P Words In The Real Dictionary

Real Dictionary

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P Words Definitions
Letter P Index - Real Dictionary
  • P-001 pachysandra ... pack animal
  • P-002 pack away ... packaging waste
  • P-003 packboard ... packing plant
  • P-004 packing ring ... paddle your own canoe
  • P-005 PAC ... pachymeter
  • P-006 paddle-wheeler ... paediatric nursing
  • P-007 paediatrician ... page of text
  • P-008 page printer ... paid internship
  • P-009 paid leave ... pained expression
  • P-010 painful ... painful truth
  • P-011 painful wound ... paint chips
  • P-012 paint colour ... painted wall
  • P-017 Pale Horse, Pale Rider ... paleographer
  • P-019 palilalia ... pallescent
  • P-020 pallet ... Palm Springs
  • P-021 palmitoleic acid ... palship
  • P-022 palm sugar ... palmitin
  • P-023 palsied ... pampered
  • P-025 panchreston ... pandemoniacal
  • P-027 panel patient ... pangolin
  • P-029 panislamist ... panoramic photograph
  • P-031 Pan-Slavism ... panchetto
  • P-032 pantdress ... pantophobia
  • P-034 papain ... paper edition
  • P-035 paperback edition ... papillomavirus
  • P-036 paper envelope ... paperback copy
  • P-037 papillon ... par for the course
  • P-038 parachronism ... paradisiacal
  • P-039 paradisiacally ... paraglide
  • P-040 paraglider ... paralepsis
  • P-041 paralexia ... parallel-veined
  • P-042 parallelepiped ... paramedical
  • P-043 paramedico ... Paraná pine
  • P-044 paranasal ... paraphraxia
  • P-045 paraphraxis ... parasite burden
  • P-046 parasite drag ... paratactic
  • P-047 paratactical ... parcel delivery
  • P-048 parcel gilding ... pardonable
  • P-049 pardonableness ... parental contribution
  • P-050 parental control ... parfocal
  • P-051 parfocalise ... Paris Commune
  • P-052 Paris daisy ... park ranger
  • P-053 parking space ... parliamentary candidate
  • P-054 park savanna ... parking slot
  • P-055 parliamentary colleague ... parlormaid
  • P-056 parlour ... paroemiac
  • P-057 paroemial ... parquet
  • P-058 par putt ... parachor
  • P-059 parquet circle ... parsleyed
  • P-060 parsnip ... part-timer
  • P-061 partial pressure ... participable
  • P-062 Participaction ... particular affinity
  • P-063 particular affirmative ... particularly adept at
  • P-064 particularly aggressive ... particulates
  • P-065 partied ... partners' desk
  • P-066 partnership ... party guest
  • P-067 part-writing ... partial paralysis
  • P-068 partyer ... Pasch
  • P-069 party hard ... party-goer
  • P-070 pasch flower ... pass a bill
  • P-071 pass a budget ... pass the time of day
  • P-072 passement ... passer-by
  • P-073 passerby ... passionate interest
  • P-074 passionate response ... passout
  • P-075 Passover ... past the hour/before the hour
  • P-076 pass the time of day with someone ... passemeasure
  • P-077 pastina ... pastry board
  • P-078 pastry brush ... patball
  • P-079 past trauma ... pastime
  • P-080 patch ... paten
  • P-081 patency ... patently obvious
  • P-082 patently ridiculous ... pathname
  • P-083 patho- ... pathway genes
  • P-084 -pathy ... patio doors
  • P-085 patio furniture ... patrico
  • P-086 patrifocal ... patrol ship
  • P-087 patrol the area ... pattern bombing
  • P-088 pattern book ... Paula
  • P-089 pauldron ... pave a road
  • P-090 pave a street ... pawkier
  • P-091 pawkiest ... pay a penalty
  • P-092 pay a penny ... pay duty
  • P-093 pay electronically ... pay the piper
  • P-094 payment ... Pazyryk
  • P-095 pay the piper and call the tune ... Paymaster General
  • P-096 pazzazz ... pea gravel
  • P-097 peace-loving ... peach Melba
  • P-098 peach moth ... peak time
  • P-099 pea green ... peace treaty
  • P-100 peak traffic ... pearl earrings
  • P-101 pearl essence ... peasant proprietor
  • P-102 peasantry ... peccable
  • P-103 peccadillo ... pectinose
  • P-104 pectize ... pedal away
  • P-105 pedal bicycle ... pedestal
  • P-106 pedestal basin ... pediococcus
  • P-107 pedion ... peel a pear
  • P-108 peel a potato ... peer mentor
