About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SC

What does SC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SC at the RealDictionary.com.

SC Definition |
What's The Definition Of SC?The definition of SC is: Cruiser Submarine Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sacrococcygeal Saddleback College Safe concentration Safety Case Safety Certification Safety class Safety Committee Safety computer Safety Critical Sage Canyon Sage Colleges Salazar Continuation Salem College Salinas Community Saline control Salmon calcitonin Salt crystallisation Salvage Centre Salvage Charges Samarium Chromite San Carlos Sandwell College Sandwich-cultured Sanitary Corps Santa Catarina Santa Catharina Santa Clara Santa Cruz SAR Coordinator Sarcomatoid carcinoma Sarcomatous component Satel Conseil Satellite cells Satellite Communication Satellite Communications Satellite Communicator Satellite Computer Satin Cherry Saturable Core Saturation Current Sauk Centre Save the Children Scalar Coupling Scale Scale Coating Scale Conifers Scalenus Scan Scan computer Scandium Scanner Scanner Controller Scanning Coil Scaphocapitate Scapula Scatter correction Scatter factor Scattering Coefficient Scattering Constant Scenario Compiler Scene Schaffer collateral Schaffer collaterals Schedule Correlation Scheduled Castes Schizophrenia Schizophrenic Schlemm's canal Schlumberger Configuration Schmidt number Schmidt-Cassegrain Schneiderite School School Certificate Schoolcraft College Schools of Choice Schreiner College Schultz-Charlton Schwann cell Schwann cells Schwarz criterion Sciatica Science Science Center Science Committee Science Consortium Science Council Science in Context Scientific Scientific Committee Scientific Community Scientific Computer Scientific Computing Scientist Scintigraphy Scintillation Counter Sclerosing cholangitis Scopolamine Score Scoring Criteria Scot SCOTCH COLLEGE Scotland Scott City Scott County Scottish Scrambled Scrambler Scrapbooking Creations Scrapie PrP Screen Screen Color Screen Commander Screen Coordinator Screened Cable Screening Screening Committee Screw Screw Compressor Screw Conveyor Screwed and Coupled Scripps College Script Script Concordance Scrotal circumference Sculpsit Scute Sea Current Seal Coat Search Coil Search Control Season Cracking Sebaceous carcinoma Sebastian Conrad Second Class Second I Secondary Cells Secondary Center Secondary Channel Secondary cleavage Secondary confinement Secondary constriction Secondary constrictions Secondary Consumer Secondary Containment Secret-Cinema Secreting cells Secretory carcinoma Secretory cells Secretory component Secretory components Secretory I Section Chief Section Code Sectional Center Securities Commission Security Check Security Code Security Committee Security Cooperation Security Council Sedentary control Sedentary control group Sedentary controls Sedimentation Constant Seebeck Coefficient Seed Crystal Segment Control Seismic Calibration Select Code Selector Channel Selenite cystine Selenium Cell Self care Self Closing Self Contained Self-Capacitance Self-Centering Self-Charge Self-Closing Self-compatible Self-Complementing Self-Consistent Self-Contained Semi-Closed Semi-Conducting Semi-Conductor Semi-Coprecipitation Semicarbazide Semicircular canal Semiclassical Send Common Sender's Choice Sending Complete Seneca College Senior Chief Senior Counsel Senior Courser Sense Contact Sensitivity coefficient SensorCraft Separable component Separation control Septal commissure Sequence Controller Sequence Count Serials Control Series Circuit Series Coil Seroconversion Serous carcinoma Sertoli cell Sertoli cells Serum cholesterol Serum complement Serum concentrations Serum creatinine Server Cluster Service Cable Service Capability Service Ceiling Service Center Service Centre Service Channel Service charge Service Class Service Code Service Component Service Connected Service Contract Service Control Service Controller Service Coordinator Service Corps Service-connected Serving capacity SERVITE COLLEGE Servlet Container Servo Control Session Close Session Control Session Controller Set Clock Settlement Centre Sex Cell Sex chromatin Sex chromatine SEYCHELLES Seymour Cray Sezary cell Sezary cells Shading coefficient Shaft center Sham celiotomy Shandong Airlines Shape change