About The Abbreviation Or Acronym UR

What does UR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation UR at the RealDictionary.com.

UR Definition |
What's The Definition Of UR?The definition of UR is: Ultrared Unattended Repeater Uncommitted Read Unconditioned reflex Unconditioned response Under Under Running Under-reporters Underway Replenishment Unearned Runs Unearned Runs allowed Unfinanced requirement Unfunded Requirement Uniform Resonance Union Relations Unit Record Unit Register Universal Recipient Universal Recommended Universal Rectifier Universidad de la Repùblica Universidad Regiomontana Université de Reims Université de Rennes Université de Rouen University of Rajshahi University of Rangoon University of Reading University of Redlands University of Regensburg University of Regina University of Richmond University of Rochester University of Roorkee University of Ryukyus University Relations University Research Unix Review Unoccupied repeat Unrated Unsatisfactory report Unsulfonated Residue Update ready Upland Rice Ecosystem Upon Receipt Upon Registration Upper respiratory Upper right Uptake Rate Uptake ratio Uptake ratios Ural River Uranaffin reaction Uranium recovery Uranium registry Urban Urban Renaissance Agency Urban Renewal Urbanization rank Urea Urethane Uriarra Uridine Urinal Urinary Urinary recovery Urinary retention Urine Urologist Urology Uruguay Round Useful result User Rate User Representative User requirement User Requirements User Room Utility room Utilization Rate Utilization Review Utilization Reviews UW Richland You are You're Your |
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