A Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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A Words Definitions
Letter A Index - Real Dictionary
  • A-001 a ... a bit daunting
  • A-002 Aarau ... abaka
  • A-003 Abakan ... abandonment
  • A-004 abandonware ... Abbie
  • A-005 abbot ... abdominal surgery
  • A-006 abdominal thrust ... Aberdeen
  • A-007 Aberdeen Angus ... abiding passion
  • A-008 abiding sense of ... abjoint
  • A-009 a bit depressing ... a blank cheque
  • A-010 abjunction ... abmodality
  • A-011 a blaze of glory ... a chip on your shoulder
  • A-012 abn ... aboil
  • A-013 aboiteaux ... aborter
  • A-014 aborticide ... above-the-line
  • A-015 above-the-line promotion ... abrogate
  • A-016 abrogation of responsibility ... absence of evidence
  • A-017 absence of leadership ... absolute determination
  • A-018 absolute disaster ... absolute power
  • A-019 absolutely ecstatic ... absolve
  • A-020 absolute precision ... absolutely dreadful
  • A-021 absolvent ... absorption coefficient
  • A-022 absorption costing ... abstract landscape
  • A-023 abstract language ... absurdist
  • A-024 absurdity ... abundant year
  • A-025 abundantly ... Abyssinian Church
  • A-026 Abyssinian gold ... academic exercise
  • A-027 academic expertise ... academic writing
  • A-028 academic year ... acanthodian
  • A-029 acanthoid ... acaulous
  • A-030 acausal ... accelerative
  • A-031 accelerator ... accept an applicant
  • A-032 accept an appointment ... acceptancy
  • A-033 acceptant ... access code
  • A-034 access course ... accession number
  • A-035 accession talks ... accidental contact
  • A-036 accidental damage ... acclimated
  • A-037 acclimatised ... accompanist
  • A-038 accompany ... accompt
  • A-039 accomptable ... accountability mechanism
  • A-040 accountability rating ... accoy
  • A-041 Accra ... acculturative
  • A-042 acculturize ... accurate diagnosis
  • A-043 accurate estimate ... accusation of fraud
  • A-044 accusation of misconduct ... acephate
  • A-045 acepromazine ... acetobacter
  • A-046 acetoclastic ... acetylsalicylic
  • A-047 acetylsalicylic acid ... achieve a dream
  • A-049 achieve unity ... achromatic prism
  • A-050 achromaticity ... acid product
  • A-051 A chromosome ... a dog's age
  • A-052 acidophilus ... acknowledge receipt
  • A-053 acid production ... acidophilous
  • A-054 acknowledge the complexity of ... acoelomate
  • A-055 acoelous ... acoustic instrument
  • A-056 acoustic mine ... acquight
  • A-057 acquirability ... acquis communautaire
  • A-058 acquisition ... acres of park
  • A-059 acres of parkland ... acrogynous
  • A-060 acrolect ... acrylamide
  • A-061 acrylate ... act independently
  • A-062 actinobacterial ... action sequence
  • A-063 actin polymerization ... actinobacteria
  • A-064 act instinctively ... act of subversion
  • A-065 action shot ... active component
  • A-066 active compound ... active supporter
  • A-067 active surveillance ... actressy
  • A-068 Act of Toleration ... actin filament
  • A-069 Acts ... acus
  • A-070 acusector ... acute sense of
  • A-071 acute sensitivity ... ad gloriam
  • A-072 Adam's apple ... adapter ring
  • A-073 adaptin ... add spice
  • A-074 added twist ... additional capacity
  • A-075 additional capital ... additional stimulus
  • A-076 additional strain ... address a need
  • A-077 address a reader ... Adela
  • A-078 add texture ... added to this/added to that
  • A-079 Adelaide ... adenoviral
  • A-080 adenovirus ... adequate standard
  • A-081 adequate supervision ... ADI