Shape component Shaped charge Shaping Circuit Shared Channel Sharp curettage Shasta College Shaw College Shear Connector Shelf Controller SHELL TRANSPORT and TRADING CO., PLC Shelter Cove SHENTON COLLEGE Shepherd College Sheridan College Shimer College Shipping Container Shop Cost Short Case Short chain Short Circuit Short Course Shorter College Shutdown Controller Shutdown Cooling Sialyl cholesterol Sick call Sickle cell Sickle cell-haemoglobin C Sickle cell-hemoglobin C Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease Sickle-hemoglobin C Side Chain Siena College Sierra Charter Sierra Club Sierra College Sierra Crest Sieving coefficient Sieving coefficients SIGINT Center Sigmoid colon Sign Change Signal Cell Signal Center Signal Company Signal Conditioner Signal Conditioning Signal Converter Signal Corps Signaling Channel Signaling Controller Signaling Converter Signalling Capability Signalling Centre Signalling Component Significance Code Significant Characteristic Sildenafil citrate Silent Chain Silicon Carbide Silicon Compilation Silicon Compiler Silicone-coated Silk Covered Silk-Covered Sill Cock Silver connective Silver-Copper Silvered Copper Simmons College Simple Compression Simple Cubic Simpson College Simulated core Simulation Center Simulation Compiler Simulation Council Simultaneous communication Sine-Cosine Single cancers Single Carrier Single Channel Single chemical Single Chime Single chromatids Single Column Single Component Single conductor Single Contact Single Crystal Single-chain Single-contrast Single-copy Single-Current Sinus cycle Sioux City Sister Chromatids Sisters of Charity Site characterization Site closeout Site contingency Size of the clusters Skadron College Skidmore College Skin cancer Skin conductance Skin conduction Skp2-Cks1 Skyline College Slag Chemistry Slag Concrete Slalom chromatography Slave Clock Slave Cylinder Slice collimation Slight Crease Slip Casting Slipcase Slot Controller Slow Channel Slow component Slow Cooling Slow cooling in a furnace Slow-closing Slow-Curing Slowly Cooled Slvusd Charter Small Capitals Small caps Small cell Small cells Small cleaved Small colony Small colony type Small Computer Small controls Small cytoplasmic Smart Card Smith College Smoking cessation Smooth contour Snellen chart Sniper Country Snow College Société civile Social Social competence Social condition Society for Cryobiology Sodium cholate Sodium citrate Sodium Coding Sodium cromoglycate Soft Copy Soft Core Soft-Cover Software Change Software Component Software Components Software Composition Soil Conservation Solar Calendar Solar Cell Solar Cooker Solar Cooking Soldiers Computer Solid Case Solid Core Solidification Coefficient Solitary complex Soller Collimator Solubility Coefficient Soluble complex Solution Cast Solution Chemist Solution Coating Solvay Council Solventless Carbamite Solventless Cordite Somatosensory cortex Sonoma Charter Soot carbon Sorting Carriage Source Code Source country South Carolina South Central South College Southampton College Southeastern College Southern College Southwestern College Spólka prawa cywilnego Space Capsule Space Center Space Character Space Communications Space Craft Space-charge Spacecraft Spacecraft Communicator Spacer Controller Spacer Coupling Spacing Criteria Spacing Criterion Span class Spare parts Classification Spark Chamber Spark Control Special Committee Speed controller Spertus College Spherical Coordinate Spinal canal Spinal Column Spinal cord Spinal cords Spindle cell Spindle cells Spiral curve Splat Cooling Splat-Cooled Spleen cell Spleen cells Splenic PrP Splenius capitis Splenocytes Split Coupled Split course Spontaneous Combustion Spontaneous contractions Sports Car Spray Concentrate Spray Cooled Spray Cooling Spread Component Spreading Coefficient Spring Constant Springfield College Squadron Commander Squamous carcinoma Squamous carcinomas Squamous cell carcinoma Squeeze Cast Squirrel Cage St.Mary's College Stab Culture Stability Control Stage Configuration Staggered Conformation STAMFORD COMMUNITY Standard care Standard Cell Standard chemotherapy Standard chow Standard Clean Standard Components Standard Condition Standard Configuration Standard Connector Standard cytogenetics Standards Committee Standing committee Standing Conference Star Catalog