U Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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U Words Definitions
Letter U Index - Real Dictionary
  • U-001 Ubangi ... udder
  • U-002 udderful ... ugly customer
  • U-003 ugly duckling ... UKCC
  • U-004 uke ... ulnare
  • U-005 ulno- ... ultimate escape
  • U-006 ultimate example ... ultimatum
  • U-007 ultimo ... ultrafiltration
  • U-008 ultrafine ... ultraphysical
  • U-009 ultraposh ... ultrasound examination
  • U-010 ultrasound image ... umbel
  • U-011 umbellate ... umbrella plant
  • U-012 umbrella policy ... un-English
  • U-013 unaccomplished ... unadventurously
  • U-014 unadvertised ... unalluring
  • U-015 unalterability ... unanimous verdict
  • U-016 unanimous view ... unapprised
  • U-017 unapproachable ... unassayed
  • U-018 unassembled ... unauthorized copy
  • U-019 unauthorized disclosure ... unbarbed
  • U-020 unbarbered ... unbeguile
  • U-021 unbegun ... unbewailed
  • U-022 unbias ... unbobbed
  • U-023 unbodied ... unbridged
  • U-024 unbridle ... unbuttered
  • U-025 unbutton ... uncared
  • U-026 uncared for ... uncertified
  • U-027 unchain ... uncheerful
  • U-028 uncheerfully ... unclaimed
  • U-029 unclamp ... uncloudedly
  • U-030 uncloudedness ... uncomfortable reminder
  • U-031 uncomfortable seat ... uncomposable
  • U-032 uncompounded ... unconfirmed report
  • U-033 unconform ... unconstructive
  • U-034 unconsumed ... uncoordinated
  • U-035 uncope ... uncracked
  • U-036 uncrate ... uncurl
  • U-037 uncurrent ... undecided voter
  • U-038 undecillion ... undeniable power
  • U-039 undeniable proof ... under one's hat
  • U-040 underburnt ... undercut the competition
  • U-041 undercutter ... underestimate the intelligence of
  • U-042 underestimate the opposition ... undergo a revision
  • U-043 undergo a revival ... underground cavern
  • U-044 underground cell ... undergrown
  • U-045 undergrowth ... underlip
  • U-046 underlit ... undermine the economy
  • U-047 undermine the effectiveness of ... underprise
  • U-048 under one's nose ... under way
  • U-049 underprivileged ... undersetting
  • U-050 undersexed ... understand the enormity of
  • U-051 understand the fuss ... understrapper
  • U-052 understrapping ... undertimed
  • U-053 undertint ... underway
  • U-054 underwear ... undesignedly
  • U-055 under weigh ... underbuilder
  • U-056 undesignedness ... undipped
  • U-057 undirected ... undissembled
  • U-058 undissociated ... undoomed
  • U-059 undotted ... undue pressure
  • U-060 undue risk ... unease
  • U-061 uneasy ... unemployed worker
  • U-062 unemployed youth ... unentertained
  • U-063 unentertaining ... unethical behaviour
  • U-064 unethical conduct ... unexpected benefit
  • U-066 unexpected victory ... unfact
  • U-067 unfadable ... unfamiliar territory
  • U-068 unfamiliar voice ... unfettered
  • U-069 unfettered access ... unflashy
  • U-070 unflattering ... unforeskinned
  • U-071 unforested ... unfortunate necessity
  • U-072 unfortunate outcome ... unfrighted
  • U-073 unfrightened ... Ungaretti
  • U-074 ungarmented ... ungod
  • U-075 un-get-at-able ... unaccompanied
  • U-076 ungodlier ... unguerdoned
  • U-077 ungues ... unhappy couple
  • U-078 unhappy customer ... unheart
  • U-079 unheated ... unhomely
  • U-080 unhomogenised ... unicellular algae
  • U-081 unicellulate ... uniflagellate
  • U-082 uniflorous ... Unilateral Declaration of Independence
  • U-083 unilateral disarmament ... unimplored
  • U-084 unimportance ... uninquisitive
  • U-085 uninscribed ... uninvidious
  • U-086 uninvited ... union represents
  • U-087 union scale ... unique charm
  • U-088 unique circumstances ... unique texture
