About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBS

Real Dictionary

What does PBS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PBS at the RealDictionary.com.


PBS Definition
PBS Definition

What's The Definition Of PBS?

The definition of PBS is:

Pacific Biological Station

Packed Bed Scrubber

Painful bladder syndrome

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Palladium-Barium Sulfate

Papillary bleeding score

Patrol Boats

Payload Berthing System

Peak Burst Size

Pediatric Behavior Scale

Pengeran Bintang Sarawak

Peninsular Base Section

Pennsylvania Blue Shield

Performance Based Specification

Peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites

Peripheral binding site

Peripheral blood samples

Peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites

Personal Base Station

Personizable Basic Service

Phantom breast syndrome

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

Phosphate buffer saline

Phosphate buffer solution

Phosphate Buffered Saline

Phosphate-Buffered Saline

Phosphate-buffered saline solution

Phosphate-buffered solution

Phosphate-buffered sucrose

Photon backscattering



Physical Breakdown Structure

Physician Belief Scale

Physiological buffered saline

Pick bodies

Picture Building System

Pier-and-beam slab

Pigsalabukan Bangsa Subanon

Pirates of the Burning Sea

Planar bone scan

Planar bone scintigraphy

Polar bodies

Polarization Beam Splitter

Polybutadiene styrene

Polyglucosan bodies

Portable Base Station

Portable Batch System

Porter Batiste Stoltz

Portfolio Budget Statements

Positive Behavior Support

Positive Behavioral Support

Positive Behavioral Supports

Postprandial bood sugar

Power blending system

Power Bus Simulator

PowerShares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust

Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing

Preferential Bidding System

Premature beats

Premium Billing System

President's Budget Submission

Pressure boundary subsystem

Primary Base Series

Primed bursts

Primer binding sequence

Primer binding site

Processing bodies

Product Breakdown Structure

Production Base Support

Program Breakdown Structure

Program Budget Submission

Program for Biosafety Systems

Programming Budgeting System

Project baseline summary

Project breakdown structure

Projected Band Structure

Protected brush specimen

Protective Breathing System

Protein Blocks

Protein bodies

Provisioned Bandwidth Service

Prune belly syndrome

Psammoma bodies

Public Broadcast System

Public Broadcasting Service

Public Broadcasting Station

Public Broadcasting System

Public Buildings Service

Publishing Business Systems

Pulmonary branch stenosis

Pulsating bubble surfactometer

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