  • A-082 ad hoc ... Adam's ale
  • A-083 Adi Granth ... adipsin
  • A-084 Adirondack ... adjoining building
  • A-085 adjoining cell ... adjust manually
  • A-086 adjust the angle ... adjutage
  • A-087 adjutancy ... administered price
  • A-088 administerial ... administrative role
  • A-089 administrative savings ... admiring
  • A-090 admiring glance ... admit privately
  • A-091 admit publicly ... Adonic
  • A-092 a dog's chance ... a fortiori
  • A-093 Adonijah ... adoptee
  • A-094 adopter ... adread
  • A-095 adred ... ADSL
  • A-096 adsorb ... Adult Training Centre
  • A-097 adult volunteer ... advance man
  • A-098 advanced material ... advent of agriculture
  • A-099 advance men ... advanced manufacturing
  • A-100 advent of computers ... adverb group
  • A-101 adverb phrase ... advertise a business
  • A-102 advertise a position ... Advertising Standards Authority
  • A-103 advertize ... advocacy organization
  • A-104 advocacy role ... Aeaea
  • A-105 -aean ... aelurophile
  • A-106 aelurophilia ... aerial cableway
  • A-107 aerial camera ... aerobic dancing
  • A-108 aerobic digestion ... aerofoil
  • A-109 aerogel ... aerophoto
  • A-110 aerophyte ... aerotrain
  • A-111 aerotropic ... aesthetics
  • A-112 aestival ... affaire
  • A-113 affaire d'amour ... affectionless
  • A-114 affections ... affirm a decision
  • A-115 affirm a right ... affluent home
  • A-116 affluent household ... affordable loans
  • A-117 affordable luxury ... aficionado
  • A-118 afield ... African millet
  • A-119 a free hand ... a hidden agenda
  • A-120 African mongoose ... AFSC
  • A-121 AFSCME ... aftereffect
  • A-122 aftereye ... aftershave
  • A-123 aftershave balm ... against time
  • A-124 against your better judgment ... Agastya
  • A-125 agata ... age-mate
  • A-126 agency spokesman ... aggrace
  • A-127 age-old ... agency shop
  • A-128 aggrade ... aggresome
  • A-129 aggress ... agha
  • A-130 aghast ... AGM
  • A-131 agma ... agonistes
  • A-132 agonistic ... agree beforehand
  • A-133 agree completely ... agricultural exporter
  • A-134 agricultural field ... agriculturist
  • A-135 agrifood ... agrostology
  • A-136 agrotechnician ... aheight
  • A-137 ahem ... ahuru
  • A-138 a high hand ... à la rigueur
  • A-139 ahuruhuru ... aid understanding
  • A-140 aid worker ... ailing airline
  • A-141 ailing economy ... air accident
  • A-142 A.I.M.E. ... AAR
  • A-143 air alert ... air cushion
  • A-144 aircraft charter ... airflow
  • A-145 air cylinder ... air lock
  • A-146 airfoil ... airliner
  • A-147 airlock ... airport novel
  • A-148 air log ... air right
  • A-149 airport official ... airward
  • A-150 air rights ... air vice-marshal
  • A-151 air-to-ground missile ... aircraft carrier
  • A-152 air war ... air-to-ground
  • A-153 airwards ... ajingle
  • A-154 ajiva ... `Akko
  • A-155 Akmola ... alabastron
  • A-156 alabastrum ... alapa
  • A-157 alar ... alas
  • A-158 Alaska ... Albert Canal
  • A-159 à la vapeur ... a man's man
  • A-160 Albert Edward ... album features
  • A-161 album highlight ... Alceste
  • A-162 Alcestis ... alcoholic psychosis
  • A-163 alcoholic solution ... Aldershot
  • A-164 alderwoman ... Aleksandrovsk
  • A-165 Alemán ... aleuronic
  • A-166 Aleus ... Alexis Mikhailovich
  • A-167 alexithymia ... algebraic equation
  • A-168 algebraic extension ... algophobia
  • A-169 algor ... alien intelligence
  • A-170 alien invaders ... aligoté
  • A-171 alike ... alkahestic
  • A-172 alkalemia ... alkaptonuria
  • A-173 alkekengi ... all for
  • A-174 all-dancing ... all-star
