Related Words & Synonyms To Drenched

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Discover Drenched related words & synonyms to Drenched from the Real Dictionary thesaurus.


Drenched Related Words
Drenched Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Drenched?

Synonyms for Drenched include:

ariled, arillate, awninged, barnacled, beaded, bedewed, besprent, blanketed, boggy, canopied, clammy, cloaked, clothed, covered, crusted, crustlike, crusty, dabbled, damp, dampish, dank, dewy, draped, drenched, drenched in, dripping, drippy, drizzly, dunked, encrusted, humid, mantled, marshy, miry, misty, moist, moon-splashed, moss-grown, mossy, mucky, mud-beplastered, muddy, muffled, muggy, overgrown, peritrichous, perspiring, plastered, quaggy, rainy, reeking, rheumy, saturated, sealed, showery, sloppy, sloughy, smothered, snow-clad, snow-covered, snowy, soaked, soaking, sodden, soggy, sopping, soppy, soused, spattered, splashed, splashy, splattered, sprinkled, squashy, steaming, steamy, sticky, sun-drenched, swampy, sweating, sweaty, tacky, thickspread, tiled, undried, washed, waterlogged, watery, wet, white, wrapped

drenched is a ADJ.

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