  • P-109 peer of the realm ... peglike
  • P-110 pegmatite ... pelargonic
  • P-111 pelargonic acid ... pellitories
  • P-112 pellitory ... pelvic
  • P-113 pelvic bone ... penal sanctions
  • P-114 penal servitude ... pencil pusher
  • P-115 pencil rubber ... penetrableness
  • P-116 penetralia ... penile
  • P-117 penill ... Pennie
  • P-118 pennied ... pennywhistle
  • P-119 pennywinkle ... pension savings
  • P-120 pension scheme ... pentaerythritol tetranitrate
  • P-121 pentagon ... pentastyle
  • P-122 pentastylos ... pentose phosphate
  • P-123 pentose phosphate pathway ... people's democracy
  • P-124 People's Democratic Republic of Laos ... peppercorny
  • P-125 peppered moth ... pequiste
  • P-126 Pequot ... perceive a wrong
  • P-127 perceive injustice ... perched
  • P-128 percher ... percussive
  • P-129 percussive instrument ... perennial herb
  • P-130 perennial pea ... perfect counterpoint
  • P-131 perfect dish ... perfectibilian
  • P-132 perfectibilism ... perfectly okay
  • P-133 perfectly ordinary ... perforated leather
  • P-134 perforated tape ... perform an analysis
  • P-135 perform an assessment ... performance drugs
  • P-136 performance enhancement ... pergamentaceous
  • P-137 Pergamum ... perichylous
  • P-138 periclase ... perihepatitis
  • P-139 perikarya ... period drama
  • P-140 period expires ... periodogram
  • P-141 periodontal ... periphery countries
  • P-142 periphery of society ... peristomatic
  • P-143 peristome ... perk
  • P-144 perk up ... permanent condition
  • P-145 Permanent Court of Arbitration ... Permanent Secretary
  • P-146 permanent set ... permit approval
  • P-147 permit entry ... perorator
  • P-148 perovskia ... perpetual motion
  • P-149 perpetual motion of the first kind ... persecuted
  • P-150 persecuted minority ... persist
  • P-151 persist indefinitely ... person-day
  • P-152 personal commitment ... personal friendship
  • P-153 personal fulfilment ... personal note
  • P-154 personality dimension ... personpower
  • P-155 personal obsession ... personality differences
  • P-156 persons ... Perth
  • P-157 person-to-person ... personal column
  • P-158 Perth and Kinross ... perv
  • P-159 perv on ... pessary
  • P-224 pinchgut ... Pine Tree State
  • P-225 pine vole ... pinhead
  • P-226 pinheaded ... pinking scissors
  • P-227 pinking shears ... pinocytotic
  • P-228 pinocytotically ... pinto
  • P-229 pinto bean ... piopio
  • P-230 piosity ... pipeline capacity
  • P-231 pipeline construction ... pipsissewa
  • P-232 pipsqueak ... pirogen
  • P-233 pirogi ... Pishpek
  • P-234 Pisidia ... pistol grip
  • P-235 pistol point ... pitahaya
  • P-236 Pitaka ... pitcherful
  • P-237 pitchersful ... pithy comment
  • P-238 pithy quote ... pituitrin
  • P-239 pituri ... pixel count
  • P-240 pixel intensity ... pkt
  • P-241 PKU ... place of pilgrimage
  • P-242 place of refuge ... Plácido's disk
  • P-243 Placidyl ... plaid
  • P-244 Plaid Cymru ... plainclothes man
  • P-245 plainclothesman ... plan an attack
  • P-246 plan an event ... plane stress
  • P-247 plane surveying ... planetwide
  • P-248 planform ... planned move
  • P-249 planned obsolescence ... planogamete
  • P-250 planograph ... plant grows
  • P-251 plantation shutters ... plasma display
  • P-252 plant growth ... plantation house
  • P-253 plasma engine ... plaster dust
  • P-254 plaster model ... plastic piping
  • P-255 plastic police ... Plataea
  • P-256 platan ... platform
  • P-257 platform bed ... platinum disc
  • P-258 platinum hair ... plaudits
  • P-259 Plauen ... play along
  • P-260 play-acting ... playground area
  • P-261 play along (with) ... play God
  • P-262 play golf ... play professionally
  • P-263 playground equipment ... playwrighting
  • P-264 play reading ... play-act
  • P-265 playwriting ... pleasant taste
  • P-266 pleasant temperature ... pleated
  • P-267 pleater ... pleiotaxy
  • P-268 pleiotropic effects ... pleonaste
  • P-269 pleonastical ... pleurotomy
  • P-270 pleurotus ... plio-
