About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SVD

Real Dictionary

What does SVD mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SVD at the RealDictionary.com.


SVD Definition
SVD Definition

What's The Definition Of SVD?

The definition of SVD is:

Saturated Vapor Density

Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Datenverarbeitung

Schweizerischer Vereinigung fuer Datenverarbeitung

Seat Video Display

Secure Voice Device

Segment Version Description

Shock Vibration Digest

Simultaneous Voice and Data

Simultaneous Voice and Data Processor

Simultaneous Voice Data

Simultaneous Voice/Data

Single vessel disease

Singular Value Decomposition

Singular Values Decomposition

Small vessel disease

Snowflake vitreoretinal degeneration

Softare Version Description

Software Version Description

Space View Door

Spontaneous vaginal delivery

Spontaneous vertex delivery

St. Vincent Grenadines Air

Standard Vector Deviation

Star volume distribution

Structural valve degeneration

Structural valve deterioration

Structured VLSI Design

Subcortical vascular dementia

Supplementary Volume Descriptor

Swine vesicular disease

System Verification Diagram

Systemic venous drainage

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