About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBI

Real Dictionary

What does PBI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PBI at the RealDictionary.com.


PBI Definition
PBI Definition

What's The Definition Of PBI?

The definition of PBI is:

IATA code for Palm Beach International Airport, West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Pacific Bell Internet

Palm Beach International

Paper Bag Institute

Papilla Bleeding Index

Papillary Bleeding Index

Parental Bonding Index

Parental Bonding Instrument

Partial background investigation

Partial breast irradiation

Penile brachial index

Penile brachial pressure index

Performance Based Incentive

Performance-based incentive

Performance-based instruction

Peripheral Bus Interface

Phone Based Interface



Plant Biological Institute

Plant Biotechnology Institute

Plant Breeding Institute

Plumbing Brass Institute



Poor Bloody Infantry

Post-Boost Intercept

Predominantly Black Institutions

Process Branch Indicator

Program Bank Index

Program baseline integration

Property Book Import

Protein bound iodine

Protein-bound iodine

Public Benevolent Institution

Push Button Indicator

Push-Button Indicator


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