About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SBI

Real Dictionary

What does SBI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SBI at the RealDictionary.com.


SBI Definition
SBI Definition

What's The Definition Of SBI?

The definition of SBI is:


S7 Airlines

Satellite Broadcasting Interface

Satellite-Borne Instrumentation

Scaleable Bandwidth Interconnect

School of Business and Industry

Scientific Business Intelligence

Scope Background Investigation

Screening and brief alcohol intervention

Screening and brief intervention

Secure Border Initiative

Selective Barge-In

Self-Billing Invoice

Serious bacterial illness

Serious bacterial infection

Serious bacterial infections

Serious Bodily Injury

Severe brain injury

Shape-based interpolation

Shelf Basin Interactions

Short Baseline Interferometer

Short Block of Instruction

Silent brain infarction

Silent brain infarcts

Silicone breast implants

Singapore Bio-Innovations

Single Burn Item

Single Business Identifier

Single Byte Interleaved

Site Build It

Skull Base Institute

Small bowel injury

Smith Barney Intermediate Municipal Fund, Inc.

Société de Bourse Intermédiaires

Society for Business Information

Society of Breast Imaging

Something Bad Inside

Sorry aBout It

Sound Blaster Instrument

Sound Blaster Instruments

Space Based Interceptor

Space-Based Interceptor

Speaker Box Interface

Special Background Investigation

Spectral broadening index

State Bank of India

State Bureau of Identification

State Bureau of Investigation

State Buy In

Steel Boiler Institute

Storage Bus Interconnect

Sub-Bitstream Indicator

Sub-Bitstream Indicators

Subsidiary Body for Implementation

Subsidiary Body Implementation

Subsidiary Body on Implementation

Sulcular bleeding index

Sulcus bleeding

Sulcus Bleeding Index

Sustainable Budget Index

Swimbladder inflammation

Synchronous Backplane Interconnect

Synchronous Backplane Interface

Synchronous Bus Interface

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

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