About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBT

Real Dictionary

What does PBT mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PBT at the RealDictionary.com.


PBT Definition
PBT Definition

What's The Definition Of PBT?

The definition of PBT is:

Air Parabet

Pass-Band Tuning

Paul-Bunnell test

Pay back time


Performance-based training

Peripheral blood T

Peripheral blood T cells

Peripheral blood T lymphocytes

Permanganate-bisulfite-toluidine blue

Permeable-Base Transistor

Permian Basin Royalty Trust

Persistent and bioaccumulative toxics

Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic

Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics

Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic

Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxic pollutants

Persistent, Bioaccumulatve and Toxic

Phenacetin breath test


Phenylalanine breath test

Piebald trait

Pit Bull Terrier

Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre

Polybutylene terephthalate

Preliminary Breath Test

Primary brain tumours


Production Based Training

Profile-based therapy

Profit before tax

Property Book Team

Provider Backbone Transport

Pulmonary barotrauma

Push-Button Telephone

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