About The Abbreviation Or Acronym VDS

Real Dictionary

What does VDS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation VDS at the RealDictionary.com.


VDS Definition
VDS Definition

What's The Definition Of VDS?

The definition of VDS is:

Vacuum defueling system

Vacuum diagnostics system

Valence Defect Structure

Value Delivery System

Valve Deactivation System

Vandenberg Data Systems

Vapor distribution system

Vapor-Deposited Silica

Variable Depth Sonar

Variable Depth Source

Variable domains

Variable Drop Size

Variable Drop-Size

Vegetative dystonia syndrome

Vehicle Dependability Study

Vehicle Descriptor Section

Vehicle Dynamics Simulation

Vehicle Dynamics Simulator

Venereal disease, syphilis

Venereal disease-syphilis

Venous duplex scanning

Ventral derotation spondylodesis

Ventral derotation system

Verbal descriptive scale

Verbal descriptor scale

Verband Deutscher Studentenschaft

Vereinigung der Sternfreunde

Vereinigung Deutscher Schmelzhütten

Verteiltes Dokumentenablage System

Vertical Dynamics Simulator

Very Difficultly Soluble

Vessel Day Scheme

Veterinary Deer Society

Veterinary Defence Society

Video Detection System

Video Display System

Video Distribution Subsystem

Video Distribution System

Vietnamese Depression Scale



Vindesine sulfate

Virtual Data Set

Virtual Dedicated Server

Virtual Disk Service

Virtual Disk Services

Virtual DMA Services

Visual danger stimulus

Visual Display System

Visual Distress Signal

Visual Docking Simulator

Vocabulary Development System

Voice Data Switch

Voice Distribution System

Volatile dissolved solids

Volatile dry solvents

Volume Disk Service

Voluntary Data Sharing

Voluntary Departure Scheme

Volunteer Development Scotland

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