About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SGS

What does SGS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SGS at the RealDictionary.com.

SGS Definition |
What's The Definition Of SGS?The definition of SGS is: IATA code for South St. Paul Municipal Airport, South St. Paul, Minnesota, United States Salem Generating Station Salivary gland scintigraphy Salivary glands Saskatchewan Geological Society Saskatchewan Government Executive Air Service Scene Generation Subsystem Scene generation system Schinzel-Giedion syndrome Science Ground Segment Scone Grammar School Secondary Ground Station Secretary of the General Staff Secretary to the General Staff Secretary, General Staff Secretory granules Segmented gamma scan Segmented gamma scanner Self-Governing System Shipboard Gridlock System Shopping Girlfriend Syndrome Short gut syndrome Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome Signaling Gateways Signalling Gateways Silicone Glazing Sealant Small Grain Size Societe General de Surveillance Society for General Systems Software Generation System SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS Southern Gerontological Society Space Gateway Support Space to Ground Subsystem Spatial genetic structure Specialist Gurkha Services Specification and Guidance Stack Squadron Ground Station St Gabriel's School St George School St Gertrude's School St. George's School Stanford Geological Survey Stanford Ground Station Steam generator subsystem Steam generator system Steam Generators Steep Glide Slope Stellate ganglion stimulation Stockport Grammar School Strain-Gauge System Strategic Ground Segment Stratum griseum superficiale Stream Generation Statement Stress granules Strong gyrase site Study Groups Subglottic stenosis Submerged gravel scrubber Surgeon Generals Survivable Ground Segment Survivable Ground Station Svalbard Ground Station Sveriges Geofysika Selskap Sweat glands Syalbard Ground Station Sydney Grammar School Symbol Generator and Storage |
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