  • A-175 allegation of corruption ... alleged mistreatment
  • A-176 alleged misuse of ... allelomorph
  • A-177 allelomorphic ... alleviate a condition
  • A-178 alleviate a problem ... allicholy
  • A-179 All for Love ... all standing
  • A-180 allicin ... allocate
  • A-181 allocate a budget ... allomerize
  • A-182 allometrically ... allottee
  • A-183 allotter ... allure
  • A-184 all-star cast ... allegation
  • A-185 all sweetness and light ... all-consuming
  • A-186 allure lies in ... almeh
  • A-187 Almelo ... almost effortless
  • A-188 almost empty ... almost unbeatable
  • A-189 almost unbelievable ... Aloidae
  • A-190 aloin ... alpha cells
  • A-191 alphabet code ... alpine skiing
  • A-192 Alpha Centauri ... alphabet
  • A-193 alpine terrain ... altar wine
  • A-194 altarage ... alter the outcome
  • A-195 alternate straight ... alternative model
  • A-196 alternative option ... althiomycin
  • A-197 alter the position ... alternate source
  • A-198 altho ... altruism
  • A-199 altruist ... aluminum silicate
  • A-200 aluminum soap ... Alwin
  • A-201 alwite ... Amaltheia
  • A-202 Aman ... Amaterasu
  • A-203 a man/woman of his/her word ... a one-way ticket to something
  • A-204 amateur ... Amati
  • A-205 amation ... amazingly beautiful
  • A-206 amazingly detailed ... ambered
  • A-207 amberfish ... ambisexuality
  • A-208 ambisinister ... amblypod
  • A-209 ambo ... ambulatories
  • A-210 ambulatory ... amenage
  • A-211 amenaunce ... America First Committee
  • A-212 America Firster ... American football
  • A-213 American foxhound ... American twist
  • A-214 American Wake ... amic
  • A-215 amicable ... aminated
  • A-216 amination ... aminotriazole
  • A-217 amiodarone ... ammonifies
  • A-218 ammonify ... amnesties
  • A-219 amnesty ... amor vincit omnia
  • A-220 amora ... amowt
  • A-221 amoxicillin ... amphicoelous
  • A-222 amphictyon ... amphitheatre
  • A-223 amphithecia ... amplexicaul
  • A-224 amplexifoliate ... amrita
  • A-225 amritattva ... Amy
  • A-226 Amyclas ... amylum
  • A-227 Amyntor ... anabases
  • A-228 anabasine ... anaemia
  • A-229 anaemic ... anal retentive
  • A-230 anal vein ... analyse
  • A-231 analyse a relationship ... analytic continuation
  • A-232 analytic geometry ... anammox
  • A-233 anamneses ... anaptotic
  • A-234 anaptyxes ... Anatolian
  • A-235 Anatolian shepherd dog ... ancestral homeland
  • A-236 ancestral land ... anchoritic
  • A-237 anchoritical ... ancient instrument
  • A-238 ancient kingdom ... ancientry
  • A-239 ancients ... and/or whatnot
  • A-240 Andalucía ... Andrea
  • A-241 Andrea del Sarto ... Andros
  • A-242 androsace ... anemogram
  • A-243 anemograph ... anew
  • A-244 ANF ... Angelina
  • A-245 Angelino ... angiopathy
  • A-246 angioplasty ... angle of vision
  • A-247 angle of yaw ... Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
  • A-248 Anglo-French ... angry demonstration
  • A-249 angry e-mail ... angular velocity
  • A-250 angularities ... anilin
  • A-251 anilinctus ... animal protein
  • A-252 animal research ... animated map
  • A-253 animated movie ... anisocoria
  • A-254 anisodactyl ... ankylosaur
  • A-255 ankylosaurid ... Annelida
  • A-256 Annette ... annona family
  • A-276 antifade ... antifur
  • A-277 antigambling ... antihumanism
  • A-278 antihumanistic ... antimacassar
  • A-280 antimacho ... antimoniate
  • A-281 antimonic ... antinomian
  • A-282 antinomical ... antiperistalsis
  • A-283 antiperistasis ... antipoverty
  • A-284 antipredator ... antiqued
  • A-285 antiquely ... antiromanticism
