B Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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B Words Definitions
Letter B Index - Real Dictionary
  • B-001 Babbage ... baboonery
  • B-002 baboonish ... baby split
  • B-003 baby spot ... baccarat
  • B-004 baccate ... bachelorhood
  • B-005 bachelorism ... back dive
  • B-006 backcountry ... background reading
  • B-007 back door ... back problem
  • B-008 background report ... backpiece
  • B-009 back-kitchen ... backcomb
  • B-010 backplate ... backstage pass
  • B-011 back projection ... back-heel
  • B-012 backstage scene ... backwrap
  • B-013 backyard ... bacterial diversity
  • B-014 bacterial endocarditis ... bacteriostat
  • B-015 bacteriotoxin ... bad light
  • B-016 badgeless ... baffled
  • B-017 bad luck ... badge of pride
  • B-018 bafflegab ... baggage restrictions
  • B-019 baggage screening ... bagwig
  • B-020 bagwoman ... bail money
  • B-021 bail out ... baisemain
  • B-022 bait ... bakery products
  • B-023 bakery shop ... balance of payments
  • B-024 balance of payments deficit ... balancer
  • B-025 Balanchine ... Balder
  • B-026 balderdash ... Balkan
  • B-027 Balkan frame ... ball up
  • B-028 ballet flats ... ballonné
  • B-029 ballons d'essai ... ballroom dancer
  • B-030 ballroom dancing ... BALPA
  • B-031 ball valve ... ballet dancer
  • B-032 balsa ... Balzac
  • B-033 balzarine ... ban a party
  • B-034 ban alcohol ... Banaras
  • B-035 Banat ... Banda Sea
  • B-036 bandage ... bandmate
  • B-037 bandobust ... bang one's head against a brick wall
  • B-038 bang out ... banjo player
  • B-039 banjolele ... bank loan
  • B-040 Bankhead ... bankrupt the country
  • B-041 bank machine ... banket
  • B-042 bankrupt the nation ... banon
  • B-043 banquet ... baptisia
  • B-044 B.A.P.C.T. ... B.S.Com.
  • B-045 baptism ... bar of soap
  • B-046 barbarian ... barbell
  • B-047 barbellate ... Barca
  • B-048 Barcalounger ... bare outline
  • B-049 barely concealed ... bargaining agent
  • B-050 bare owner ... barely comprehensible
  • B-051 bargaining chip ... barium bromate
  • B-052 barium carbonate ... barley crop
  • B-053 barley field ... Barnaul
  • B-054 Barnave ... baron of beef
  • B-055 Baron Tweedsmuir ... barquette
  • B-056 bar owner ... barbaresque
  • B-057 Barquisimeto ... barrel distortion
  • B-058 barrel engine ... barretter
  • B-059 barriada ... barstool
  • B-060 Bart ... Bas-Rhin
  • B-061 basa ... base an estimate on
  • B-062 base an opinion on ... baseball club
  • B-063 baseball coach ... based strictly on
  • B-064 baseej ... bash up
  • B-065 Bashan ... basic fibroblast growth factor
  • B-066 basic food ... basic task
  • B-067 basic technique ... basilican
  • B-068 Basilicata ... basketball league
  • B-069 basketball net ... bass trombone
  • B-070 bass tuba ... bastard measles
  • B-071 bastard pointing ... Bat Hayil
  • B-072 bath bomb ... bathophilous
  • B-073 bathophobia ... batiste
  • B-074 bat in ... Bath and North East Somerset
  • B-075 batler ... battener
  • B-076 batter ... battery unit
  • B-077 battery-operated ... battle plan
  • B-078 battle rages ... battue
  • B-079 battuta ... Bavarian cream
  • B-080 bavarois ... bay tree
  • B-081 bay view ... bazooka
  • B-082 bazooms ... be (or get) in someone's face
  • B-083 b ... B.A.Mus.Ed.
