About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SFM

What does SFM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SFM at the RealDictionary.com.

SFM Definition |
What's The Definition Of SFM?The definition of SFM is: A-Safar Air Services IATA code for Sanford Regional Airport, Sanford, Maine, United States Scalable Forecast Model Scanning Force Microscope Scanning force microscopy Schimmelpenning-Fuerstein-Mims Schluessel-Fernschreib-Maschine Screen-film mammography Senior Financial Manager Senior Functional Manager Sensor Fuzed Munitions Serum-free media Serum-free medium Service Facility Manipulator Service Flow Management Services For Macintosh Sewage force main Simple File Manager Simplified File Maintenance Simulator Fold Mirror Single-Flow Multicast Sinusoidally frequency modulated Site Functional Manager Société Française de Métallurgie Sociétée' Francaise de Microbiologie Soluble fibrin monomer Solution-focused management Source Filtered Multicast Spacecraft Fault Management Special Functions Module Split-Field Motor Standard Figure of Maintenance State Fire Marshal Structure-from-motion Subcutaneous fat mass Sum Frequency Mixing Sunflower meal Superficial flexor muscle Supply and Financial Management Supply Financial Management Surface feet per minute Surplus Facilities Management Sustainable Forest Management Swinging Field Magnetization Switch Fabric Module Switching and Forwarding Model Switching and Forwarding Module Switching Fabric Module Synthesizer Filter Module System Fault Manager System Feasibility Model |
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