Related Words & Synonyms To Flimsy

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Flimsy Related Words
Flimsy Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Flimsy?

Synonyms for Flimsy include:

adynamic, anaemic, anemic, asthenic, bad, base, bladed, bum, bush, bush-league, capillary, cheap, cheapjack, cheesy, chintzy, coarse, coarsened, cobwebby, commercial, common, compressed, crummy, debilitated, delicate, deplorable, depressed, diaphanous, enervated, execrable, faint, feeble, filamentlike, filamentous, filiform, filmy, fine, flaccid, flat, flimsy, fragile, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, gutless, hairlike, hyperfine, inferior, jerry-built, lame, lax, lean, less, light, limp, low-grade, mediocre, miserable, namby-pamby, narrow, pale, pallid, paper thin, papery, powerless, punk, puny, ribbonlike, ribbony, ropey, ropy, scrawny, scrubby, second-class, second-rate, see-through, sheer, shoddy, sick, slack, sleazy, slender, slight, spineless, stunted, tawdry, tender, tenuous, thin, third-rate, threadlike, thready, tinny, transparent, untoughened, utility, utility-grade, vaporous, vapourous, vulnerable, wafer-thin, wan, weak, weakened, wishy-washy, woeful, worst, wretched

flimsy is a ADJ.

flimsy, onionskin

flimsy is a NOUN.

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