Related Words & Synonyms To Hoary

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Hoary Related Words
Hoary Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Hoary?

Synonyms for Hoary include:

age-old, aged, ageing, aging, ancient, anile, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, auld, canescent, centenarian, coarse-furred, coarse-haired, cold, comal, comate, comose, curly-coated, curly-haired, dark-coated, dark-haired, darkened, doddering, doddery, downy, elderly, emeritus, experienced, experient, floccose, furlike, furred, furry, fuzzed, fuzzy, gaga, glossy-coated, glossy-furred, glossy-haired, gray, gray-haired, gray-headed, grey, grey-haired, grey-headed, grizzly, haired, hairy, hand-down, hand-me-down, hirsute, hispid, hoar, hoary, immemorial, lanate, long-ago, long-haired, longtime, mature, middle-aged, nonagenarian, noncurrent, nonmodern, octogenarian, of age, old, older, oldish, over-the-hill, overage, overaged, pappose, past, patched, pilary, pilose, pilous, puberulent, pubescent, retired, rough-haired, rusty, secondhand, senescent, senile, senior, sericeous, sexagenarian, shock-headed, short-haired, silky-haired, silver-haired, smooth-haired, snake-haired, soft-haired, stale, stiff-haired, sunset, superannuated, thick-haired, tomentose, tomentous, used, velvety-furred, velvety-haired, venerable, white-haired, wire-haired, wiry, wiry-coated, woolly, woolly-haired, wooly, wooly-haired, worn, yellow, yellowed

hoary is a ADJ.

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