  • U-089 unique trait ... unit holder
  • U-090 United Methodist Church ... univariate
  • U-091 unit investment trust ... United Kingdom Unionist Party
  • U-092 univariate analysis ... universal respect
  • U-093 universal right ... university education
  • U-094 university employs ... unkempt
  • U-095 unkempt appearance ... unknown quantity
  • U-096 unknown reason ... unleaded gasoline
  • U-097 unleaded petrol ... unlikely candidate
  • U-098 unlikely champion ... unlined
  • U-099 unlink ... unlosable
  • U-100 unlost ... unmanned rocket
  • U-101 unmanned ship ... unmedicinable
  • U-102 unmeditated ... unmiraculous
  • U-103 unmiry ... unmounted
  • U-104 unmourned ... unnecessary cost
  • U-105 unnecessary danger ... unnilquadium
  • U-106 unnilseptium ... unoften
  • U-107 unoiled ... unpaid internship
  • U-108 unpaid labour ... unpassableness
  • U-109 unpassionate ... unperforated
  • U-110 unperformable ... unplanted
  • U-111 unplastered ... unplugging
  • U-112 unplumb ... unpowdered
  • U-113 unpracticable ... unprecedented volume
  • U-114 unprecedented wave ... unprintable
  • U-115 unprinted ... unproposed
  • U-116 unprosperous ... unpure
  • U-117 unpurely ... unracked
  • U-118 unraised ... unreasonable burden
  • U-119 unreasonable delay ... unredeemable
  • U-120 unredeemed ... unrelenting pressure
  • U-121 unrelenting rain ... unrepentant
  • U-122 unrepentantly ... unresolved dispute
  • U-123 unresolved feelings ... unrevised
  • U-124 unrevoked ... unromanticized
  • U-125 unroof ... unsaid
  • U-126 unsailed ... unsavoury reputation
  • U-127 unsavvy ... unseared
  • U-128 unseason ... unselfish
  • U-129 unsell ... unshaken
  • U-130 unshakenly ... unsickled
  • U-131 unsifted ... unsmoked
  • U-132 unsmooth ... unsolidity
  • U-133 unsolidly ... unspirited
  • U-134 unspiritual ... unstandardized
  • U-135 unstarch ... unstop
  • U-136 unstoppable ... unsubtle
  • U-137 unsubtly ... unsurely
  • U-138 unsurfaced ... unsympathy
  • U-139 unsynchronised ... unteam
  • U-140 untearable ... unthreatening
  • U-141 unthrift ... untold damage
  • U-142 untold misery ... untransmitted
  • U-143 untransmutable ... untufted
  • U-144 untumbled ... unusual appearance
  • U-145 unusual arrangement ... unusually short
  • U-146 unusually slow ... unvirtuously
  • U-147 unvisitable ... unwarlike
  • U-148 unwarmed ... unweight
  • U-149 unweighted ... unwishful
  • U-150 unwist ... unwritten
  • U-151 unwritten agreement ... up someone's alley
  • U-152 up-and-coming star ... upblow
  • U-153 upboil ... upcurve
  • U-154 upcycle ... upgirt
  • U-155 upgo ... uphold a tradition
  • U-156 uphold a verdict ... uplink
  • U-157 upload ... upper extremity
  • U-158 uppercut ... uprootal
  • U-159 upper eyelid ... upperclasswoman
  • U-160 uprooted ... upsoar
  • U-161 upspeak ... upthrust
  • U-162 up the ante ... up-and-coming singer
  • U-163 upthunder ... upwhirl
  • U-164 upwind ... uranometry
  • U-165 uranoplasty ... urban hub
  • U-166 Urban II ... urbanist
  • U-167 urbanistic ... ureotelism
  • U-168 uresis ... urgent concern
  • U-169 urgent demand ... uridylic
  • U-170 uridylic acid ... urodelous
  • U-171 urodynamics ... Ursuline
  • U-172 Urtext ... use a camera
  • U-174 use coercion ... used
  • U-175 used effectively ... useful way
  • U-176 useful website ... Usman dan Fodio
  • U-177 USMC ... usual fee
  • U-178 usual format ... usurping
  • U-179 usurpingly ... utility company
  • U-180 utility contract ... utopistic
  • U-181 Utraquist ... utter indifference
  • U-182 utter joy ... utterly irresponsible
  • U-183 utterly miserable ... uwu
  • U-184 u ... UB40
  • U-185 UX ... Uzziah

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