Related Words & Synonyms To Slack

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Slack Related Words
Slack Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Slack?

Synonyms for Slack include:

adynamic, anaemic, anemic, asthenic, careless, dead, debilitated, delicate, delinquent, derelict, drooping, droopy, enervated, faint, feeble, flaccid, flimsy, floppy, fragile, gutless, hit-and-run, inattentive, jerry-built, lame, lax, limp, loose, loose-jointed, namby-pamby, neglectful, negligent, pale, pallid, powerless, puny, relaxed, remiss, sagging, shoddy, sick, slack, slight, spineless, stagnant, standing, still, tender, tensionless, tenuous, thin, untoughened, vulnerable, wan, weak, weakened, wishy-washy

slack is a ADJ.

drop-off, falling of, falling off, falloff, mire, moras, morass, quag, quagmire, slack, slack water, slackness, slump

slack is a NOUN.

abate, die awa, die away, let up, relax, slack, slack off, slack up, slacke, slacken, slake, slow, slow down, slow up

slack is a VERB.

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