About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TRV

Real Dictionary

What does TRV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation TRV at the RealDictionary.com.


TRV Definition
TRV Definition

What's The Definition Of TRV?

The definition of TRV is:

IATA code for Thiruvananthapuram Intl Airport, Trivandrum, India

Tactical robotic vehicle

Tanjong Rabok virus

Tank recovery vehicle

Technical Remote Viewing

Teen Relationship Violence

Temporary Resident Visa

Test-retest variability

Thermal Release Valve

Thermal relief vent

Thermostatic Radiator Valve


Tobacco rattle virus

Tobacco Ringspot Virus

Toxicity Reference Value

Track Recording Vehicle

Transient Recovery Voltage


Triatoma virus

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