About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SMI

Real Dictionary

What does SMI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SMI at the RealDictionary.com.


SMI Definition
SMI Definition

What's The Definition Of SMI?

The definition of SMI is:

Aero Sami

Safe Motherhood Initiative

Salary merit increase

Sales Method Index

Sample Matrix Inversion

Santa Maria Island

Scanning Microscopy International

School Meal Initiative

School Meals Initiative

School of Military Intelligence


Security Management Infrastructure

Security Management Interface

Self-Motivation Inventory

Semiconductor Manufacturing International

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation

Senior medical investigator

Sequential Minimum Interference

Serious mental illness

Seriously Mentally Ill

Server Management Interface

Service Management Interaction

Severe mental illness

Severe mental illnesses

Severe mental impairment

Severely mentally ill

Shared Memory Interface

Shengmai injection

Shenmai injection

Siemens Microelectronics Inc.

Silent myocardial infarction

Silent myocardial ischaemia

Silent myocardial ischemia

Simple Messaging Interface

Simulated Machine Indexing

Simultaneous Multi-Issue

Sisters of Mary Immaculate

Small Manufacturers Institute

Small Multimedia Interface

Small- and Medium-sized Industries


Society for Machine Intelligence

Soft mist inhaler

Solar Magnetism Initiative

Soldier Machine Interface

Soldier-Machine Interface

Somatic sensory cortex

Sorptive Minerals Institute

Spanish Medical Interpreter

Spatially modulated illumination

Sperm motility index

Sphincter mechanism incompetence

Spring Manufacturers Institute


Squished Mosquito, Inc.

Standard Mapped Image

Standard message identifier

Standard Message Identifiers

Standardized Medreview Instrument

Standardized mitotic index

Stanford Medical Informatics

Start Manual Input

Static Memory Interface

Station Management Interface

Stereo Magnetospheric Imager

Stone Microstructure Index

Storage Management Initiative

Stray Magnetic Influences

Stress Management Intervention

Stress myocardial image

Structural Materials Industries, Inc.

Structure and identification of Management Information

Structure for Management Information

Structure model index

Structure of Managed Information

Structure of Management Information

Structures of Managed Information

Student Medical Insurance

Style of Mind Inventory

Subjective memory impairment

Subsystem Multiplicity Indicator

Sun Microsystems Inc.

SUN Microsystems Incorporated

Supplemental Medical Insurance

Supplementary Medical Insurance

Supplier Managed Inventory

Supply Chain Management Institute

Surveillance Monitoring Inspection

Surveyors Module International

Sustained maximum inspiration

Swiss Market Index

Swiss Meteorological Institute

Switched-Mode Inverter

Synchronous Method Invocation


System Management Information

System Management Interface

System Management Interrupt

System Management Interrupts

System Memory Interface

System Monitoring Interface

Systems Management and Integration

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

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