  • A-286 antiroyal ... antislip
  • A-287 antismog ... antiterrorism
  • A-288 antiterrorist ... antivax
  • A-289 antivenin ... antonomasia
  • A-290 Antony ... anxiety associated with
  • A-291 anxiety attack ... anywhen
  • A-292 anywhere ... APA
  • A-293 à outrance ... a red flag
  • A-294 apace ... apathetic
  • A-295 apathetical ... apfelstrudel
  • A-296 apgar ... aphtha
  • A-297 aphthae ... aplanatism
  • A-298 aplanetic ... apocryphal story
  • A-299 apocryphal tale ... Apollonius of Rhodes
  • A-300 Apollyon ... apoplexy
  • A-301 apoprotein ... apostolic vicar
  • A-302 apostolicism ... appalling record
  • A-303 appalling scene ... apparent randomness
  • A-304 apparent reference to ... appeal the conviction
  • A-305 appeal the judgment ... appellant
  • A-306 appellate ... appetite suppressant
  • A-307 appetition ... apple of discord
  • A-308 apple of one's eye ... applicable tax
  • A-309 applicant ... apply a coat
  • A-311 apply sunscreen ... appointments bureau
  • A-312 appointments process ... appreciate the value of
  • A-313 appreciate the virtues of ... approach path
  • A-314 approach retirement ... appropriate mechanism
  • A-315 appropriate metaphor ... approve a motion
  • A-316 approve a payment ... appulse
  • A-317 appurtenance ... Apsu
  • A-318 Apsyrtus ... aqua vitae
  • A-319 Aqua-Lung ... aquarium fish
  • A-320 aquarium tank ... Aquilae
  • A-321 aquilegia ... Arabic numerals
  • A-322 arabica ... araeometry
  • A-323 araeostyle ... Araucan
  • A-324 Araucana ... arbitrary rule
  • A-325 arbitrary standard ... arborist
  • A-326 Arborite ... Arcadian
  • A-327 Arcadic ... archaeological community
  • A-328 archaeological dig ... archaic term
  • A-329 archaic tradition ... archeoastronomy
  • A-330 archeocyte ... archine
  • A-331 arching ... architecture parlante
  • A-332 architecture studio ... archway
  • A-333 archway leads ... arctics
  • A-334 arctigenin ... arduous trek
  • A-335 arduous work ... arena tour
  • A-336 a red herring ... a slice of the action
  • A-337 arenaceous ... argemone
  • A-338 argent ... arguably
  • A-339 argue ... argyrite
  • A-340 argyrodite ... arillus
  • A-341 Arimathea ... arith.
  • A-342 arithmancy ... arm wrestling
  • A-343 armed fighter ... armiger
  • A-344 armigero ... armour
  • A-345 armour plate ... armstand dive
  • A-346 arm's-length ... armed escort
  • A-347 Armstrong ... army tank
  • A-348 army troops ... aromatic spirits of ammonia
  • A-349 aromaticity ... arraignment
  • A-350 Arran ... array of colour
  • A-351 array of devices ... arrestor
  • A-352 arret ... arrivederci
  • A-353 arriving passengers ... arsenic
  • A-354 arsenic acid ... art auction
  • A-355 art class ... art sculpture
  • A-356 arteriopathy ... Arthus' reaction
  • A-357 arti ... articulate advocate
  • A-358 articulate an idea ... artificial heart
  • A-359 artificial hip ... artillery bombardment
  • A-360 artillery duel ... artistic expression
  • A-361 artistic flair ... artotype
  • A-362 arts ... arvicole
  • A-363 art song ... arteriole
  • A-364 arvicoline ... as far as one can judge
  • A-365 Asantehene ... ascendancy
  • A-366 ascendant ... ASCII file
  • A-367 ascites ... aseptate
  • A-368 aseptic ... Ashdown
  • A-369 as far as one can tell/so far as one can tell ... as people (or things) go
  • A-370 Ashe ... ashtray
  • A-371 Ashur ... ask permission
  • A-372 ask politely ... asparagus
  • A-373 a slip of the tongue ... a thick ear
  • A-374 asparagus bean ... asphalt concrete
  • A-375 as per ... Asante
