About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SCI

What does SCI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SCI at the RealDictionary.com.

SCI Definition |
What's The Definition Of SCI?The definition of SCI is: Real-time Science Data Format Safari Club International Safer Communities Initiative Safety Class I San Clemente Island Santiam Correctional Institution Scalable Coherent Interconnect Scalable Coherent Interface Scaleable Coherent Interface SCI SYSTEMS, INC. Sci-Fi Channel Science Science Citation Index Science of Creative Intelligence Scientific Scientific Computing International Scientist Scottish Care Information Scripta classica Israelica SDM Command Interpreter Search Command Interpreter Secondary containment isolation Secret Compartmentalized Information Secure compartmented information Secure Connected Infrastructure Security Container Institute Seller Configuration Inspection Send Charging Information Senior carpet inspector Sensitive Compartment Information Sensitive Compartmental Information Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Sensitive Compartmented Info Sensitive Compartmented Information Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence Sensor-Centered Inertial Serial Communication Interface Serial Communications Interface Serial Control Interface Sertoli cell index Service Corporation International Servicio Central de Informatica Servicios Aereos San Cristobal Shapiro Control Inventory Sheffield Curriculum Initiative Ship Controlled Intercept Ship-Controlled Interception Shipping Corporation of India Signal Conditioning Interface Significance Code Index Silent cerebral infarct Silent cerebral infarction Silent cerebral infarcts Simultaneous confidence intervals Single Compartmented Information Small and Cottage Industries Small Computer Interface Société de Chimie Industrielle Social Competence Interview Società Ceramica Italiana Società Chimica Italiana Society of chemical industry Society of Computer Intelligence Society of the Chemical Industry Socket Compatibility Interface Soft Cast Iron Software Configuration Index Software Configuration Item Software Customer Inspection Solder Column Interposer Source Code Indicator Source Control Item Southeastern Career Institute Special Compartmental Information Special Compartmented Information Special Compartmented Intelligence Special Control Item Special Coordination Intelligence Special Course Indicator Specification Change Index Specular component included Spinal cord contusion injury Spinal cord impairment Spinal cord injured Spinal cord injured patients Spinal cord injuries Spinal Cord Injury Spinal cord ischemia Spinal cord ischemic complications Stabilized Criegee intermediate Standard Computer Interface Standard Contract Interpretation State College of Iowa Statement of Community Involvement Steam Plant Cleanliness Inspector Steel Construction Institute Stone Cohesion Index Strategic Computing Initiative Stratospheric circulation model Striatocapsular infarction Structural Composities Industries Structured clinical interview Student Centered Instruction Subcoma insulin Submission of Community Involvement Subscriber Carrier Interface Substantially Complete Installation Summer Computer Institute Super Computer Incorporated Super configuration interaction Supplemental Card Indicator Supply Chain Intelligence Surface charge imaging Surrender Cost Index Surveillance/compliance inspection Sussex Correctional Institution Sustainable Computing Initiative Swedish Corrosion Institute Switch closure in Switched Collector Impedance System Call Interface System Control Interface System Control Interrupt Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Systems Concepts and Integration |
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