About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SCV

What does SCV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SCV at the RealDictionary.com.

SCV Definition |
What's The Definition Of SCV?The definition of SCV is: IATA code for Suceava Airport, Suceava, Romania Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus Salmonella-containing vacuole SARS coronavirus SCANIA VABIS Section Coding Violation Sensory conduction velocities Sensory conduction velocity Sensory nerve conduction velocities Sensory nerve conduction velocity Servicios Aereos Del Centro Seville Composite Vehicle Slow component velocity Small cell variant Small colony variants Small-Cap Value Small-cell variants Small-colony variant Smooth, capsulated, virulent Solenoid Controlled Valve Sons of Confederate Veterans Specialized Codec VBR Speed Controlled Volume Standard combustion vaporizer Steel containment vessel Subclavian vein Superior caval vein Superior caval vein abnormality Supply Chain Visibility Surge Control Valve Swirl Control Valves System Component Verification Systems completion verification |
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