Related Words & Synonyms To Sticky

Real Dictionary Thesaurus

Discover Sticky related words & synonyms to Sticky from the Real Dictionary thesaurus.


Sticky Related Words
Sticky Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Sticky?

Synonyms for Sticky include:

adherent, adhesive, agglutinate, agglutinative, ambitious, arduous, awkward, baffling, bedewed, besprent, boggy, bondable, catchy, challenging, clammy, coherent, cohesive, damp, dampish, dank, delicate, demanding, dewy, difficult, drenched, dripping, drippy, drizzly, dunked, effortful, embarrassing, fractious, gluey, glutinous, gooey, gum-like, gummed, gummy, hard, hard-fought, herculean, humid, icky, knotty, marshy, miry, misty, moist, mucilaginous, mucky, muddy, muggy, nasty, pasty, perspiring, pitchy, problematic, problematical, quaggy, rainy, reeking, resinous, resiny, rheumy, rocky, rough, rugged, saturated, self-sealing, serious, showery, sloppy, sloughy, soaked, soaking, sodden, soggy, sopping, soppy, soused, sprinkled, squashy, steaming, steamy, stick-on, sticky, swampy, sweating, sweaty, tacky, tall, tarry, tenacious, thorny, ticklish, tight, touchy, tough, tricky, troublesome, trying, undried, unenviable, vexed, viscid, viscous, washed, waterlogged, watery, wet

sticky is a ADJ.

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