R-089 recruitment poster ... rector
  • R-090 rectoral ... recurvate
  • R-091 recurve ... Red and the Black, The
  • R-092 Red Angus ... red currant
  • R-093 red-backed squirrel monkey ... redback
  • R-094 redbait ... redeemless
  • R-095 red curry ... red kangaroo
  • R-096 redefeat ... redhead
  • R-097 redheaded ... redistribution
  • R-098 redistribution of land ... redrawer
  • R-099 red kite ... Red River War
  • R-100 redrawn ... reduce anxiety
  • R-101 red roan ... red-backed shrike
  • R-104 reduce the likelihood of ... reduction division
  • R-105 reduction formula ... reed canary grass
  • R-106 reed grass ... reeled silk
  • R-107 reeler ... refer a client
  • R-108 re-enlist ... re-lease
  • R-109 referral hospital ... refinery revamp
  • R-110 refer solely to ... referral
  • R-111 refinery upgrade ... reflect frustration
  • R-112 reflectivity ... Reform Bill
  • R-113 reflect light ... reflectiveness
  • R-114 reform debate ... refractometer
  • R-115 refractor ... refrigerator-freezer
  • R-116 refringence ... refurbished property
  • R-117 refurbisher ... regain a sense of
  • R-118 regain a title ... regardless of
  • R-119 regards ... regime soldiers
  • R-120 regimen ... regional enteritis
  • R-121 regional final ... register a patent
  • R-122 register a protest ... registration form
  • R-123 registration information ... regret
  • R-124 regret a choice ... regular client
  • R-125 regular column ... regular schedule
  • R-126 regular session ... regulated genes
  • R-127 regulated industry ... regulatory function
  • R-128 regulatory gap ... rehabilitation
  • R-129 rehabilitation centre ... Reich
  • R-130 Reichenberg ... reincrease
  • R-131 reincur ... reinforced plastic
  • R-132 reinforcement ... reinter
  • R-133 reinterment ... reject a contention
  • R-134 reject a contract ... rejoice
  • R-135 rejoice in the name of ... relandscape
  • R-136 relapse ... relationship evolves
  • R-137 relationship marketing ... relative major key
  • R-138 relatively slow ... relaxation exercise
  • R-139 relative majority ... relative wind
  • R-140 relative youth ... relatively simple
  • R-141 relaxation of restrictions ... release a detainee
  • R-142 release a disc ... released recently
  • R-143 released time ... relevant evidence
  • R-145 relevant experience ... reliable witness
  • R-146 reliance ... relieve tension
  • R-147 relieve the strain ... religious duty
  • R-148 religious ecstasy ... religious ritual
  • R-149 religious sect ... relive an experience
  • R-150 relive the days ... rely increasingly on
  • R-151 rely largely on ... reman
  • R-152 remand ... remarkable renaissance
  • R-154 remarkably warm ... remember clearly
  • R-155 remember details ... Remington
  • R-156 reminisce ... remonstrance
  • R-157 remonstrant ... remote province
  • R-158 remote region ... remove a distraction
  • R-159 remove a layer ... remuneration
  • R-160 remuneration policy ... render invalid
  • R-161 render the fat ... renewable fuel
  • R-162 renewable generation ... renewed respect
  • R-163 renewed scrutiny ... renovate a facility
  • R-164 renovate a hotel ... rent boy
  • R-165 rent collector ... rentaller
  • R-166 rente ... reorganize
  • R-167 reorganizer ... repair the damage
  • R-168 repair the roof ... repayment
  • R-169 repayment costs ... repeat sign
  • R-170 repeating pattern ... repetitious
  • R-171 repeat the cycle ... repeating firearm
  • R-172 repetitive ... replant
  • R-173 replantation ... replough
  • R-174 replow ... report a theft
  • R-175 report accurately ... reporter vector
  • R-176 reporters' gallery ... represent a client
  • R-177 represent a constituency ... repress
  • R-178 repressed ... reprocessed wool
  • R-179 reprocessing ... reptiliferous
  • R-180 reptiliform ... reputable broker
  • R-181 reputable company ... require
  • R-183 require improvement ... requiteless
  • R-184 requote ... resalute
  • R-185 resample ... resealable bag
  • R-186 research priorities ... resectoscope
  • R-187 research ... research participants
  • R-188 resecure ... reserve battalion
  • R-189 reserve buoyancy ... resetting
  • R-190 resettle ... resident head
  • R-191 residential unit ... resin