  • P-271 Pliocene ... plot line
  • P-272 plot moves ... ploughmen
  • P-273 ploughshare ... plug and feathers
  • P-274 plug and play ... plumbeous
  • P-275 plumber ... plumose
  • P-276 plumous ... pluralistic ignorance
  • P-277 pluralistic society ... plushiness
  • P-278 plushy ... Plzeň
  • P-279 pm ... pneumocystis
  • P-280 pneumocystis carinii pneumonia ... poacher
  • P-281 poacher turned gamekeeper ... pocket-handkerchief
  • P-282 pocket-size ... podesta
  • P-283 podetiiform ... poematic
  • P-284 poenology ... poetry anthology
  • P-285 poetry contest ... poikilitic
  • P-286 poikiloblastic ... point of no return
  • P-287 pointed shoes ... poison sb's mind
  • P-288 point of order ... pointed reference
  • P-289 poison sumac ... poker face
  • P-290 poker game ... polar molecule
  • P-291 polar nucleus ... pole mast
  • P-292 pole of cold ... police cadet
  • P-293 police captain ... Police Motu
  • P-294 policeman bird ... policy paper
  • P-295 police office ... policeman
  • P-296 policy paralysis ... polished granite
  • P-297 polished look ... political arena
  • P-298 political aspirations ... political correspondent
  • P-299 political corruption ... political identity
  • P-300 political ideology ... political orthodoxy
  • P-301 politically ambitious ... politically unpopular
  • P-302 politically unstable ... pollee
  • P-303 political outlook ... politically active
  • P-304 pollen ... Pollock
  • P-305 polls ... polo club
  • P-306 polo coat ... polyamide
  • P-307 polyamine ... polychloroprene
  • P-308 polychotomous ... polyelectrolyte
  • P-309 polyembryonate ... polygraph
  • P-310 polygraph exam ... polymery
  • P-311 polymethyl methacrylate ... polypharmacy
  • P-312 polyphase ... polyrhythmic
  • P-313 polyribosomal ... polytheism
  • P-314 polytheistical ... polyzoon
  • P-315 Pompeian red ... ponder the fate
  • P-316 pom ... Pompeian
  • P-317 ponder the future ... ponticello
  • P-318 pontifex ... Ponzimonium
  • P-319 ponzu ... poop
  • P-320 poop cabin ... poor hygiene
  • P-321 poor imitation ... poorly
  • P-322 poorly drained ... pope's eye
  • P-323 pope's nose ... poppish
  • P-324 poppit ... popular fiction
  • P-325 popular film ... popularity charts
  • P-326 popularity contest ... population pressure
  • P-327 population projection ... porcelain ware
  • P-328 porcelaineous ... Porites andrewsi
  • P-329 Porites astreoides ... porosities
  • P-330 porosity ... Port Elizabeth
  • P-331 portage ... portico
  • P-332 port engine ... Portadown
  • P-333 porticoed ... portrait painter
  • P-334 portrait painting ... poseable
  • P-335 Poseidon ... positive attitude
  • P-336 positive attribute ... positive news
  • P-337 positive note ... positronium
  • P-338 posnet ... possibilities are endless
  • P-339 possibilities arise ... possibly
  • P-340 possibly illegal ... post quarto
  • P-341 postbourgeois ... postdive
  • P-342 postdivestiture ... postfire
  • P-343 postfix ... postilion
  • P-344 postillate ... postmidnight
  • P-345 postmill ... postpone a trial
  • P-346 postpone a trip ... posttension
  • P-347 post race ... post-truth
  • P-348 posttest ... postworkshop
  • P-349 post-viral fatigue syndrome ... postbiblical
  • P-350 posy ... potassium acetate
  • P-351 potassium acid tartrate ... potato crop
  • P-352 Potato Eaters, The ... potent force
  • P-353 potential donor ... potential risk
  • P-354 potentially embarrassing ... potentiator
  • P-355 potential rival ... potentially eligible
  • P-356 potentilla ... potshop
  • P-357 potent inhibitor ... potential divider
  • P-358 potshot ... pouch
  • P-359 pouched ... pound sign
  • P-360 pound sterling ... pourparler
  • P-361 pourparty ... powder horn
  • P-362 powder keg ... power chain
  • P-363 power chord ... power socket
  • P-365 powerful statement ... PPACA
  • P-366 power source ... powerful attraction
  • P-367 p ... PABX
  • P-368 PPARC ... practical imperative
  • P-369 practical implementation ... practically useless
  • P-370 practically worthless ... praeludium