  • B-084 beach dune ... bead and reel
  • B-085 bead lightning ... beam aerial
  • B-086 beam antenna ... bean curd
  • B-087 bean goose ... bear a share of
  • B-088 bear a sign ... bear witness
  • B-089 bearing plate ... beat one's breast
  • B-090 bear's-breech ... bearing pile
  • B-091 beatinest ... beautiful coastline
  • B-092 beat one's gums ... beatify
  • B-093 beautiful colour ... beauty ideal
  • B-094 beauty mark ... bebop
  • B-095 be banging one's head against a brick wall ... be eyeball to eyeball
  • B-096 Bebryces ... beclown
  • B-097 become ... bed occupancy
  • B-098 bedecked ... bedposts
  • B-099 bed of nails ... bedeck
  • B-100 bedpresser ... bedside table
  • B-101 bedside vigil ... bee martin
  • B-102 beef stroganoff ... beer bottle
  • B-103 bee moth ... beef stock
  • B-104 beer bust ... beetlehead
  • B-105 beetleheaded ... befortune
  • B-106 be for it/be in for it ... be in command/be in command of yourself
  • B-107 befoul ... begin a career
  • B-108 begin a dialogue ... begrudgingly
  • B-109 beguile ... behavior
  • B-110 behavior modification ... beheld
  • B-111 behemoth ... beignet
  • B-112 beigy ... belamour
  • B-113 be in embryo ... be living on borrowed time
  • B-114 belamy ... belgicism
  • B-115 Belgium ... bell curve
  • B-116 Belle Époque, La ... bellwort
  • B-117 bell frog ... belle époque
  • B-118 belly ... Belostok
  • B-119 be long in the tooth ... be on tenterhooks
  • B-120 belote ... belted
  • B-121 belted kingfisher ... bemuffle
  • B-122 bemurmur ... bench-made
  • B-123 bencher ... Bendix drive
  • B-124 bendlet ... beneficial nutrients
  • B-125 beneficial outcome ... benefit the environment
  • B-126 benefit the patient ... benign
  • B-127 benign condition ... Bentham
  • B-128 Benthamism ... benzidine
  • B-129 benzil ... benzylidene chloride
  • B-130 benzyloxy- ... berdache
  • B-131 be on the ball ... be riddled with something
  • B-132 be (or get) wise to ... be back to square one
  • B-133 Berdyaev ... bergy bit
  • B-134 bergylt ... Bermuda shorts
  • B-135 be riding high ... be tops, be the tops
  • B-136 Bermuda Triangle ... berrylike
  • B-137 Berryman ... beseemingness
  • B-138 beseemly ... besot
  • B-139 besotted ... best option
  • B-140 best performance ... bestrewn
  • B-141 bestridable ... beta-naphthol
  • B-142 beta-naphthyl group ... Bethlehem sage
  • B-143 Bethmann Hollweg ... better choice
  • B-144 be traced directly ... beach drift
  • B-145 better deal ... between whiles
  • B-146 between wind and water ... Beveridge
  • B-147 Beveridge plan ... Bexhill
  • B-148 Bexley ... BFPO
  • B-149 BFT ... BHT
  • B-150 Bhubaneswar ... biaxially
  • B-151 bib ... Biblicist
  • B-152 biblike ... bibliotist
  • B-153 biblist ... bicollateral
  • B-154 bicolor ... bicycle tour
  • B-155 bicycle touring ... bidentate
  • B-156 bidenticulate ... biffin
  • B-157 biffo ... big boost
  • B-158 big box ... big labor
  • B-159 bight ... bike lane
  • B-160 big laurel ... big-heartedly
  • B-161 big-leaguer ... Bighorn Mountains
  • B-162 bike lock ... bilateral negotiations
  • B-163 bilateral relations ... bilinear form
  • B-164 bilinear transformation ... billboard poster
  • B-165 billbook ... Billiton
  • B-166 billman ... bimillennial
  • B-167 bimillennium ... Binchy
  • B-168 bind ... binding site
  • B-169 binding specificity ... binocle
  • B-170 binocs ... bioanalytical
  • B-171 bioanalyzer ... bioclastic
  • B-172 bioclean ... biodynamics
  • B-173 bioecology ... biogeochemical
  • B-174 biogeochemical cycle ... biological basis
  • B-175 biological characteristics ... biological specimen
  • B-176 biological system ... biomedical engineer
  • B-177 biomedical engineering ... biopanning
  • B-178 bioparent ... biosafety
  • B-179 biosample ... Biot-Savart law
  • B-180 biota ... bipartisan committee
  • B-181 bipartisan compromise ... birch partridge
  • B-182 birch tree ... bird strike
  • B-183 birds of a feather flock together ... birth cohort
