About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SFP

What does SFP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SFP at the RealDictionary.com.

SFP Definition |
What's The Definition Of SFP?The definition of SFP is: Safe Air SALISBURY FREE PUBLIC Salton, Inc. San Francisco Pioneers San Francisco Press Santo Fire Products Saved Frame Pointer School Feeding Programme School Food Program Science for Peace Science Foundation of Physics Screen filtration pressure Second Focal Point Secondary Facultative Pond Security Filter Processor Security Function Policy Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Sensor Fusion Post Sensor Fusion Processor Shahidi Ferguson perfringens Shop Floor Programming Simultaneous foveal perception Single Failure Point Slack Frame Program Small Form factor Pluggable Small Form Pluggable Small Form-factor Pluggable Small Formfactor Pluggable Société Française de Physique Société Française de Production Solar Flare Proton Space Flight Participant Space Flight Project Special Fabrication Program Special Facilitation Program Spent fuel pit Spent fuel pool Spinal fluid pressure Standard Fire Policy Standard Format Part Standard Front Page Stanford Family Practice State Forecast Product Statement of Forest Principles STOCKBRIDGE FREE PUBLIC Stop-flow perfusion Stop-flow pressure Stopped flow pressure Strategic facilities planning Strategic Facility Plan Strengthening Families Program Stress-free polishing Strict fall precautions Success Factor Profiling Summary Flight Plan Super Frame Pattern Supplementary Feeding Program Sustainer Fuel Pressure System Fault Protection System File Protection |
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