Star Control Star Coupler Star of Courage Starcraft Start Conversion Starting Current State and County State Climatologists State of the Climate Statement of Capability Statement of compatibility Statement of the Climate Station clock Station Commander Statistical Computing Statistical control Statistics and Computing Statistics Canada Status Codes Status Credit Statute of Canada Statutes of Canada Stay cool Steady Charge Steam Calorimeter Steam Cracking Steel Can Steel Casting Steel Cored Steel Cover Steel-Cored Steering Committee Stellate cells Stem cell Stem cells Step Coverage Stephens College Stepped Care Stereo-Comparator Stereochronoscopy Sterling College Sterling Commerce Sternoclavicular Stevens and Ciesielski Stevenson Center Stick and Click Sticking Coefficient Stiles-Crawford Stillman College Stimulator cells Stochastic Control Stockholm Conference Stockton College Stoichiometric Compound Stomach cancer Stonehill College Stong College Stop Cock Stop codon Stop-Continue Storage Capacity Storage compatibility Storage Controller Straight-Chain Strain Compass Strained closure Strategic Command Strategic Commander Strategic Communication Stratford College Stratocumulus Stratum comeum Stratum corneum Stress Concentration Stress Corrosion Strike Command Strip Cast Strip Cathode Strip Club Stromal cells Stromberg-Carlson Strontium Cuprate Structural Category Structural Ceramic Structural Chemist Structural Clay Structural Composite Structure Code Student Contribution Student Council Study Committee Sub Campus Sub Command Sub contractor Sub-Committee Sub-contract Subchondral Subcoeruleus Subcommittee Subcontract Subcortex Subcortical Subcortical white matter Subcutaneous Subcutaneous fat Subcutaneous injection Subcutaneous tissue Subcutaneously Subcutis Subject Category Subject Code Submarine Chaser Submarine Conversion Subnetwork Controller Subscriber Carrier Subscriber Communicator Subscriber Confidentiality Subscriber Connector Subsystem Computer Subtilisin Carlsberg Subtotal colectomy Suckle control Suckle control group Sucralfate Sudden Commencement Suez Canal Sugar-coated Suited Connector Sule College Sulfidation Corrosion Sulfur colloid Sulfur-containing Summary punch Summit Charter Summit Continuation Sumter and Choctaw Railway Sunburn cell Sunshine Coast Daily Supension Concentrate Super Calender Super Calendered Super Charged Super Charger Super-Composite Supercavitating Supercharger Supercoil cruciform Supercoiled Supercoiled circular Superconducting Superconductivity Supercontinuum Supercritical Superficial Superficial cortical Superimposed Coding Superimposed Current Superior collicular Superior colliculi Superior colliculus Superior Court Superposition/convolution Supervisor Call Supervisory Code Supervisory Control Supply Catalog Supply Catalogues Supply Chain Support Center Support Concept Support Contractor Supportive care Supportive counseling Suppressed carrier Suppressor cell Suppressor cells Supraceliac Suprachiasmatic nucleus Supraclavicular Supreme Court Supressed Carrier Surface capacitance Surface Channel Surface Charge Surface Chemist Surface coat Surface colony Surface Combustion Surface Command Surface Complexation Surface Composition Surface Conductivity Surface cooling Surface coverage Surface Crack Surgical control Surveillance compliance Suspension concentrate Suspension culture Sustentacular cells Sven Coop Swallowable composition Swarthmore College Sweep Circuit Swing Clamp Switch Cell Switched Capacitor Switchgear and Controlgear Switching Capabilities Switching Capability Switching Cell Switching Center Switching Centre Switching Circuit Switching computer Sydenham chorea Sydenham's chorea Symbol Code Symbolic Computation Sympathetic control Synaptonemal comlexes Synaptonemal complex Synaptonemal complexes Synchronization coefficient Synchronous Communication Synchronous Converter Synchronous Counter Synovial cells Synovial chondromatosis Synthetic complete System Center System Characterization System Clock System Command System compliance System Concept System Configuration System Control System Controller Systemic Systemic candidiasis Systemic Circulation Systemically Systems Corp Systolic click University of South Carolina University of Southern California |
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