  • P-371 praemunire ... prairie breaker
  • P-372 prairie button snakeroot ... pralltriller
  • P-373 pram ... prawn
  • P-374 prawn cocktail ... pre-Adamite
  • P-375 preachment ... preaseptic
  • P-376 pre-AIDS ... pre-Islamic
  • P-377 preassembled ... precarious
  • P-378 precarious balance ... precession
  • P-379 precession of the equinoxes ... precious water
  • P-380 precipe ... precise movement
  • P-381 precise nature ... precocity
  • P-382 precode ... precrisis
  • P-383 precritical ... predesign
  • P-384 predesignate ... predict a trend
  • P-385 predict a winner ... predictive performance
  • P-386 predictive power ... preelection
  • P-387 preemergence ... prefer the simplicity of
  • P-388 preferable ... prefiguration
  • P-389 prefigure ... preguide
  • P-390 pregustation ... preimmune antibody
  • P-391 preimmune serum ... prelegal
  • P-392 pre-law ... preachingly
  • P-393 prelexical ... Prelog
  • P-394 prelogical ... premeet
  • P-395 premeiotic ... premium loan
  • P-396 premium membership ... prenomen
  • P-397 prenomina ... prepackaged
  • P-398 prepacked ... prepared vegetables
  • P-399 preparedness ... preprandial
  • P-400 prepreference ... prerelease
  • P-401 prerelease showing ... Presbyterianism
  • P-402 presbyterianize ... preselect
  • P-403 preselection ... present company excepted
  • P-404 present condition ... presenter
  • P-405 presential ... preserve the status quo
  • P-406 preserve tissue ... presidential immunity
  • P-407 presidential inauguration ... press a buzzer
  • P-408 press a claim ... press on
  • P-409 pressing deadline ... pressure tactic
  • P-410 press pack ... pressing concern
  • P-411 pressure ulcer ... prestigious journal
  • P-412 prestigious magazine ... presurvey
  • P-413 presweeten ... preternatural calm
  • P-414 preterperfect ... pretty fit
  • P-415 pretty flowers ... prevail on
  • P-416 prevailing ... prevent a flood
  • P-418 prevent the emergence of ... Previn
  • P-419 previously available ... prex
  • P-420 previous ... previously
  • P-421 prexie ... price jumps
  • P-422 price leadership ... pricey
  • P-423 pricey item ... pride and joy
  • P-424 Pride and Prejudice ... prima inter pares
  • P-425 prima-facie evidence ... primary deviance
  • P-426 primary duty ... primary school
  • P-427 primary schoolteacher ... prime example
  • P-428 prime factor ... Primitive Baptist
  • P-429 primitive brain ... Primus stove
  • P-430 primy ... principal axis
  • P-431 principal beneficiary ... principate
  • P-432 principe ... print circulation
  • P-433 print collection ... printed word
  • P-434 printer ... prior experience
  • P-435 prior exposure ... prismatical
  • P-436 prismatoid ... prissier
  • P-437 prissiest ... private accommodation
  • P-438 private account ... private donation
  • P-439 private donor ... private lesson
  • P-440 private life ... private-line car
  • P-441 private-public partnership ... privocrat
  • P-442 privy ... pro career
  • P-443 proactive measure ... probationary period
  • P-444 probationer ... probouleutic
  • P-445 probusiness ... procès-verbaux
  • P-446 processing ... proclitic
  • P-447 process ... processible
  • P-448 pro circuit ... proactive inhibition
  • P-449 proclive ... procurator
  • P-450 procurator fiscal ... proditory
  • P-451 prodnose ... produce graduates
  • P-452 produce hydrogen ... product safety
  • P-453 production volume ... profanity
  • P-454 product specification ... production values
  • P-455 profascist ... professional exam
  • P-456 professional excellence ... professionalize
  • P-457 professionally competent ... profit warning
  • P-458 profit-making ... profound contradiction
  • P-459 profound conviction ... profoundly grateful
  • P-460 profoundly important ... prognostic marker
  • P-461 prognostic significance ... progress fast
  • P-462 progress gradually ... progressively shorter
  • P-463 progressively smaller ... project forward
  • P-464 project funding ... projective test
  • P-465 projectivity ... proliferation
