About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBP

What does PBP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PBP at the RealDictionary.com.

PBP Definition |
What's The Definition Of PBP?The definition of PBP is: Packet Burst Protocol Paging Block Periodicity Parametric Back Pressure Penicillin binding protein Penicillin-binding protein Penicillin-binding proteins Pentabromophenol Penumbra: Black Plague Performance Based Pay Performance Based Payment Periplasmic binding protein Personal Basis Profile Personal Business Plan Pheromone binding protein Pheromone-binding protein Phosphate binding protein Picture By Picture Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Plan Benefit Package Plant Biotechnology Program Platelet basic protein Play by Post Porphyrin biosynthesis pathway Post-Boost Phase Preburner Boost Pump Pregnenolone-binding protein Preheating Blistering Porosity Preliminary Business Plan Pro Bono Publico Product business plan Progesterone-binding protein Program Budget Plan Progressive bulbar palsy Progressive bulbar paralysis Proliferator-activated receptor-binding Protein Prostate binding protein Prostate-binding protein Prostatic binding protein Prostatic steroid-binding protein Proton-Blocking Pattern Provider Based Physician Pulsatile bypass pump |
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