Related Words & Synonyms To Unfit

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Unfit Related Words
Unfit Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Unfit?

Synonyms for Unfit include:

afflicted, aguish, ailing, air sick, airsick, angry, apractic, apraxic, arthritic, asthmatic, autistic, bad, bandy, bandy-legged, bedfast, bedrid, bedridden, bilious, blebby, blistery, bloated, bloodshot, bowed, bowleg, bowlegged, broken, broken-backed, bronchitic, cankerous, carbuncled, carbuncular, carious, carsick, caseous, chilblained, colicky, condemned, consumptive, convalescent, creaky, crippled, crookback, crookbacked, cytomegalic, damaged, dehydrated, delirious, diabetic, dipped, disabled, diseased, distended, dizzy, dropsical, dyspeptic, edematous, enlarged, faint, feverish, feverous, flabby, flaccid, flatulent, foaming, foamy, frail, frothing, funny, game, gammy, gangrenous, gassy, gibbous, giddy, gimpy, gouty, green, hallucinating, halt, halting, handicapped, high-risk, humpbacked, humped, hunchbacked, icteric, ill, impaired, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, indisposed, inflamed, inflammatory, ingrowing, ingrown, injured, intumescent, jaundiced, knock-kneed, kyphotic, laid low, laid up, lame, light, light-headed, lightheaded, liverish, livery, long, lordotic, maimed, membrane-forming, membranous, mental, milk-sick, morbid, mortified, mutilated, nauseated, nauseous, out-of-the-way, palsied, paralytic, paralyzed, paraplegic, pathologic, pathological, peaked, poorly, pro-inflammatory, proinflammatory, puffed, puffy, queasy, rachitic, recovering, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy, rickety, risky, sallow, scrofulous, seasick, seedy, sick, sick-abed, sickish, sickly, sneezy, soft, sore-eyed, spastic, spavined, speculative, stricken, subhuman, sunburned, sunburnt, swayback, swaybacked, swollen, swooning, tubercular, tuberculous, tumescent, tumid, turgid, ulcerated, ulcerous, unbecoming, uncomely, under the weather, unfit, unhealed, unhealthy, unseemly, unsound, unsuitable, untoward, unwell, unwholesome, upset, varicose, vertiginous, wheezing, wheezy, wildcat, windburned, windburnt, woozy, wrong, yellow

unfit is a ADJ.

disqualify, indispose, unfit

unfit is a VERB.

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