Related Words & Synonyms To Close

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What Are Related Words To Close?

Synonyms for Close include:

abbreviated, accurate, adjacent, adpressed, airless, ambient, anticlimactic, anticlimactical, appressed, approximate, at hand, backstage, balanced, bated, beggarly, binding, blank, blow-by-blow, boon, breathless, brief, buddy-buddy, careful, cautious, certain, cheap, checked, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, choky, chummy, circumferent, clannish, claustrophobic, clenched, clinched, cliquish, cloistered, close, close at hand, close set, close together, close-fitting, close-grained, close-hauled, close-knit, close-set, closed-door, closefisted, closelipped, closely knit, closemouthed, closing, clubby, coequal, commensurate, comparable, conclusion, confidential, confined, confining, conscientious, constricting, contained, contiguous, controlled, coordinate, correct, cozy, curbed, curtal, dead on target, dead-on, deadpan, dear, detailed, diligent, dustlike, dyspneal, dyspneic, dyspnoeal, dyspnoeic, elaborate, elaborated, encompassing, end, ending, enveloping, equal, equalised, equalized, equidistant, equilateral, equivalent, esoteric, even, exact, expressionless, faithful, familiar, fifty-fifty, fine, fine-grained, floury, fuggy, good, grudging, half-and-half, hand-to-hand, hardfisted, head-to-head, hi-fi, high-fidelity, homebound, hot, housebound, immediate, imminent, impassive, impendent, impending, inarticulate, incommunicado, incommunicative, inexpressive, inhibited, insular, intimate, isochronal, isochronous, isoclinal, isoclinic, isometric, isometrical, isothermal, juxtaposed, level, low-key, low-keyed, mean, meanspirited, mingy, minute, miserly, mum, narrow, near, nearby, neighboring, neighbouring, nestled, next, niggardly, nigh, nongranular, nonpublic, offstage, one-on-one, overcareful, painstaking, parsimonious, particular, penny-pinching, pent, penurious, personal, poker-faced, powdered, powdery, precise, private, privy, protective, proximate, prudent, pulverised, pulverized, quits, reclusive, reserved, restrained, restricted, right, same, sawed-off, sawn-off, scalelike, scrimy, scrupulous, secluded, secret, secretive, selfish, semiprivate, sequestered, short, short-range, short-snouted, shortened, shortish, shut up, shut-in, side by side, silent, skin-tight, skinny, skintight, small, small-grained, smooth, snobbish, snobby, snowbound, snub, snug, snuggled, stingy, stormbound, straight, stubby, studious, stuffy, subdued, superfine, sure, surgical, surrounding, taciturn, tantamount, telescoped, tense, tete-a-tete, thick, thorough, tied, tight, tight-fitting, tightfisted, tightlipped, tightly fitting, toffee-nosed, too-careful, true, truncate, truncated, unaerated, unaired, unarticulate, uncharitable, uncommunicative, unexpansive, unexpressive, unfree, ungenerous, unoxygenated, unpronounceable, unutterable, unvented, unventilated, vacuous, veracious, viselike, walk-to, walking, warm, weather-bound

close is a ADJ.

close, closely, near, nigh, tight

close is a ADV.

close, closing, closing curtain, conclusion, end, ending, finale, finis, finish, last, stopping point

close is a NOUN.

close, close down, close up, come together, conclude, fill up, fold, shut, shut down, shut in, shut up

close is a VERB.

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