What Are Related Words To Separated?
Synonyms for Separated include:
abstracted, apart, apportioned, asternal, asunder, battle-scarred, bicameral, bifid, bifurcate, bifurcated, bilocular, biloculate, biramous, bisulcate, black-and-blue, black-and-white, blistered, branched, broken, bruised, burned, chambered, cleft, cloven, contused, contusioned, cut, damaged, dealt out, detached, dichotomous, diffuse, diffused, disabled, disconnected, discrete, disjoined, disjoint, disjointed, disjunct, dislocated, dispensed, dispersed, distinct, distributed, distributive, disunited, divided, divided up, doled out, encyclical, episodic, eviscerate, exploded, fanned, far-flung, forficate, fork-like, forked, four-pronged, fragmented, gashed, harmed, hors de combat, hurt, impaired, in disagreement, independent, individual, injured, isolable, isolated, lacerate, lacerated, livid, low-density, maimed, mangled, many-chambered, metameric, meted out, mullioned, mutilated, obscure, other, out of action, parceled out, partitioned, partitioned off, pentamerous, pronged, prongy, rationed, raw, removed, scattered, sectional, sectioned, segmental, segmented, segregated, separate, separated, set-apart, shared, shared out, single, slashed, spaced, sparse, splashed, split, spread, spread-out, stabbed, straggly, subdivided, thin, three-pronged, tined, torn, trifid, two-chambered, two-pronged, unaccompanied, unattached, unconnected, uncoupled, unfocused, unfocussed, unintegrated, unrelated, unshared, unsound, widespread, wounded
separated is a ADJ.