About The Abbreviation Or Acronym VFC

Real Dictionary

What does VFC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation VFC at the RealDictionary.com.


VFC Definition
VFC Definition

What's The Definition Of VFC?

The definition of VFC is:

V. Fast Class

V.F. Corporation

Vaccine for children

Vaccines for Children

Vaccines for Children Program

Variable File Channel

Variable-flow cooling

Vasco Air

Vector Function Chainer

Ventral frontal cortex

Ventricular function curve

Ventricular function curves

Version Fast Class

Version First Class

Version.First Class

Vertical Flats Casing

Vertical Form Control

Vertical Format Control

Vertical Forms Control

Very Fast Class


Vice Flotilla Commander

Video Feature Connector

Video Film Converter

Video Frequency Carrier

Vigilant Fire Company

Virtual FIle Cabinet

Visual field constriction

Visual Flight Conditions

Voice Feature Card

Voice Frequency Channel

Voice-Frequency Carrier

Voice-Frequency Channel

Voltage to Frequency Converter

Voltage-to-Frequency Converter

Volumetric flow controller

Voters for Choice

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