About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SCAR

Real Dictionary

What does SCAR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SCAR at the RealDictionary.com.


SCAR Definition
SCAR Definition

What's The Definition Of SCAR?

The definition of SCAR is:

ICAO code for Chacalluta International Airport, Arica, Chile

Safety Change Assessment Report

Satellite Capture and Retrieval

Scandinavian Council for Applied Research

Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research

Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Sequence characterised amplified region

Sequence characterized amplified region

Sequence characterized amplified regions

Severe cutaneous adverse reactions

Significant Correspondence Assignment Report

SIMBA Commercial Alternative Realization

Smoke, Clouds and Radiation

Society for Computer Application in Radiology

Society for Computer Applications in Radiology

Society of Computer Applications in Radiology

Special Committee for Antarctic Research

Special Committee on Antarctic Research

Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo

Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance

Subclinical acute rejection

Submarine Celestial Altitude Recorder

Sulphates, Clouds and Radiation

Summary Contract Action Report

Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Research

Supplier Corrective Action Request

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