Related Words & Synonyms To Slow

Real Dictionary Thesaurus

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Slow Related Words
Slow Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Slow?

Synonyms for Slow include:

abeyant, adagio, andante, anserine, bit-by-bit, blockheaded, boneheaded, boring, bumper-to-bumper, cloddish, dark, dead, deadening, deferred, delayed, delayed-action, dense, dilatory, dim, doltish, dopey, dopy, dragging, drawn-out, dull, dumb, earthbound, fatheaded, foolish, gaumless, gooselike, goosey, goosy, gormless, gradational, gradatory, gradual, graduated, held up, ho-hum, idle, in small stages, inactive, insipid, irksome, jejune, jerky, laggard, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, lazy, lentissimo, lento, loggerheaded, long-play, long-playing, lumpen, lumpish, moderato, narcotic, nitwitted, obtuse, pedestrian, piecemeal, pokey, poky, ponderous, postponed, prosaic, prosy, putdownable, senseless, slow, slow-moving, sluggish, soft-witted, soporiferous, soporific, step-by-step, stepwise, strikebound, stupid, sulky, suspended, tedious, thick, thick-skulled, thickheaded, tiresome, unexciting, unhurried, unintelligent, uninteresting, unstimulating, unthinking, unused, weak, wearisome, witless, wooden-headed, yokel-like

slow is a ADJ.

behind, easy, slow, slowly, tardily

slow is a ADV.

decelerate, retard, slac, slack, slacke, slacken, slow, slow down, slow up

slow is a VERB.

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