About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SGP

Real Dictionary

What does SGP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SGP at the RealDictionary.com.


SGP Definition
SGP Definition

What's The Definition Of SGP?

The definition of SGP is:

Sagolair Transportes Ejecutivos

Scaled gradient projection

Schering-Plough Corp


Second growth phase

Secondary granule protein

Secondary granule proteins

Secretory glycoprotein

Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program

Senior Political Military Group on Proliferation

Severe generalized periodontitis

Shell Gasification Process

Short gradient pulse



Signaling Gateway Process

Signaling Gateway Processes

Signalling Gateway Process

Simplified General Perturbation

Simplified General Perturbations


Singapore Genomics Programme

Single Gauss point

Single ground point

Single Grounding Point

Small Grants Programme

Society of General Physiologists

South Galactic Pole

South Geographic Pole

Southern Great Plains

Space Geodesy Program

Space Geodesy Project

St. Petersburg

Stability and Growth Pact

Static Ground Point

Strain Gauge Package

Strain gauge plethysmography

Strategic Goals Program

Strategic Grants Program

Stratum griseum profundum

Stress-generated potentials


Subgenomic promoter

Sulfated glycoprotein

Sulfated glycoproteins

Sulphated glycoprotein

Superficial granulomatous pyoderma

Support Group Pacific

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