Related Words & Synonyms To Mediocre

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Discover Mediocre related words & synonyms to Mediocre from the Real Dictionary thesaurus.


Mediocre Related Words
Mediocre Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Mediocre?

Synonyms for Mediocre include:

abominable, atrocious, average, awful, bad, banausic, base, bum, bush, bush-league, characterless, cheap, cheapjack, cheesy, chintzy, coarse, coarsened, commercial, common, commonplace, corked, corky, crappy, crummy, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, deplorable, disobedient, distressing, dreadful, everyday, evil, execrable, fair, fearful, flimsy, frightful, hard, hopeless, horrid, icky, ill, incompetent, indifferent, inferior, lamentable, less, lousy, low-grade, mediocre, middling, mine run, mischievous, miserable, mundane, naughty, negative, no-good, nondescript, ordinary, painful, pitiful, poor, pretty, punk, quotidian, ropey, ropy, rotten, routine, rubber, run-of-the-mill, run-of-the-mine, sad, scrawny, scrubby, second-class, second-rate, severe, shoddy, sleazy, so-so, sorry, stinking, stinky, stunted, swingeing, tawdry, terrible, third-rate, tinny, tough, trivial, uncool, unexceptional, unfavorable, unfavourable, unremarkable, unskilled, unspeakable, unsuitable, usual, utility, utility-grade, woeful, workaday, worse, worst, wretched

mediocre is a ADJ.

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