  • P-466 proliferation assay ... prolong the agony
  • P-467 prolong the war ... promenade tile
  • P-468 prometal ... promiscuous
  • P-469 promise ... promisor
  • P-470 promissive ... promote hatred
  • P-471 promote healing ... promotion challenge
  • P-472 promotion favourite ... prompt concern
  • P-473 prompt diagnosis ... proneural
  • P-474 prong ... proof set
  • P-475 proof sheet ... propage
  • P-476 propagule ... propenyl alcohol
  • P-477 propenyl group ... proper procedure
  • P-478 proper protection ... property expert
  • P-479 property insurance ... prophetical
  • P-480 propheticism ... -proportioned
  • P-481 proportioning ... propositional attitude
  • P-482 propositional calculus ... propyl aldehyde
  • P-483 propyl group ... prose stylist
  • P-484 prose writer ... prosiliency
  • P-485 prosilient ... prospective owner
  • P-486 prospective pupil ... prosterna
  • P-487 prosternum ... protease
  • P-488 protease activity ... protectant
  • P-489 protected ... protective gear
  • P-490 protective glass ... protein crystals
  • P-491 protein deficiency ... proteoglycan
  • P-492 proteoliposome ... Protestantize
  • P-493 protestation ... protocol
  • P-494 protocol dictates ... protopectin
  • P-495 protophilic ... protracted period
  • P-496 protracted process ... provand
  • P-497 provant ... proven technology
  • P-498 proven winner ... provide a model
  • P-500 provide compensation ... provide shade
  • P-501 provide shelter ... provincial secretary
  • P-502 provincial team ... provocator
  • P-503 provocatory ... prowessed
  • P-504 prowfish ... prudentialism
  • P-505 prudentialist ... pry
  • P-506 Pryderi ... psephism
  • P-507 psephite ... pseudography
  • P-508 pseudohemophilia ... pseudotyped
  • P-509 pseudouridine ... PSRO
  • P-510 PSS ... psychoacoustic
  • P-511 psychoacoustics ... psychohistorian
  • P-512 psychohistories ... psychological mechanism
  • P-513 psychological moment ... psychometrics
  • P-514 psychometry ... psychotechnologist
  • P-515 psychotechnology ... ptero-
  • P-516 pterocarpous ... PTT
  • P-517 ptui ... public administrator
  • P-518 public adulation ... public defender
  • P-519 public demand ... public image
  • P-520 public imagination ... public prayer
  • P-521 -publicized ... publish an account
  • P-522 public press ... public square
  • P-523 public statement ... publicize
  • P-524 publish an article ... Puccinia triticina
  • P-525 pucciniaceous ... pudge
  • P-526 pudgier ... puffer
  • P-527 pufferies ... puir
  • P-528 puirtith ... pull a lever
  • P-529 pull a long face ... pull strings
  • P-530 Pullman train ... pulpiteer
  • P-531 pull the brake ... Pullman kitchen
  • P-532 pulpiter ... pulsotype
  • P-533 pulsus paradoxus ... pump fluid
  • P-534 pump gun ... punch card
  • P-535 punch down ... punctuation
  • P-536 punctuation mark ... punished harshly
  • P-537 punishing ... punto
  • P-538 puntsman ... puppydom
  • P-539 puppyfoot ... purchasing habits
  • P-540 purchasing officer ... pure joy
  • P-541 pure laine ... purely decorative
  • P-542 purely defensive ... purge
  • P-543 purgeable ... purple
  • P-544 purple bacteria ... purposive
  • P-545 purpresture ... pursue a strategy
  • P-546 pursue a suspect ... purview
  • P-547 push-bike ... pussy willow
  • P-548 pus ... push up the price
  • P-549 pussy-toes ... put down
  • P-550 put down a marker ... put on the dog
  • P-551 Putnam ... puy lentil
  • P-552 put on the feed bag ... put sb out to pasture
  • P-553 put sb to death ... put the boot into someone or something
  • P-554 put the cart before the horse ... put up a candidate
  • P-555 put up at auction ... putlog
  • P-556 Puyallup ... pycnoconidia
  • P-557 pycnoconidium ... pyjamas
  • P-558 pyknic ... pyramid selling
  • P-559 pyramid shape ... pyrexia
  • P-560 pyrgeometer ... pyrognostics
  • P-561 pyrograph ... pyrophosphorylase
  • P-562 pyrophotograph ... pyruvate
  • P-563 pyruvate dehydrogenase ... pzazz

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