  • A-376 asphalt jungle ... aspiring singer
  • A-377 aspiring writer ... assault troops
  • A-378 assaultive ... assembly member
  • A-379 Assembly of First Nations ... assess
  • A-380 assess a need ... assessed income
  • A-381 assessed value ... asseveratingly
  • A-382 asseveration ... assimilationist
  • A-383 assimilative ... assisted-living facility
  • A-384 assistive ... assoilment
  • A-385 assoilzie ... assumed
  • A-386 assumed bond ... astatic
  • A-387 astatic galvanometer ... Asti
  • A-388 Asti spumante ... astonishing variety
  • A-389 astonishingly beautiful ... astrocompass
  • A-390 astrocyte ... astronomical phenomenon
  • A-391 astronomical price ... Asunción
  • A-392 asunder ... asynartetic
  • A-393 asynchronism ... at any price
  • A-394 (at) any moment (now) ... atelectasis
  • A-395 at any rate ... at last
  • A-396 atelectatic ... atheoretical
  • A-397 atheous ... athletic shoe
  • A-398 a thick skin ... a wild goose chase
  • A-399 athletic skill ... atlantal
  • A-400 Atlantean ... atmospheric
  • A-401 at least ... at sb's behest/ at the behest of sb
  • A-402 atmospheric boundary layer ... atomic force microscope
  • A-403 atomic force microscopy ... atop
  • A-404 atopic ... atropia
  • A-405 atropine ... attain a standard
  • A-406 at sb's bidding ... at the expense of
  • A-407 attain an objective ... attend a camp
  • A-409 attend appointments ... attentions
  • A-410 attentive ... attitude prevails
  • A-411 at the fiddle ... (at) any minute (now)
  • A-412 attitude problem ... attract graduates
  • A-413 attract insects ... attractive proposition
  • A-414 attractive prospect ... atwitter
  • A-415 Atwood ... auction sale
  • A-416 auction sales ... audience reacts
  • A-417 audience research ... audio version
  • A-418 audio-cassette ... auditing firm
  • A-419 auditing standards ... auger bit
  • A-420 Auger effect ... Auliye-Ata
  • A-421 aulnage ... Aurelius
  • A-422 aurene glass ... auspex
  • A-423 auspicate ... Australian Aborigine
  • A-424 Australian Alps ... Austroasiatic
  • A-425 Austronesia ... authenticity
  • A-426 authigenic ... authority is powerless
  • A-427 authority of law ... auto production
  • A-428 autocatalyze ... autoerotic asphyxia
  • A-429 autoeroticism ... autoinhibition
  • A-430 autoinhibitory ... automated production
  • A-431 automated response ... automatic system
  • A-432 automatic thought ... automotive components
  • A-433 automotive design ... autophagosome
  • A-434 autophagosome formation ... autoregulation
  • A-435 auto racing ... autocatalytic
  • A-436 autoreply ... autotune
  • A-437 autotype ... auxiliary engine
  • A-438 auxiliary equation ... available information
  • A-439 available light ... avantist
  • A-440 Avar ... average clause
  • A-441 average consumption ... aversiveness
  • A-442 avert ... aviation industry
  • A-443 aviation infrastructure ... avionics
  • A-444 aviophobia ... avoid a situation
  • A-445 avoidable death ... await a visitor
  • A-446 avoid a trap ... avoidable
  • A-447 await an answer ... award an amount
  • A-448 award category ... away defeat
  • A-449 away from sb/sth ... awful stench
  • A-450 awful stuff ... awnless bromegrass
  • A-451 awny ... axillary bud
  • A-452 a wolf in sheep's clothing ... A.I.C.
  • A-453 axinite ... axonic
  • A-454 axonogenesis ... Ayurveda
  • A-455 Ayurvedic ... azo radical
  • A-456 azobenzene ... azygy
  • A-457 azym ... azymous

More Definitions

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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