About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TRIM

Real Dictionary

What does TRIM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation TRIM at the RealDictionary.com.


TRIM Definition
TRIM Definition

What's The Definition Of TRIM?

The definition of TRIM is:

T cell receptor interacting molecule

Tailored Retrieval and Information Management

Target Rate Implementation Monitoring

Targeted regulatory improvement

Technical Reference Index Metaset

Terrain Resource Information Management

Test Rules for Inventory Management

Test, Rework and Inspection Management

Testing for Reliability by Incremented Maximization

Throwaway/Repair Implication on Management

Time Related Instructional Management

Time Resolution Imaging Mode

Timed reexpansion inspiratory manoeuvre

Total risk integrated methodology

Training Relations and Instruction Mission

Transport of Ion in Metal

Transport of Ions in Matter





Tripartite motif

Trust Radius Image Minimization

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