  • R-192 resident physician ... residential transaction
  • R-193 resin canal ... resistance gene
  • R-194 resistance leader ... resocialize
  • R-195 resod ... resolve the problem
  • R-196 resolve the situation ... resource
  • R-197 resource allocation ... respectability
  • R-198 respectabilize ... respirator
  • R-199 respiratory ... respond calmly
  • R-200 respond cautiously ... responsibilities
  • R-201 responsibilities included ... rest day
  • R-202 restaurant kitchen ... restock a shelf
  • R-203 rest easy ... restaurant dish
  • R-204 restoke ... restore sight
  • R-205 restore stability ... restrict the sale of
  • R-206 restrict the scope of ... restructure a business
  • R-207 restructure a debt ... resummon
  • R-208 resumption ... retable
  • R-209 retack ... retail spending
  • R-210 retail stock ... retain talent
  • R-211 retain the ability to ... reteam
  • R-212 retear ... reticule
  • R-213 Reticuli ... retinue
  • R-214 retinula ... retiring
  • R-215 retiring age ... retreating army
  • R-216 retreatism ... retroengine
  • R-217 retrofire ... retrotransposition
  • R-218 retrotransposon ... return safely
  • R-219 return shortly ... reurge
  • R-220 Reus ... reveal a clue
  • R-221 reveal a correlation ... revelrous
  • R-222 revelry ... reverberations
  • R-224 reverse dictionary ... reversionary annuity
  • R-226 review paper ... revisionist
  • R-227 revisionist historian ... revoke
  • R-228 revoke a ban ... revolving fund
  • R-229 revolving platform ... rewarding work
  • R-231 rex begonia ... rhabdus
  • R-232 rhachides ... rhematic
  • R-233 rheme ... rheumatic heart disease
  • R-234 rheumatical ... rhinolalia
  • R-235 rhinolaryngology ... rhizopus
  • R-236 rhizosphere ... -rhoea
  • R-237 rhoeadine ... rhyme
  • R-238 rhyme or reason ... rhythmometer
  • R-239 rhythmopoeia ... ribbon microphone
  • R-251 rigorous diet ... Rilke
  • R-255 ringing off the hook ... Río de la Plata
  • R-261 risk the wrath of ... risperidone
  • R-262 rispetto ... rivage
  • R-263 rival ... river blindness
  • R-264 river boat ... rivered
  • R-265 riveret ... rizzor
  • R-266 RJ ... road bump
  • R-267 road car ... road traffic
  • R-268 road traffic accident ... roadster
  • R-269 roadway ... roast coffee
  • R-270 roast dinner ... Robert III
  • R-271 Roberta ... roboticist
  • R-272 robotics ... rock and roll band
  • R-273 rock and rye ... rock from side to side
  • R-274 rocket motor ... rockslide
  • R-275 rock garden ... rock steady
  • R-276 rock strata ... rocket launching
  • R-277 rockumentary ... rocky shoreline
  • R-278 rocky soil ... Roentgen
  • R-279 roentgen equivalent man ... rogues' gallery
  • R-280 rogueship ... roll bag
  • R-281 rollaway bed ... rolling cutter
  • R-282 roll bar ... rollaway
  • R-283 rolling farmland ... Rom
  • R-284 Romanes ... romantic longing
  • R-285 romantic love ... Romford
  • R-286 Rom. Cath. ... romancical
  • R-287 Romish ... Ronsard
  • R-288 röntgen ... roofline
  • R-289 roofscape ... roomette
  • R-290 roomful ... root nodule
  • R-294 roseobacter ... Ross Island
  • R-301 rough waves ... rouleau
  • R-302 rouleaux ... round peg in a square hole
  • R-307 rowdy crowd ... royal charter
  • R-308 royal circles ... royal protocol
  • R-309 royal purple ... roysterous
  • R-310 rozener ... Rt Hon.
  • R-311 r ... rabattement
  • R-312 Rt Rev ... Rub‘ al Khali
  • R-313 rub-a-dub ... rubber tree
  • R-314 rubber tyre ... rubella
  • R-315 rubellan ... ruche
  • R-316 ruched ... rudesby
  • R-317 Rudesheimer ... Rufus
  • R-318 rug ... rugose
  • R-319 rugula ... rule something out of court
  • R-320 rule stipulates ... rum truffle
  • R-321 rum-dum ... rummily
  • R-322 rumminess ... run a generator
  • R-323 run a headline ... run foul of
  • R-324 rundale ... running English
  • R-325 run headlong ... run something up the flagpole
  • R-326 running exercise ... runs
  • R-327 run the blockade ... Runcorn
  • R-328 runt ... rural dwellers
  • R-329 rural economy ... ruridecanal
  • R-330 Rurik ... rushy
  • R-331 rusine ... Russophobe
  • R-332 Russophobia ... rustproofing
  • R-333 rustre ... Ruysdael
  • R-334 Ruyter ... Ryurik

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