Related Words & Synonyms To Sore

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Discover Sore related words & synonyms to Sore from the Real Dictionary thesaurus.


Sore Related Words
Sore Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Sore?

Synonyms for Sore include:

acerb, acerbic, aching, achy, acid, acrid, afflictive, aggravated, agonised, agonising, agonized, agonizing, angered, angry, awful, beastly, biting, bitter, black, blistering, burning, caustic, chafed, chancrous, choleric, displeasing, dour, dreadful, embarrassing, enraged, excruciating, forbidding, furious, galled, god-awful, grim, harmful, harrowing, harsh, hellish, hot, hot under the collar, huffy, ill-natured, incensed, indignant, infuriated, inhumane, irascible, irate, ireful, itchy, livid, mad, maddened, mortifying, nasty, offensive, outraged, painful, poignant, prickling, provoked, racking, raw, rebarbative, repellant, repellent, rough, saddle-sore, sensitive, sharp, sharp-worded, smoldering, smouldering, sore, stinging, sulfurous, sulphurous, tart, tender, tingling, torturesome, torturing, torturous, traumatic, umbrageous, ungrateful, unhappy, unpalatable, unpleasant, venomous, virulent, vitriolic, wrathful, wrenching, wroth, wrothful

sore is a ADJ.

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