About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SCT

Real Dictionary

What does SCT mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SCT at the RealDictionary.com.


SCT Definition
SCT Definition

What's The Definition Of SCT?

The definition of SCT is:


Sacrococcygeal teratoma

Sacrococcygeal teratomas

Safety coordination team

Salmon calcitonin

Salmon CT

Same Clock Timing

Satellite Communications Terminal

Scanning Telescope





Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope

Schmidt-Cassegrain Teleskop

Schottky Clamped Transistor

Scitex Continuous Tone


Scottish RE Group Limited


Screen Capture Text

Script concordance test



Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes


Secretin-cerulein test

Security Context Token

Self-categorization theory

Semiconductor Tracker

Sender Current Time

Sentence Completion Test

Sentence comprehension test

Sertoli cell tumor

Sertoli cell tumors

Serving capacity tests

Severe Clear Threshold

Sex chromatin test

Sexual compatibility test

Ship Custody Transfer

Shipping control teams

Short contact time

Sickle cell trait

Sickle-cell trait

Signal Channel Transponder

Silica clotting time

Single Channel Transponder

Single Channel Transporter

Single Chip Transceiver

Single Chip Transceivers

Single-Channel Terminal

Single-Channel Transponder

Sioux City Terminal Railway

Sioux City Terminal Railway Corporation

Sluggish cognitive tempo

Small-curvature tunneling

Snohomish County Tomorrow

Société des Ceramiques Téchniques

Social Cognitive Theory

Society for Clinical Trials

Society of Cleaning Technicians

Software Compatibility Test

Solid and cystic tumor

Solid cystic tumor


Sonoma County Transit

Southeast College of Technology

Southern California Tracon

Spacecraft Control Team

Spacecraft Controller Team

Special Characters Table

Specialist Cadet

Specialist in Cytotechnology

Specialty Care Transport

Specifications and Contracts Team

Speed Circuit

Spinal cord transected

Spinal cord transection

Spinal cord trauma

Spinocerebellar tract

Spinocervical tract

Spiral computed tomography

Spiral CT

Stable chromosomal translocations

Staff Continuation Training

Stair climbing test

Standard Charge Ticket

Staphylococcal clumping test

Star cancellation test

State College for Teachers

Static Contraction Training

Statistical Communication Theory

Stem cell transplant

Stem cell transplantation

Stem cell transplants

Step Control Table

Stockpile confidence test

Stored Command Table

Strategic Communications Terminal

Strathclyde Compression Transform

Stratus-to-Cumulus Transition

Strong-Coupling Theory

Strontium Chromium Tantalate

Structural clay tile

Subclavian-carotid transposition

Subcutaneous connective tissue

Subroutine Call Table

Subscriber Carrier Terminal

Sugar-Coated Tablet

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal

Surface and Coating Technology

Surface and Coatings Technology

Surface-Charge Transistor

Synchronized Clock and Tone

System Control Terminal

Systems Command Terminal

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

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