  • B-184 bird table ... birds of a feather
  • B-185 birth complications ... birthname
  • B-186 birthnight ... Bishkek
  • B-187 Bisho ... bissextus
  • B-188 bisso ... bitchen
  • B-189 bitchery ... bitless
  • B-190 bitmap ... bitter experience
  • B-191 bitter feud ... bitterly ironic
  • B-192 bittern ... bivvy
  • B-193 biweeklies ... bkcy
  • B-194 bkg ... black boy
  • B-195 black bread ... Black Friar
  • B-196 Black Friday ... Black Maria
  • B-197 blackguard ... blackwater fever
  • B-198 black mark ... black racer
  • B-199 black raspberry ... black tree fern
  • B-200 black velvet ... black-tie affair
  • B-201 black-water fever ... blackgame
  • B-202 blackwater rafting ... blagging
  • B-203 Blagoveshchensk ... Blanco
  • B-204 bland ... blanket prohibition
  • B-205 blanket refusal ... blast of heat
  • B-206 blast off ... blatant discrimination
  • B-207 blatant disregard for ... bleach solution
  • B-208 bleached ... bleed off
  • B-209 bleed out ... Blenheim
  • B-210 Blenheim orange ... blew
  • B-211 blewit ... blind rage
  • B-212 blind register ... blinker
  • B-213 blinkered ... blitz chess
  • B-214 blitzed ... block an attempt
  • B-215 block an effort ... block the action of
  • B-216 blocking capacitor ... blood
  • B-217 block the door ... blocking antibody
  • B-218 blood agar ... blood meal
  • B-219 blood money ... blood urea nitrogen
  • B-220 bloodstream ... blossom
  • B-221 blood vessel ... bloodstone
  • B-222 blossom-end rot ... blow in
  • B-223 blow in the wind ... blow wild
  • B-224 blow your mind ... blowy
  • B-225 blowzed ... Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • B-226 blue daisy ... Blue Mantle
  • B-227 bluejeans ... Blum
  • B-228 blue marguerite ... blue stem
  • B-229 blue-singlet ... bluejay
  • B-230 Blue Stilton ... blue-rinsed
  • B-231 Blumberg ... blurry vision
  • B-232 blurt ... boab
  • B-233 Boabdil ... board of pardons
  • B-234 board of parole ... boardwalk
  • B-235 boarfish ... boat tour
  • B-236 boat traffic ... bob-a-job week
  • B-237 bobsledding ... bodhran
  • B-238 bob-wheel ... bobsledder
  • B-239 bodice ... body clock
  • B-240 body colour ... body repairs
  • B-241 body rhythm ... Boehm system
  • B-242 Boehmenism ... bogan
  • B-243 Bogarde ... Bohemian
  • B-244 Bohemian Brethren ... boiled egg
  • B-245 boiled oil ... bokeh
  • B-246 Bokhara ... bold stripes
  • B-247 bold strokes ... Bolognese
  • B-248 bolograph ... boltlike
  • B-249 Bolton ... bombax
  • B-250 bombax family ... bon voyage
  • B-251 Bona ... bond portfolio
  • B-252 bond price ... bone china
  • B-253 bone conduction ... bonheur-du-jour
  • B-254 Bonhoeffer ... bonnyclabber
  • B-255 bonobo ... bonytail
  • B-256 bonze ... book a cruise
  • B-257 book a flight ... book of hours
  • B-258 booker ... bookwork
  • B-259 Book of Kells ... bookend
  • B-260 bookworm ... boomkin
  • B-261 boomlet ... boost performance
  • B-262 boost power ... boot prints
  • B-263 boot sale ... bootstrap value
  • B-264 boottopping ... borazon
  • B-265 borborygmi ... bordereaux
  • B-266 borderer ... Borgia
  • B-267 Borglum ... Bornholm
  • B-268 Bornholm disease ... borrow pit
  • B-269 borrow trouble ... boskopoid
  • B-270 bosky ... Boston marriage
  • B-271 Boston Massacre ... botchier
  • B-272 botchiest ... bottle cap
  • B-273 bottle club ... bottom
  • B-274 bottom bolt ... bottomlessly
  • B-275 bottomlessness ... boughpot
  • B-276 bought ... bounceback
  • B-277 bouncebackability ... bounderish
  • B-278 boundless ... bourgeoisify
  • B-279 bourgeon ... boutique studio
  • B-280 boutiquey ... bow wave
  • B-281 bowlegged ... bowstring truss
  • B-282 bowtel ... box staple
  • B-283 bow weight ... bowleg
  • B-284 box step ... boxty
  • B-285 boxwallah ... boyish enthusiasm
  • B-286 boyish face ... brabblement
  • B-287 Brabham ... brachydactyl
  • B-288 brachydactylia ... Bradford
  • B-289 Bradford score ... Brahman
  • B-290 Brahmana ... brain gain
  • B-291 brainfood ... brake mean effective pressure
