About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBR

Real Dictionary

What does PBR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PBR at the RealDictionary.com.


PBR Definition
PBR Definition

What's The Definition Of PBR?

The definition of PBR is:

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Packed bed reactor

Paint Bake Response

Parabrachial region

Particle Bed Reactor

Passive Beamformer Receiver

Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad

Pathology Bearing Region

Patrol Boat Reconaissance

Patrol Boat River

Patrol Boat, River


Pebble bed reactor

Peptide binding region

Percent Base Repair

Performance Based Rates

Performance Based Regulation

Performance-Based Regulation

Peribrachial region

Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor

Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors

Peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor

Peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors

Permian Basin Railways

Permit by rule

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.- Petrobras


Plant breeders' right

Platelet-bound radioactivity

Plum Brook Reactor

Point blank range

Polar Biomedical Research

Polar body removal

Pole Broken

Policy-Based Routing

Polished Bore Receptacle

Polished-Bore Receptacle

Positive biopsy rate

Post birthing room

Post-Boost Reliability

Potential Biological Removal

Precision bombing range

Presence-based Routing

President's Budget Request

Presidential Budget Request

Process Bill Register

Professional Board for Radiography

Program business representative

Publications Board Report

Pyridine Butadiene Rubber

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