K Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

Explore words & definitions starting with K. Find thousands of K word meanings to help you better understand the English language at the Real Dictionary.

K Words Definitions
Letter K Index - Real Dictionary
  • K-001 Kabila ... Kafkaesque
  • K-002 kaftan ... kaiserism
  • K-003 kaisership ... Kali Yuga
  • K-004 kalian ... Kamba
  • K-005 kambal ... kang
  • K-006 Kang-de ... kaolin
  • K-007 kaolinite ... karakul
  • K-008 Karamanlis ... karma-marga
  • K-009 karmadharaya ... karyotypically
  • K-010 karyotyping ... Katar
  • K-011 Katari ... kauri
  • K-012 kauri dieback ... kazoo
  • K-013 kb ... Kedron
  • K-014 Kedushah ... keenly interested
  • K-015 keep from ... keep out
  • K-016 keep ... keep focus
  • K-017 keep out intruders ... keep track
  • K-018 keepsaky ... kelek
  • K-019 keep track of ... keepsake
  • K-020 kelep ... Kendal green
  • K-021 Kendal sneck bent ... Kentish tracery
  • K-022 Kentishman ... keratoconjunctivitis
  • K-023 keratoconus ... Kerguelen Islands
  • K-024 kerkier ... kerygma
  • K-025 kerygmatic ... kettle-bottom
  • K-026 kettle-stitch ... key enzyme
  • K-027 key factor ... key stage
  • K-028 Keynes ... Khakassia
  • K-029 key stakeholder ... keyman insurance
  • K-030 khaki ... kheth
  • K-031 khi ... kiang
  • K-032 Kiangsi ... kick serve
  • K-033 kick someone in the teeth ... kid sister
  • K-034 kidologist ... Kilkenny cats
  • K-035 kid stuff ... kidneywort
  • K-036 killjoy ... kilter
  • K-037 kill ... killing spree
  • K-038 kiltie ... kindergartner
  • K-039 kinderspiel ... kinetic sculpture
  • K-040 kinetic theory ... king prawn
  • K-041 Kingdom Hall ... Kinneret
  • K-042 king rail ... kingdom come
  • K-043 kinnikinick ... Kirchhoff's laws
  • K-044 Kirchner ... Kisetla
  • K-045 kish ... kit car
  • K-046 kitchen tiles ... Kittie
  • K-047 kit fox ... kitchen tea
  • K-048 kitties ... Klausenburg
  • K-049 k ... kabiki
  • K-050 klavern ... klipspringer
  • K-051 klismos ... knap
  • K-052 knapped ... knee-high boots
  • K-053 knee-high socks ... knife crime
  • K-054 knife edge ... Knights Templars
  • K-055 kniphofia ... knock off
  • K-056 knockless ... know by sight
  • K-057 knock on the door of something ... knocking-shop
  • K-058 know firsthand ... knowledge engineering
  • K-059 knowledge gap ... knuckle-duster
  • K-060 knuckleball ... kof
  • K-061 koff ... kola nut
  • K-062 Kola Peninsula ... kondo
  • K-063 Kondratieff wave ... Koplik's spots
  • K-064 koppa ... kosha
  • K-065 kosher ... Koyukon
  • K-066 Kozhikode ... kretek
  • K-067 kreutzer ... krs
  • K-068 krubi ... kudlik
  • K-069 kudo ... kumiss
  • K-070 kumite ... Kurt
  • K-071 kurta ... Kwangsi
  • K-072 Kwangsi-Chuang Autonomous Region ... kynurenine
  • K-073 kyogen ... KZN

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