  • B-292 brain haemorrhage ... brainfart
  • B-293 brake pad ... branch instruction
  • B-294 branch library ... brand leader
  • B-295 brand logo ... brane
  • B-296 branfulness ... brass neck
  • B-297 brass plaque ... Braudel
  • B-298 Braun ... brazil nut
  • B-299 brazil wood ... breach of warranty
  • B-300 breach the surface ... breadth
  • B-301 breadth of coverage ... break apart
  • B-302 break away ... break the internet
  • B-303 breaker strip ... breakout star
  • B-304 breakout year ... breaststroke
  • B-305 break the law ... breaker point
  • B-306 breaststroker ... breathiest
  • B-307 breathing ... bredren
  • B-308 bree ... breeding stock
  • B-309 breeks ... Breslau
  • B-310 Bresson ... brewis
  • B-311 brewmaster ... brick maker
  • B-312 brick masonry ... bridal shop
  • B-313 bridal shower ... bridge the gulf
  • B-314 bridge-builder ... brief comeback
  • B-315 brief comment ... brief resurgence
  • B-316 brief reunion ... brigalow
  • B-317 brigand ... bright wool
  • B-318 bright young things ... brilliant display
  • B-319 brilliant green ... briner
  • B-320 bring ... bring rewards
  • B-321 bring round ... brinjarry
  • B-322 brink ... brisket
  • B-323 briskish ... British Civil Airworthiness Requirements
  • B-324 British Columbia ... British White
  • B-325 Britisher ... broad audience
  • B-326 broad avenue ... broad scale
  • B-327 broadcast booth ... broaden the perspective
  • B-328 broaden the pool ... broccoli
  • B-329 broad scope ... broadcast audience
  • B-330 broccoli florets ... broiling
  • B-331 brokage ... brokerage fee
  • B-332 brokerage firm ... bromophenol blue
  • B-333 bromouracil ... brontosaurus
  • B-334 Bronx ... broodiest
  • B-335 broodily ... brother
  • B-336 Brother Jonathan ... brown bread
  • B-337 brown bullhead ... brown-nosing
  • B-338 brown-state ... BRT
  • B-339 bru ... Brunelleschi
  • B-340 brunet ... brushstroke
  • B-341 brushup ... brutely
  • B-342 bruteness ... BSO
  • B-343 B.S.D.Hyg. ... B.T.Ch.
  • B-344 BSP ... bubbliest
  • B-345 B.T.E. ... babassu oil
  • B-346 bubbly ... buck moon
  • B-347 buckjump ... bucranium
  • B-348 buck moth ... buckishly
  • B-349 Bucureşti ... budgeree
  • B-350 budgerigar ... budgetary decisions
  • B-351 budgetary deficit ... buffalo
  • B-352 buffalo beetle ... buffing
  • B-353 buffing wheel ... Buggins' turn
  • B-354 buggy ... build a frame
  • B-355 build a friendship ... build self-confidence
  • B-356 building trades ... Bukharin
  • B-357 build steadily ... building trade
  • B-358 bukkake ... bulimus
  • B-359 bulimy ... bull huss
  • B-360 Bulldog Clip ... bullish investors
  • B-361 bull in a china shop ... bulldog breed
  • B-362 bullish market ... bullyrag
  • B-363 bullyragged ... bummalo
  • B-364 bummaree ... bumpy track
  • B-365 bums on seats ... bundies
  • B-366 bundist ... bunion
  • B-367 bunionette ... bunya-bunya
  • B-368 bunya-bunya pine ... buran
  • B-369 Buraq ... bureaucratese
  • B-370 bureaucratic ... Burghley
  • B-371 Burghley House ... buried
  • B-372 buried deep ... burn a flag
  • B-373 burn a hole ... burner
  • B-374 burnet ... burnt sugar
  • B-375 burnt toast ... bursarship
  • B-376 bursary ... Burushaski
  • B-377 burweed ... bush ballad
  • B-378 bush basil ... bushel
  • B-379 bushel of wheat ... bushy eyebrows
  • B-380 bushy growth ... business entity
  • B-381 business envelope ... business thrives
  • B-382 business travel ... bustee
  • B-383 buster ... but that's another story
  • B-384 butler service ... butter tart
  • B-385 butterfly wedge ... button switch
  • B-386 butter toast ... butterfly valve
  • B-387 but then ... butler
  • B-388 button tow ... butylene
  • B-389 butylene group ... buy order
  • B-390 buy out ... Buys Ballot's law
  • B-391 buyup ... by acclamation
  • B-392 by all manner of means ... by my certie
  • B-393 by my certy ... by yourself
  • B-394 BYOD ... Byz.
  • B-395 by yourselves ... BYOB
  • B-396 byzant ... bz

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