Related Words & Synonyms To Same

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Same Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Same?

Synonyms for Same include:

aforementioned, aforesaid, akin, analogous, assonant, balanced, close, coequal, commensurate, comparable, confusable, connatural, consistent, cookie-cutter, coordinate, correspondent, corresponding, duplicate, equal, equalised, equalized, equidistant, equilateral, equivalent, even, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, homogeneous, homogenised, homogenized, homogenous, homophonic, idempotent, identical, indistinguishable, isochronal, isochronous, isoclinal, isoclinic, isometric, isometrical, isothermal, kindred, level, like, like-minded, look-alike, mistakable, one, quasi, quits, related, said, same, self-colored, self-coloured, selfsame, siamese, similar, solid, suchlike, synoptic, synoptical, tantamount, tied, tight, twin, unchanged, undiversified, uniform, unvaried, unvarying, very

same is a ADJ.

Lapp, Lapplander, Saam, Saame, Saami, Same, Sami

same is a NOUN.

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