About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SFF

Real Dictionary

What does SFF mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SFF at the RealDictionary.com.


SFF Definition
SFF Definition

What's The Definition Of SFF?

The definition of SFF is:

IATA code for Felts Field, Spokane, Washington, United States

Safe Failure Fraction

Safewings Aviation Company

Santa Fe Energy Trust


Science Fiction Final

SEATO Field Forces

Secondary Fault Factor

Seeded Faults Found

Self Forging Fragment

Self-Forging Fragment

Self-Forming Fragment

Semi-Formal Formal

Service Ferry Flight

Service Financial Framework

Site Field Force

Skin-Friction Factor

Small Form Factor

Small Formation Flyer

Small Forms Factors

So fucking funny

Société Française de Félinotechnie

Solar Forecast Facility

Solid Freedom Fabrication

Solid freeform fabrication

Space flight factors

Speaking fundamental frequency

Special Forces Flight

Spirit of the Future Foundation

Square foot floor

Standard File Format

Static Firing Facility

Structured Fax File

Supplementary Financing Facility

Switch Feature Forum

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