About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SAM

Real Dictionary

What does SAM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation SAM at the RealDictionary.com.


SAM Definition
SAM Definition

What's The Definition Of SAM?

The definition of SAM is:

Acoustic Microscopy


S-Adenosyl Methionine



Sacramento Monarchs

Safety Activation Monitor

Safety and Arming Mechanism

Safety Assessment Methodology

Sahabat Alam Malaysia


Sam & Max Hit the Road

SAM Colombia

Samaritan Aramaic

Sample Analysis at Mars

Sample analysis method


Sanctions Assistance Mission

Scalable Adaptive Modulation

Scalable ADSL Modem

Scalar Audio Magnetotellurics

Scan Angle Monitor

Scanner Application Module

Scanning acoustic microscope

Scanning Acoustic Microscopy

Scanning acoustical microscopy

Scanning Auger Microprobe

Scanning auger microprobes

Scanning Auger microscope

Scanning Auger Microscopy

Scenario Assessment Model

Scheduled Ancient Monument

School in Agency Management

School of Aerospace Medicine

Scientific American Medicine

Scottish Association for Metals

Screening agar method

Script-Applier Mechanism

SCSI architecture mode

SCSI Architecture Model

SCSI-3 Architecture Model

Sea Air Mariner

Sea-Air Mariner

Search of associative memory

Secure Access Manager

Secure Access Multiport

Secure Ambulation Module

Secure Application Module

Security Access Manager

Security Account Manager

Security Accounts Manager

Security Administration Manager

Security Application Model

Segmental arterial mediolysis

Segmented Addressable Market

Selective antimicrobial modulation

Selective Availability Management

Selective Availability Mitigation

Selectively amplified microsatellite

Self-Administered Maintenance

Self-administered medication program

Self-assembled monolayer

Self-assembled monolayers

Self-assembly monolayer

Self-Assessment Manikin

Semantic Analyzing Machine

Semi-Autogenous Milling

Semi-Automatic Mathematics

Senescence accelerated mouse

Senescence-accelerated mice

Senescence-accelerated mouse


Sensor access manager

Sensor Analytical Manager

Sensor Attack Matrix

Separate Absorption and Multiplication

Sequence Alignment and Modeling

Sequence Amplitude Margin

Sequential Access Memory

Sequential Access Method

Sequential Access Methode

Sequential Access Mode

Sequential Acess Method

Serial access memory

Serial-Access Memory

Service Access Multiplexer

Service Account Manager

Service Activation Manual

Service Alteration Manager

Service Application Manager

Service Attitude Measurement

Service Automation Master

Servicing and Maintenance

Serving Area Multiplex

Severed Available Market

Sex arousal mechanism

Shape Analytical Morphometry

Shared Accounting Module

Shared Appreciation Mortgage

Shared-Appreciation Mortgage

Shoot apical meristem

Shoot apical meristems

Short-arc motion

Shuttle Activation Monitor

Shuttle Attachment Manipulator

Side-attack mine

Signal Analysis Module

Signal Analyzing Monitor

Significance Analysis of Microarray

Significance Analysis of Microarrays

Simulation of Analog Methods

Simultaneous Attitude Maneuvers

Singapore Art Museum

Single Agency Manager

Single Application Mode

Single Asian Male

Single Aviation Market

Sinusoidal amplitude modulation

Sinusoidal amplitude-modulated

Sinusoidally amplitude-modulated

Site Assessment Manager

Site availability mode

Situational Awareness Model

Skills Analysis Model

Skype Answering Machine

Sleep/Activity Monitor

Slot allocation management

Small Angel Maneuver

Small aperture module

Small Arms Marksmanship

Smart Access Manager

Smoking-attributable mortality

Snort Alert Monitor

Social Accounting Matrix

Sociedad Argentina de Metales

Society for Adolescent Medicine

Society for Advancement of Management

Society for the Advancement of Management

Software Acquisition Management

Software Administrators Manual

Software Application Management

Software Asset Management

Soil and Air Monitoring

Soluble adhesion molecules

Sort and merge

Sorting and assembly machinery

Sound Absorbing Materials

South African Museum

South American

South American region

South Australian Museum

Space Available Mail

Spatial Access Method

Spatial access methods

Spatio-Angularly Multiplexed

Special Air Mission

Special airlift mission

Special Application Module

Special Asset Management

Specific anthropomorphic mannequin

Spectrum Allocation Manager

Speech-Activated Manipulator

Squad Advanced Marksman

Stabilized assay meter

Staff Augmentation Module

Staging area manager

Standard analysis method

Standard Application Model

Standard Asset Manager

Staphylococcal absorption method

State Administrative Manual

Statewide Advantage for Missouri


Statistical Analysis of Material

Status Acquisition Message

Status Activity Monitors

Step Activity Monitor

Stepped approach model

Stereo Amplifier

Sterile alpha motif

Stevens Agricultural Monitoring

Stocklist Application Module

Storage and Archive Manager

Storage Application Model

Storage Area Management

Storage Area Manager

Strain Absorbent Module

Strategic Aerospace Museum

Strategic Assessment Model

Strategic Asset Management

Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement

Stratospheric Aerosol Monitor

Strong Absorption Model

Structural Amorphous Metal

Structured Access Machine

Student Access Module

Student Aid Management

Student Art Movement

Student Athletic Mentor

Students At Macquarie

Subject area model

Submillimeter Astrophysics Mission

Subscriber Access and Management

Subscriber Access Management

Subscriber Access Multiplexer

Subsequent Address Message

Substance Abuse Module

Substitute alloy material

Substrate adhesion molecule

Substrate-attached material

Subsynoptic Advection Model

Subsystem Access Model

Succinic acid monomethyl ester

Suitability Assessment of Materials


Sulfated acid mucopolysaccharide

Summary Assessment Matrix

Sun Acquisition Mode

Sun-angle magnetometer

Supervisory and Managerial

Supplier Agreement Management

Supply Analysis Model

Support Inventory Management

Supportability Assessment Model

Surface active material

Surface area model

Surface to air missile

Surface to Air Missiles

Surface-Air Missile

Surface-associated material

Surface-to-Air Missile

Surface-to-air missiles


Suspension Automatic Monitor

Suspicious Activity Monitor

Sustainability Assessment Module

Sustainable Asset Management

Swept Amplitude Modulation

Switch Activating Mechanism

Switched Access with Multiplexer

Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh

Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh

Symantec Antivirus for the Mac

Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation

Sympathetic adrenomedullary

Sympathetic-adrenal medullary


Synchronous Access Mode

Synchronous address multiplexer

Synthetic aperture magnetometry

System Access Monitor

System Acquisition Management

System Activation and Monitoring

System Activity Monitor

System Administration Manager

System Administration Memos

System Administration Module

System Administrator Manual

System Administrator's Manual

System Administrators Manual

System Analysis Machine

System Analysis Module

System Assurance Manager

System Availability Management

System for assembling markers

Systems Acquisition Management

Systems Acquisition Manual

Systems Adapter Module

Systems Analysis Module

Systems Assurance Manager

Systems Availability Model

Systems for Automated Manufacture

Systolic anterior motion

Systolic anterior movement

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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