About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TRP

What does TRP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation TRP at the RealDictionary.com.

TRP Definition |
What's The Definition Of TRP?The definition of TRP is: Maryland State Police Tachykinin-related peptide Tactical Recruiting Program Tangible Research Property Target Rating Points Target Reference Point Target Reporting Parameters Team Research Project TEAM Resource Preference Technical Resource Panel Technical Review Panel Technological Research Programme Technology Refreshment Plan Technology Reinvestment Program Technology Reinvestment Project Technology Research Partnerships Technology Research Programme Telegraphics Report Program Television Remote Pickup Temasek Republic Polytechnic Temporal Reference for Prediction Terminal Resource Profile Test Resource Plan Theater Reaction Package Theater Response Package Theater Response Packages Thermal Ribbon Printer Thrust Rating Panel Time of Reporting TIRES PLUS Token Ring Port Token Ring serial Port Total Peripheral Resistance Total Radiated Power Total Radiation Pyrometer Total reactive phosphorus Total refractory period Toxicology Review Panel Tractor Trade pattern Traffic regulation point Transaction Portion TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LTD. Transcananda Pipelines, Ltd. Transient receptor potential Transient receptor potential protein Transition Research Projects Transport and Routing Protocol Transport Reference Point Transporting, Routing and Packaging Trauma Recovery Program Trauma Recovery Project Traumatic reticuloperitonitis Tricho-rhino-phalangeal Trichorhinophalangeal Tricuspid valve Trigger point Trigger points Triglyceride-rich particles Tripped Tripping Troop Troops Tryptamine Tryptophan Tryptophyl Tubular reabsorption of phosphate Tubular reabsorption of phosphorus Tuition Refund Program Tuition Reimbursement Plan Tuition reimbursement program TwoStep Resonant Photoionization Tyrosinase-related protein Tyrosinase-related proteins Tyrosine-related protein |
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